He invited the children to draw a little monster from their inner imagination, and then used illustrations to turn the children's work into a real little monster. It was super creative. 2World Tour LINEFRIENDS World Tour themed exhibition is coming to Taiwan!

Imagine the infinite

Aaron Zenz is a children's illustrator and a father of six children. He invites children to draw a little monster in their inner imagination, and then uses illustration to turn the child's work into a real little monster. It's super Be creative!

World Tour

LINE FRIENDS World Tour themed exhibition is coming to Taiwan! Here are the Bear Air cabin, the World Arrival Hall, and the Japanese Cherry Blossom Lovers Bridge...

are all super hot spots suitable for taking pictures of children! The exhibition is open until April 7th, so hurry up and bring your kids to experience it!

The art of "paper"

Cheryl Teo is an art studio from Singapore. They are very good at using paper to create creations.

Whether it’s a squirrel, a birthday cake or a swimming pool, they can make it all out of paper!

Super Cute Pet Sculptures

This set of sculptures comes from the creation of artist Fred Yokel. No matter what animal, it can become round and cute in his hands, very cute!

is also very healing ~ I really want to have it!

Warm and cozy baby room

From the baby room wall decorations to the crib surrounds, as well as various super soft and cute plush toys to soothe babies, Bedtime Originals has designed them all for babies!

It’s so cozy for my baby to live in it! It feels like you are in a fairy tale kingdom~

Mickey FUN is Big

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of Mickey, Taipei Songshan Cultural and Creative Park is holding the "Mickey FUN is Big" special exhibition, which contains precious original manuscripts, classic Mickey chapters, and Classic Mickey images and more.

Mickey Control is definitely not to be missed!

Hello Kitty is 45 years old.

To celebrate the 45th anniversary of Hello Kitty’s birth, the store in Ikebukuro, Tokyo is holding a Hello Kitty 45th Anniversary Collection Exhibition.

This is the first time that Hello Kitty’s House is open to the public, and there are precious nostalgic collections on display~ Arrange it soon~

There is a rainbow on the wall

Hooks are no longer an eyesore! The rainbow series of hooks launched by Sass Belle add a bright color to the wall~

It is both practical and beautiful! It is really a must-have product for home travel~

Tokidoki Colorful World

Singapore Changi Airport will be available from March 15 to May A giant tokidoki inflatable playground opened for children on the 1st, with trampoline donuts and the world's largest unicorn slide.

The time between taking the baby and waiting for the flight is also full of fun ~ It turns out that the airport has long become a playground for children!


social media editor / Cola

intern editor / Paprika

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