In the recent "Ukrainian conflict" that shocked the world, Israel also had a strong presence. The day after Putin started the "special military operation," Israeli Prime Minister Bennett had a phone call at the invitation of Ukrainian President Zelensky. Later, he communicated wi

As the "Hegemon in the Middle East", Israel has been diligently playing the role assigned by its big brother the United States, and based on this, it has actively expanded its international influence. In the recent " Ukraine conflict " that shocked the world, Israel also has a sense of presence.

On the day after Putin started the "special military operation", Israeli Prime Minister Bennett made a phone call at the invitation of Ukrainian President Zelensky. Later, he communicated with Putin on the phone and expressed his mediation. the meaning of.

Although Israel is an ally of the United States, it did not clearly side with the United States in the Ukraine crisis . Perhaps taking into account the layout of the Russian military in Syria , Israel does not dare to support Ukraine in a big way or fall out with Russia. It can only remain neutral between Russia and Ukraine to avoid having too close relations with either party. Even at the recent United Nations General Assembly , Israel refused to follow the United States in condemning Russia's military actions in Ukraine, causing protests from the United States ambassador to the United Nations .

Compared with the Israeli government’s “universal” attitude, the Israeli people stand uniformly on Ukraine’s side. Recently, thousands of people gathered in Tel Aviv's Habima Square and Rothschild Avenue to protest Russia's continued military operations in Ukraine and condemn the Israeli government's "sluggish response." Those who participated in the protest also marched towards the Russian Embassy, ​​but were later stopped by the police.

We all know that since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, the West has been secretly supporting Ukraine although it has not sent troops. Israel has also followed suit by sending humanitarian supplies to Ukraine, but in the eyes of the protesters, this is obviously not enough. . According to the protesters, the mission of this protest is to "stop the war" and urge the Israeli government to play a more active role. For example, don’t just send humanitarian aid to Ukraine; it’s important to support weapons.

Many of the protesters are immigrants from Ukraine, but the leaders are genuine Israelis. At the rally, protesters played Ukrainian songs and chanted slogans, claiming that "there is democracy here in Israel and Israel is not afraid of war." Indeed, Israel may not be afraid of war. This is not because of how democratic it is, but because most of the time, Israel is the initiator of war, not the bearer of tragedy.

Some netizens sarcastically said that when the Israelis gathered in the square to call for peace, have they ever thought about how much land under their feet does not actually belong to them?

In fact, much of the land in Israel's "territory" today once belonged to neighboring countries Palestine .

In 1947, the United Nations under the control of Britain and the United States prepared to establish an Arab state and a Jewish state in Palestine. After Israel announced the establishment of the state on May 4, 1948, a war broke out between the two countries. Israel soon occupied more than 6,200 square kilometers belonging to Palestine. On June 5, 1967, the third Middle East War broke out, and Israel once again seized large areas of land.

Today’s Palestinian territory has grown from 11,500 square kilometers at the beginning of the founding of the country to only 2,500 kilometers under actual control today. Only a few decades later, the Palestinian territory has been encroached by Israel to less than a quarter.

Not only was the capital taken away, but it was also shut out of the United Nations. How tragic! However, the Israelis' presence in the Middle East is getting higher and higher, and their military intervention in neighboring countries is becoming more and more powerful.

Israel's rampage in the Middle East cannot be separated from the acquiescence and support of the United States behind it. In addition to several major wars, it is also a daily routine for Israel to occupy the territory of neighboring countries for various reasons.

In fact, the history of Israel's fortune is a history of blood and tears of the people of neighboring countries. Now how can Israel openly accuse Russia or ask Bennett to provide weapons to Zelensky?