Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will "ge

2024/05/2513:06:33 housepet 1162

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people!

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

Phenomenon 1: "Bumping"

Some dogs will "bounce" after being raised by their owners. When it comes to its owner, it will lie down and expose its belly, asking the owner to touch it. Sometimes it pretends not to notice, and then it will touch the porcelain again in another place.

Don’t think that dogs treat everyone like this. They will only show their belly intentionally in front of people they trust. Because the belly is a very fragile part of a dog and is easily injured. If it is willing to expose it for you to touch, it is because it believes that you will not hurt it.

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

Phenomenon 2: It ran to the bed before you fell asleep

Some dogs, after being raised well by their owners, will especially like to sleep on their owners’ beds. When it's time to rest at night, while you are still brushing your teeth and packing your things, he is already lying on the bed.

really treats the owner's bed as his own doghouse, and he can come and go as he pleases. If the dog is not well-raised by you, it will not be so courageous!

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

Phenomenon 3: Its “bed” is everywhere in the house

A pet dog that has been well-raised by its owner is also very familiar with and trusts the home environment. It can sleep wherever it goes at home, even in the middle of the road. It's its "bed".

The dog does not have a fixed sleeping position. It can be seen that it is at ease with this home and trusts its owner. It does not need to hide and hide. It has completely regarded the home as its own territory.

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

Phenomenon 4 will yawn with you

After a pet dog is raised by its owner, there will be a magical phenomenon, that is, the dog and its owner will become more and more similar. Even if they yawn, they will be synchronized, and the owner will find it incredible. .

Of course, if you pretend to yawn, there will be no synchronization effect. Guys, please pay attention!

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

Phenomenon 5: Get used to the time when you go out

Dogs are animals with a strong sense of time. After getting along with their owners for a period of time, they will adapt to the owner's time and get used to the time when the owner will take them out.

If your dog comes to remind you to walk the dog as soon as it arrives, it means that it has been well-raised by you and has understood your habits.

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

Phenomenon 6: When you call it, it comes

After being raised by its owner, most dogs will become very dependent on their owner. When the owner calls their name, they will run over immediately. Of course, this situation is based on the owner having trained the dog, and the dog is sensitive to the owner's commands.

If you never teach your dog to obey commands, or if you spoil your dog and it doesn't come over, you go find it. No matter how long you keep your dog like this, it won't listen to you that much.

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

When interacting with your dog on a daily basis, you can hold some snacks in your hand. After calling it over, reward it with some snacks. After multiple trainings, it will become very sensitive when it hears your password.

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

Phenomenon 7 Dare to ask for food from you

If your dog is still new to you, it will be timid when it wants to ask for food from you, but if you have raised it well, it will be unscrupulous.

As long as it smells that you have something delicious, it will immediately come over and try to get a bite.

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

However, if you are eating food that is high in sugar, high salt, and high in oil, you should not give it to your dog. Trying to eat it temporarily will do great harm to your dog's body.

If the dog is very greedy, you can prepare some light food for it, which can be meat, vegetables, fruits, or high-quality dog food with high meat content, such as the ones in the picture below, which the dog can eat very much. happy.

Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

Conclusion: How many of the above signs of being raised well do your dogs have?

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Many owners hope that their dogs can be raised as early as possible, so that they can get along with them more easily. But did you know that when a dog has the following symptoms, it proves that it has been raised by you and cannot deceive people! Phenomenon 1: Some dogs will

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