As soon as the college entrance examination results came out on June 23, good news spread from all secondary vocational schools in Sichuan Province. In recent years, the state has increased its support for vocational education. The most obvious thing is that the proportion of goi

" study in secondary vocational school, enter university", the slogan of vocational education has been fully launched. As soon as the college entrance examination results came out on June 23, good news spread from all secondary vocational schools in Sichuan Province.

In recent years, the state has increased its support for vocational education. The most obvious thing is that the proportion of going to higher education has increased. In the past, it was not easy to get into college when studying in secondary vocational schools. Now it is really easy to get into college when studying in secondary vocational schools! →

Part of the secondary vocational college entrance examination results

The second period


Chengdu Electronic Information School

Chengdu Electronic Information School is forging ahead and working hard. In 2022, vocational education will Excellent results in the college entrance examination: 98 undergraduates and junior college students 799 people are online, and the online rate is 100%.

Qingsu Vocational Technical School in Chengdu, Sichuan Province

All the 2019 undergraduate class and the 2019 culture and art class were admitted to colleges and universities; 4 students from the 2019 digital media class and 4 students from the 2019 accounting class Participate in the Vocational Education College Entrance Examination and enter the undergraduate program with high scores; the 2019 Culture and Art Preparatory Class, as the school’s first general high school entrance class, the 2022 College Entrance Examination is off to a successful start, with 8 students taking both culture and art, and many students are expected to be admitted to the 211 and so on Comprehensive undergraduate university art major.

Sichuan Tianfu New District Vocational School

The 2022 college entrance examination results have been announced. Sichuan Tianfu New District Vocational School, as a provincial key school and a provincial famous school, has achieved a record high in the college entrance examination.

has 125 undergraduate students online, ranking second among all secondary vocational schools in Chengdu. There are 724 students enrolled in junior college, 534 of whom were admitted to universities in advance; another 8 students were qualified to study in Japan.

Sichuan Shuangliu Construction Vocational and Technical School

Students in 2022 will take the college entrance examination. Civil engineering and water conservancy, finance and commerce, computer, preschool education and art will take the corresponding college entrance examination. The admission rate for undergraduates is 45%, and the admission rate for junior college is 100%. Among them, 25% for architecture majors. people, accounting for 9% of the number of undergraduate students enrolled in the province's unified major in architecture; 8 people in preschool education (including art) majors have passed the undergraduate degree, and the number of undergraduates in the two majors

has continued to rank first among similar schools in Shuangliu District.

Dujiangyan Vocational Middle School

Dujiangyan Vocational Middle School will have 29 undergraduate candidates admitted to the college entrance examination in 2022, with an admission rate of 32.5%; 583 junior college candidates, with an admission rate of 96.5%. The school once again achieved great success in the 2022 College Entrance Examination, with the admission rate reaching 96.9%.

Sichuan Province Dayi County Vocational High School

555 students from the school will take the college entrance examination in 2022, of which 34 will take the counterpart vocational education college entrance examination, 12 will be admitted to the undergraduate program, and 498 will be admitted to the junior college; five-year through (3+2) training, 81 will be 100% qualified transcribed successfully. The college entrance examination scores have reached a record high again, once again using strength to interpret the school-running level of "lower, higher, higher".

Jianyang Senior Vocational High School in Sichuan Province

A total of 40 people have taken the undergraduate college entrance examination, including 10 people in the finance and commerce category, 10 people in the electronic information category, 15 people in the tourism service category, 4 people in the computer category, and 4 people in the arts and sports category Category: 1 person, an increase of 185.7% compared with 2021. The admission rate for undergraduate and junior college students in the corresponding college entrance examination is 100%. A total of 916 people were admitted to

through single enrollment, with an enrollment rate of 83.4%. Among them: 435 people were admitted to public colleges and universities, an increase of 26.24% from last year; 132 people were admitted to national key majors, an increase of 135.7% from last year; 202 people were admitted to provincial excellent and provincial colleges and universities; 99 people were admitted to ordinary public colleges and universities.

Sichuan Province Jintang County Vocational Senior High School

The number of online undergraduate students in class

hit a record high in school history. There were 32 people in the "Lingyun Class" as references and 15 undergraduate students online; the undergraduate online rate reached 46.8%. There are two breakthroughs in the undergraduate majors in automobile repair and art, 2 people have passed the bachelor's degree in art, and one person has passed the bachelor's degree in automobile repair. The enrollment rate for the bachelor's degree in high-star hotel operations and management continues to reach 100%. The single-subject results of similar majors rank among the best in the province. computer network technology major Wu Zefeng scored 138 in mathematics, and Luo Han majored in accounting affairs with a comprehensive score of 332.

Nanchong Health School in Sichuan Province

In 2022, 25 people from the 2019 graduating class took the corresponding college entrance examination, and 19 people were admitted to the undergraduate course in medicine and health, with an admission rate of 76%. Among them, Cheng Wei, a student majoring in imaging, scored 599 points, 78 points beyond the undergraduate level; 2 students scored 580-590; 6 students scored 550-579 or above; 10 students scored 521-549; creating a miracle in the history of Nanwei University.

Sichuan Province Quxian Vocational Technical School

019 students participated in the college entrance examination and the higher vocational single-entry examination and achieved good results: 18 undergraduates were admitted to the department, a total of 412 were admitted to higher vocational colleges, and 105 undergraduates were admitted to the cooperative education class. . The number of undergraduates admitted to the college entrance examination and the number of single-entry admissions to higher vocational schools both rank among the top among secondary vocational schools in Dazhou City, setting a record high.

Nursing School of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Chengdu Hospital

The school’s 2022 medical and health counterpart college entrance examination has 2 students with scores of 600 or above, 14 students with 550 or above, and a total of 29 undergraduate students, ranking among the best in the province.

Leshan City Jiazhou Health Vocational School

There are 23 students participating in the 2022 counterpart college entrance examination (14,877 students in the province's medical and health majors participated in the counterpart college entrance examination, and 245 people participated in the medical and health undergraduate enrollment plan), with an average score of 385 points in the college entrance examination. The online rate is 100%!

As the score lines are announced one after another

the admission data of each school will be added one after another

We will wait and see, welcome to leave a message to let us know!

editor | Wu Jiao