According to Taiwan's China Times, talks on the so-called Taiwan-US "Trade and Investment Architecture Agreement" that have been suspended for nearly five years were held via video on June 30. The U.S. Trade Representative's office said after the meeting that the two sides promis

The so-called economic and trade negotiations between Taiwan and the United States have resumed, and the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have promised to resolve the "laizhu" market barriers . (Photo source: Taiwan's "China Times")

China Taiwan Network reported on July 1 that according to Taiwan's "China Times" report, the so-called Taiwan-US "Trade and Investment Architecture Agreement" (TIFA) talks have been suspended for nearly five years on June 30. The U.S. Trade Representative's office said after the meeting that the two sides promised to strengthen contact in the future to solve trade issues such as market barriers for U.S. beef and pork, and agreed to establish multiple working groups at TIFA to facilitate future group meetings. Ongoing. Deng Zhenzhong, the relevant person in charge of the administrative department of

, claimed that this meeting was held “based on the spirit of cooperation”. He explained that the reason is that Taiwan has solved the problem that the United States accused, that is, the safety tolerance of ractopamine in pork. He declared that the United States highly appreciates Taiwan's "determination to integrate with international norms, and fully understands Taiwan's determination to integrate with the United States." Therefore, it participated in the meeting with a positive attitude, which also laid the foundation for the improvement of the so-called "bilateral economic and trade relations" in the future. Base.

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative issued a press release after the meeting, saying that the U.S. and Taiwan authorities committed to strengthening engagement to resolve important trade issues, including market barriers faced by U.S. beef and pork producers. According to reports, U.S. officials emphasized the importance of the so-called "trade and investment relationship" between Taiwan and the United States during the meeting.

Fei Hongtai, general convener of the Chinese Kuomintang League of Taiwan's legislative body, said that although the talks covered a wide range of areas, the content was very empty, and the US did not make any specific expectations and propositions for Taiwan, including vaccine OEMs. In response, the DPP authorities should not be content with using talks as a means of internal propaganda.

In response to the so-called resumption of Taiwan-US economic and trade negotiations, Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Ma Xiaoguang recently made it clear that we firmly oppose the negotiation and signing of any agreement with sovereignty implications between the United States and Taiwan. The Democratic Progressive Party authorities "rely on the United States and seek independence" and do not hesitate to import "lai pigs" and frequently betray the interests of the people on the island. It is conceivable that the DPP authorities will only continue to harm the interests and well-being of the majority of Taiwan compatriots for the selfish interests of one party. (China Taiwan Net Li Ning)