The current peak level is 44, and I only started playing in the second week after the server was launched. The guide to the nga mage area is only detailed for beginners, so I am going to write an article myself. First, let’s briefly introduce the mage genre. Mage pve and pvp have

Author: NGA-instantaneous

The current peak level is 44, and I only started playing in the second week after the server was launched. The guide to the nga mage area is only more detailed for beginners, so I am going to write an article myself.

will first briefly introduce the mage style. There are different styles of mage pve and pvp. Pve is divided into wind and fire flow, ray flow and comprehensive flow. PVP is divided into assassin flow, ray flow and control flow. This time I am only going to talk about PVE, I will talk about PVP when I have time.

Wind and Fire Flow: The core idea is that wind can cause 50% additional damage to enemies in a burning state. The core skills are meteor shower + tornado, and the auxiliary skills are black hole + teleportation. Core advantages: Hands-off.

ray flow: The core idea is to use ice crystals to reflect rays to ensure a large amount of aoe. Core skills ice ray/fire ray + ice crystal, auxiliary skill: teleportation. Core advantage: AOE can be played without gathering monsters.

comprehensive flow: The core idea is that I want both wind, fire and ray. Skills: Meteorite rain + tornado + ice crystal + ice ray/tornado + fire ray + ice crystal + auxiliary skills (teleport, shield, black hole, etc.). Core advantages: There is no vacuum period in skills.

For the three schools of pve, I personally think that the most suitable one is Fenghuoliu. The biggest problem with ray flow is that the ray controls itself and cannot move.

's Fenghuoliu skills are all available to ensure flexibility, and you can always level during the skill period. The mage's flat A damage is very high and is AOE.

Fenghuoliu bd:

head selects the head that increases the black hole range by 20%.

body selection meteorite range increases the body by 20%.

Shoulder Select the shoulder that increases meteorite damage by 10%.

legs choose meteorite to become meteorite rain pants.

The main weapon is a staff that summons a continuous tornado.

Secondary weapon selects tornado usage times +1.

The current optimal solution for the set on the left should be the Qianfeng set. Increase movement speed by 15% and damage by 20%.

Gem selection:

Red hole: Pink gem (damage). Blue hole: deep sapphire (armor breaking). Yellow hole: light yellow gemstone (control strength).

Legendary gems:

There is little introduction about the selection of legendary gems for mages, so I will just talk about my own understanding. Listed below are all legendary gems that I think mages can carry. t0 is recommended to bring other optional belts.

One-star gem:

t0: Eye of Berserker attack speed gem (gem that increases attack speed and damage to A)

t1: aoe gem (gem with more people, higher damage) Control gem (attacks on controlled targets increase damage)

t1 ... The method is attack speed gem + eye of berserker + aoe gem + hunter's gaze + pass (yin and yang jade) + fighting spirit emerald. Since the pass gems cannot be upgraded at present, you should consider whether to bring them with you.

currently has 1600+ installation levels reaching level 58. It's just that the green equipment is too difficult to produce and there is no need to fix a 4-man team. There is still a lot of room for improvement.

has already exceeded 400 combat power and defeated monsters.