After the world basketball world enters May, it involves international competitions, attracting the attention of many media and fans. June will be the window period for the World Cup, and July will be the Asian Cup finals, involving teams headed by the Chinese men’s basketball te

After the world basketball world enters May, it involves international competitions, attracting the attention of many media and fans. June will be the window period for the World Cup, and July will be the Asian Cup finals, involving Chinese men's basketball For the team headed by the team, it will be the focus of this summer. In previous interviews with the Chinese Basketball Association, Yao Ming hopes to form a team that is suitable for long-term use in the future, so as to complete the replacement of the old and the new and prepare for the Paris cycle. of the Olympic Games.

From Arab , Zhai Xiaochuan , Ding Yanyuhang to the second-tier level, the Chinese men's basketball team is indeed slowly preparing, such as Guo Ailun , Zhou Qi , Zhao Rui , Zhao Jiwei , etc. They are all core players of the new men's basketball team and will represent the core framework of the next Olympic Games. He will soon represent the Chinese men's basketball team in the window period and the Asian Cup.

However, for the Japanese men's basketball team, they should have been one of China's strong opponents. After all, they have two players, Hachimura and Watanabe, plus Japan's fast Xiaoling style of play. They were once in the Tokyo Olympics. warm-up match and proved his team. If the entire main lineup plays, it will definitely be an opponent that and Du Feng need to prepare for in advance.

is just a return to Hachimura. He has spoken personally or through his management team to clearly refuse the call from the Japan Basketball Association and will not participate in any games this summer. The result of this has attracted the attention of the Asian basketball community. From the perspective of ability, Hachimura, as a Japanese-African mixed race, can meet the standard of the NBA's main rotation, which is definitely the ceiling for Asian forward players. Many fans are looking forward to Zhang Zhenlin 's duel with him, but in the past two years, Hachimura has been He was so scolded that he rarely returned to Japan.

As we all know, Hachimura is very determined to represent Japan in the Tokyo Olympics. He did not hesitate to refuse the training camp of the Wizards and joined the Japanese men's basketball team 2 months in advance. However, due to the inability to produce results, coupled with the comparison to Japan The performance of the women's basketball team , the core player of the Japanese men's basketball team Rui Hachimura became the target of many Japanese netizens' complaints. This caused him to report that he had psychological problems. He was absent from the Wizards indefinitely last season without any physical injuries. the match of.

Hachimura received several months of individual treatment before returning to play for the Wizards. However, from the attitude of Japanese netizens, they did not buy it. They believed that his ineffective performance in the Tokyo Olympics caused major doubts. Nowadays, Hachimura has repeatedly refused call-ups from Japan, and foreign media have revealed that there is great uncertainty as to whether Hachimura will continue to participate in international competitions on behalf of Japan in the future.

Therefore, many netizens have seen players like Rui Hachimura and Watanabe enter the NBA to play, which has improved Japan's overall strength by more than one level. Whether the Chinese men's basketball team will consider naturalization? Facts have proved that a single player cannot solve the problem. Instead, it is in line with the development direction of Chinese basketball. This is the right path.