A netizen recently bought a cute cat nest online to give to his master. Unexpectedly, he did not see the size clearly when placing the bid, and the product he received turned into XXXS! The photos afterwards were also shared on "Breaking News Commune", and many netizens laughed o

When buying something, you must read the product content clearly, otherwise the same tragedy will happen.

A netizen recently bought a cute cat nest online to give to his master. Unexpectedly, he did not see the size clearly when placing the bid, and the product he received turned into XXXS! The netizen said helplessly and funny on the spot: "Am I abducted?"

▲The cat's eyes said it all...

The netizen posted this set of photos at the scrap commune PO and saw only the seller in the online store The picture says, "Doll's Den Therapeutic Set Tent Tree Hole" price and size are also marked. However, he seems to have hurriedly placed a bid without seeing the product content clearly. When he received the actual product, he found out that it was a "mouse den" The cat who was trying out the product had a look in his eyes and said, "This is so good!" The funny picture amused many netizens.

▲Only when the product arrived did I find it was a mouse nest.

The photos after the incident were also shared on the "Breaking News Commune". Many netizens laughed at the strong comparison pictures, "It's too mini! Or is your cat too big???", "Cat's The expression is so funny", "It's for cats to heal, you can put the cat's paw in it", "Why do I keep laughing", "Zhushu: That's for me to sleep on!", "At least... it does. To achieve the healing effect", "The master said...the dumb cat".