Summary: The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Japanese yen on April 28, 2016. The real-time exchange rate of the US dollar against the Japanese yen today (updated at 2016-04-28 07:02): Currency exchange The middle of the Japanese yen exchange rate in the inter-bank fore

Summary: US dollar to Japanese yen exchange rate market on April 28, 2016

US dollar to Japanese yen exchange rate real-time market today (updated at 2016-04-28 07:02):

Currency exchange

Interbank foreign exchange market on April 28, 2016 The central parity rate of the Japanese yen is: 1 US dollar to the Japanese yen 111.5055 yuan, and 100 US dollars to the Japanese yen 11150.55 yuan.

Gold futures prices ended slightly higher on Tuesday. U.S. durable goods orders released on Tuesday night did not perform as expected, and the U.S. dollar index weakened sharply and hit a two-day low. This not only helped gold prices hold on to the integer mark of $1,230, but also helped gold prices regain the $1,240 mark.

Although Barclays believes that the mild market conditions and the short-term range fluctuations of the US dollar will not change, it also points out that risks may emerge at any time, especially China's financial risks seem to be increasing, and Chinese state-owned enterprise debt defaults have slightly emerged. This in turn puts downward pressure on the stock market. If related risks are magnified, the market's safe-haven demand for the U.S. dollar will return.

The relevant information on today's exchange rate of the US dollar against the Japanese yen and above is provided by the CICC Market Center and is for reference only. If you want to know more about the trend of the US dollar against the Japanese yen, you can follow the CICC Financial News Channel daily. Financial reporting.