At the same time, many netizens also questioned and criticized Chen Baiwei's idea of ​​letting Hong Kong people come to Taiwan to serve as soldiers. "Executive President" Su Zhenchang and Chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council Chen Mingtong were questioned by "Legislator" Chen

[Text/Observer Network Xiong Chaoran] "We can invite Hong Kong people to come to Taiwan to serve as soldiers. There are three advantages. First, they are younger than us. Second, they hate the mainland more than us. Third, we can increase the number of our workers. Can we consider this matter?"

These remarks came from Chen Baiwei, a "legislator" of the "Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party" who advocates "Taiwan independence." According to reports from Taiwanese media such as China Times, he suggested during a question at the Legislative Yuan on March 24 that the Taiwan authorities should allow "Hong Kong protesters" to come to Taiwan to "join the military" and obtain "citizenship rights."

Faced with such suggestions, Su Tseng-chang, the "sophisticated" "Executive President" of the Taiwan authorities, knew that the issue was sensitive and had to answer cautiously. Chen Baiwei should be cautious when responding.

At the same time, many netizens also questioned and criticized Chen Baiwei's idea of ​​letting Hong Kong people come to Taiwan to serve as soldiers. Yu Muming, the honorary chairman of the New Party, lamented in an article that when he was in the "Legislative Yuan", whether he was blue or green, he was very solid in politics, but now the questioning is "playing a monkey show".

"Executive President" Su Zhenchang and Chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council Chen Mingtong were questioned by "Legislator" Chen Baiwei. Screenshot from the video

Chen Baiwei: "There are many benefits to Hong Kong people coming to Taiwan to serve as soldiers"

According to Taiwan media "ETtoday News Cloud", During the questioning that day, when Chen Baiwei mentioned the topic of "support for Hong Kong", he said that "today's Hong Kong, tomorrow's Taiwan", support for Hong Kong cannot be just words. He suggested that the Taiwan authorities could consider recruiting Hong Kong people to serve as soldiers in Taiwan, and listed There are various benefits, and it is especially mentioned that "Hong Kong people hate the mainland more than Taiwanese people."

It is worth noting that this is not the first time that such claims have appeared. The "Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party" said during the "extradition bill storm" in Hong Kong last year that it should imitate the US military conscription system and allow "Hong Kong protesters" to come to Taiwan to "join the military." Replenish the supply of troops.

In this regard, "Executive President" Su Tseng-chang said that the Taiwan authorities are concerned about Hong Kong's struggle for so-called "freedom and democracy", but they may be cautious about allowing them to come to Taiwan to serve as soldiers.

Chen Baiwei, born in 1985, is the first "legislator" of the "Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party", which has long advocated the concept of "Taiwan independence." While running for Kaohsiung City Council in 2018, Chen Baiwei was called "Brother 3Q" by netizens because of his habit of using the catchphrase "3Q" in publicity. In the 2020 "legislator" election in Taiwan, Chen Baiwei received the support of the Democratic Progressive Party and was elected in the second district of Taichung City, defeating the local Kuomintang candidate Yan Kuanheng, who has strong local power.

According to the Taiwan media "United News Network", Chen Baiwei's above remarks immediately aroused doubts and criticism from the Kuomintang and many netizens.

KMT Taichung City Councilor Huang Jianhao posted on Facebook on the 24th, questioning Chen Baiwei’s suggestion. In addition, many Taiwanese netizens also criticized and ridiculed Chen Baiwei. "Who elected him? With just this quality?", "I'm extremely sorry for selecting such a person from my constituency", "Relax your neck scarf, if it's too tight, your brain will be deprived of oxygen", "Taiwanese young people are afraid of being Soldiers? Is there any problem with finding Hong Kong people?” “Do you really think that Hong Kong people are ‘anti-China’?”

Picture from Facebook

Chen Baiwei has made “retarded” remarks many times. , Chen Baiwei’s exaggerated remarks are not over yet. On the 25th, he also named Ma Ying-jeou during an interview, saying that his suggestion was not without "precedent." Ma Ying-jeou was born in Hong Kong and eventually became the leader of Taiwan.

Chen Baiwei’s remarks are outrageous, and senior political figures cannot stand it. On the 25th, Yu Muming, the honorary chairman of the New Party, posted a post on Facebook, lamenting the poor quality of today's "legislators" and their poor political performance. He wrote that when he asked political questions in the "Legislative Yuan", everyone was not in vain. In addition to being sharp, he had more connotation. But now, even such retarded remarks as "looking for Hong Kong people to serve as soldiers" can be put on the question desk to perform monkey tricks?

Yu Muming pointed out to the point that the so-called hiring of Hong Kong people to serve as soldiers does not mean that these people shout "Taiwan independence" but are unwilling to fight?

Observer Network noticed that in less than two months since he took office as a "legislator" on February 1, Chen Baiwei has repeatedly made controversial remarks in public.

According to the "United News Network" report, Chen Baiwei believed during the "Legislative Yuan" inquiry on March 9 that the Mainland Affairs Council and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council were "not equal" and publicly called on the Taiwan authorities to set up a so-called "China Department" under the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs". Or establish a "United Front Work Department" and a "Ministry of Internal Affairs" and merge the Mainland Affairs Council into them to handle business in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau. He claimed that the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council is located under the United Front Work Department, and only in this way will it not be "dwarfed".

Picture from "China Times Electronic News"

In fact, Chen Baiwei lacks the most basic knowledge and common sense. For example: the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council is not located under the United Front Work Department.

"United News Network" commented that Chen Baiwei, as a "legislator", does not even understand some of the most basic knowledge and common sense.

's comment also pointedly sarcastically said that Chen Baiwei's idea of ​​establishing the so-called "Ministry of Internal Affairs" is a slap in the face. It runs counter to the "Taiwan independence" logic of the "Taiwan Foundation Progressive Party". I am afraid that even the "independence faction" will listen to it. He would shake his head at his suggestion. I really don’t know where this wild idea comes from.

Chen Baiwei’s remarks highlighted the chaos in the island’s political ecology.

Taiwanese media "China Times" published an editorial on March 12 titled "After the passion, what's left for Chen Baiwei", which pointed out that relying on passion to win a loud voice, but in the end can only fade out of the political arena, Chen Baiwei should Learn your lesson, be less verbal and more professional. Otherwise, the former "legislator" Huang Guochang who abused populism will be a lesson learned from Chen Baiwei, and the evil path of populism will eventually bring down Taiwan.

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