After careful inspection, we found that most of the harassed phones were Apple-based phones. Spam text messages are sent through iMessage of the Apple system and do not need to be sent through the operator's network. According to industry insiders: “Your personal information is l

Spam text messages have always been hated by everyone.

Even if you report this spam text message countless times

, it can be "resent" again by changing your number.

You can't control it at all.


many people have been completely offended by these spam text messages. I'm so angry

I have never been to Macau

and I have never been to a casino

Why do I receive several messages about Macau gaming every day

It's really unbearable

The source of these spam messages

Some of them start with a string of +63 Some of the numbers

are a strange email address

Some are filled with links

Say you can play gambling games online with your mobile phone

Some have pictures and links

Guide users to enter the Apple Store to download software

How can these illegal text messages be so rampant? ? After careful inspection,

found that most of those being harassed were Apple mobile phones. Spam text messages are sent through the iMessage of the Apple system and do not need to be sent through the operator's network.

Why does my iPhone always receive text messages from gambling websites?

According to industry insiders: "Your personal information is likely to be sold on the black market. They take the accounts of these target users and send you iMessage messages. This kind of message is not a text message, but sent through traffic, similar to an email. .”

According to reports, there is currently special software that simulates requests and can send such information in batches. They can also be sent directly through Apple devices, such as computers, mobile phones, etc.

Low cost and strong targeting are important reasons for gambling websites to promote through iMessage.

is Apple's instant messaging software. Apple products can send text, pictures and videos to each other for free through iMessage. This is different from the SMS and MMS services between telecom operators and is "independent and closed". However, this has become a loophole that has been exploited, and some companies or individuals have taken advantage of it to publish advertisements through iMessage and make profits.

netizen said

Yunduo: I changed my Apple ID to another email address and it became much cleaner.

Magical Girl: I always thought it was because I bought football lottery before.

Old times: Installing third-party blocking software seems like your phone needs to be jailbroken.

7_wwen_M: I turned off icloud Drive and I didn’t receive it anymore.

Sarah: You can select "mobile phone number" in "Send and Receive" instead of email address, because many people find users through email addresses. How does

block these?

Method 1: Filter unknown senders

After setting up in this way, the information will be divided into two categories. Spam text messages sent through iMessage will be classified into the "Not in Address Book" column, and there will be no text message notification sound.

Method 2: Delete email contact information

Method 3: Turn off the iMessage button

Open Settings-Message-iMessage and click "Close", but this also means that users cannot use iMessage to send and receive messages.

Method 4: Install third-party interception software

can use third-party software to set up and block. But you have to be careful, because when they are filtering messages, that essentially means they are also reading your iMessages.

Method 5: Decisively report

Users can also click "Report Spam" at the bottom after receiving spam to delete the information and feed the data back to Apple.

In addition, you can also search "12321" in WeChat and follow the account to make a complaint!

However, after taking stock of these major solutions for everyone, will the problem be completely solved?

Unfortunately, the answer is probably no.

It is difficult to say that there is a way to completely block these spam text messages, because even if the number that sends spam text messages is blocked, it can "resend" again by changing its number.

What are the dangers of spam?

Regarding the hidden dangers caused by spam information, we have collected the opinions of some netizens to give everyone a warning.

Maoxiao: I keep receiving this kind of message recently, although I ignore it.Last night, Alipay was stolen, please pay attention!

Bing'er: If you log in, let the registrants get a taste of the benefits at the beginning. When the registrants bet a large amount of money, you will increase the odds and let the registrants lose all their money.

大海: Its background is likely to be a phishing website, using Trojan horse programs to steal all your personal information.

ten years: We have manually blocked and deleted it ourselves, but the effect is very limited, but the negative effects are not small, and it may even affect normal information communication. Apple also has the responsibility to take care of it.

Who should take care of this?

The public security organs have clearly reminded the general public that using online platforms such as WeChat to gamble is illegal. Those who meet the standards for criminal filing will be held criminally responsible according to the crime of gambling and the crime of opening a casino.

Since gambling is illegal, does sending gambling spam text messages count as gambling? Should we add more guilt to each crime?

In addition to users taking the initiative to block, Apple’s responsibility as a platform cannot be avoided.

The Apple platform has the responsibility to take measures to proactively prevent users' private information from being leaked and illegally used, while also strengthening the filtering of spam information to protect users' legitimate rights and interests and reduce the harassment of users by illegal gambling information.

It is said that the main reason for the existence of

spam text messages is the profit drive behind it. In recent years, although supervision has been strengthened, "the devil is as good as the road". Judging from the actual results, spam has not been effectively improved.

Therefore, greater efforts are needed to strengthen communication services and resource management, and strict control of communication channels is required; multi-departmental joint actions are required to strengthen source governance; technical prevention capabilities are enhanced to strengthen early warning, monitoring, identification and interception.

At the same time, laws and regulations must also be continuously improved, and penalties for various responsible parties must be increased to promote the real solution of the problem.