There are also tips for steaming rice in the fast-paced era. This way, there is no need to stir-fry, and the lazy version of steamed rice is fragrant~ 1. Fresh pumpkin steamed rice Ingredients: 1 bowl of sprouted rice, 1 pumpkin, 100g of diced yam, appropriate amount of salt, app

There are also tips for steaming rice in the fast-paced era. This way, there is no need to stir-fry, and the lazy version of steamed rice is fragrant ~

1. Fresh pumpkin steamed rice

Ingredients: 1 bowl of sprouted rice, 1 pumpkin, 100g of diced yam, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of soy sauce

1. Cut the pumpkin in half and remove the seeds, peel and cut half into small cubes, and set aside the other half.

2. Mix the diced pumpkin and yam into the rice, add an appropriate amount of salt, season with an appropriate amount of soy sauce, fill the pumpkin, wrap it with plastic wrap, and transfer it to a steamer. Steam for 15 minutes

2. Steamed rice with minced meat

Ingredients: rice (you can add some glutinous rice appropriately, the steamed rice will be more fragrant and glutinous), minced meat, carrots, mushrooms

1. Wash the rice and soak it for 1 hour Above, drain the water thoroughly. (It must be soaked, otherwise it will be difficult to steam and hard. The water must also be drained. If there is too much water, the bottom layer of steamed rice will be rotten)

2. Blanch the carrots and mushrooms in slices, use cold water, and squeeze out the water slightly. Cut into mince

3, mince vegetables and minced meat, add chopped green onion and cooking wine and mix well

4. Mix the minced meat and rice, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, black pepper and a little sugar and mix well (pork can also be added according to taste) oil)

5. Pour the rice into a steamer covered with tin foil, put it in the pot and steam it over medium heat for about 30 minutes (the lid needs to be covered)

3. Tomato rice

Ingredients: 40 grams of onions, 50 grams of tomatoes, 100 grams of white rice, foreign food 40 grams of coix seed, 120 ㏄ of water

1. Peel and dice the onion; wash and dice the tomatoes; soak the coix seed in water (except the ingredients) for about 1 hour and let it swell, then drain and set aside.

2. After washing the white rice, drain the water and put the ingredients of method 1 into the electronic pot. Add water, press the switch to steam until the switch jumps, and simmer for another ten minutes.

4. Sausage, chicken and vegetable rice

Ingredients: cabbage, Glutinous rice, cured chicken , sausage, oyster sauce, soy sauce chicken juice, soy sauce

1. Boil water

2. Tear off the cabbage and place it on the bottom of the bowl

3. Add the glutinous rice soaked before going out in the morning, add appropriate amount of water

4. Chop the cured chicken, Chop the sausages and add them.

5. Mix a little oyster sauce, soy sauce, chicken juice, soy sauce, and top with

5. Cured rice.

Ingredients: 2 cups of white rice, 2 cups of water, 2 sausages, 2 liver sausages.

1. Wash and drain the white rice. Dry it, put it into the inner pot of electric cooker , then pour 2 cups of water, and put the washed sausage and liver sausage on top of the white rice.

2. Use the normal electronic cooking method to cook the rice in step 1, then take out the sausages and liverwurst and cut them into plates, stir the rice evenly and serve in a bowl.

6. Amaranth steamed rice

Ingredients: 100 grams of white rice, 2 garlic kernels, red amaranth 150 grams, 1 tablespoon of flax oil, 20 grams of corn kernels, 120 ㏄ of water

1. Cut the red amaranth into small sections; slice the garlic and set aside.

2. Heat a pan, pour in sesame oil, sauté the garlic slices in Step 1 over low heat until fragrant, then add the red amaranth segments and stir-fry for about 1 minute until the water comes out of the red amaranth, drain and set aside.

3. Wash the white rice, drain the water, and mix the fried red amaranth and corn kernels in Step 2 into the electronic pot, press the switch to steam until the switch jumps, and simmer for another ten minutes.

7. Oyster steamed rice

Ingredients: 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of chili powder, 1 tablespoon of chopped green onions, 1 tablespoon of minced garlic, a small amount of sesame oil, sesame seeds, and pepper.

1. Shell the oysters, wash them with salt water and remove the water.

2. Steam the rice until it is neither soft nor hard, and steam the oysters while stewing.

3. Put the rice in a bowl, add condiments and mix to eat. Make the rice dry and add oysters while it is simmering. When cooked, add condiments and eat with rice.

8. Steamed Rice with Pork Ribs

Ingredients: Pork Ribs, salt, soy sauce, oil, garlic, chicken essence, sugar, cornstarch

1. Cut the ribs into small pieces and mix with salt, soy sauce, oil, garlic, chicken essence, sugar and cornstarch. taste.

2. Place the steamer in the rice cooker and cook together with the rice. The rice will also suffice if the pork ribs are cooked.

9. Mushroom and Chestnut Chicken Rice

Ingredients: 600g chestnuts, appropriate amount of dried mushrooms, 2 boneless chicken legs, 4 cups of white rice, appropriate amount of wolfberry, a handful of coriander, a little white pepper, 5 tablespoons of rice wine, 5 tablespoons of vegetarian oyster sauce spoon, 2 tablespoons of pure Japanese-style soy sauce

1. Fry the boneless chicken legs skin down on both sides until fragrant, then cut into pieces

2. Add the shiitake mushrooms to the pot for frying the chicken legs and stir-fry until fragrant

3. Put the cut chicken leg pieces into the pot together Stir-fry

4. Add the sauce and stir-fry until the soup is almost dry. Add white pepper and stir-fry.

5. After washing the rice, put in enough water (the above method is to use 4 cups of rice-3.5 cups of water), put the chestnuts on it and stir-fry. Chicken legs

6. Before serving, add minced coriander, wolfberry, and white pepper and mix well

Ten. Green vegetable steamed rice

Ingredients: a handful of green vegetables, three original sausages, a cup and a half of white rice, an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of pepper and salt

1. Cut the sausages Dice, cut the Qingjiang vegetables into bite-sized pieces and prepare ingredients

2. After washing the white rice, throw the diced sausage into the Datong electric cooker too! (The ratio of water in the inner pot is about 1:1.2, which can make the rice slightly moist, and it is easier to stir and season later)

3. Wait for the electric pot to jump up, and then throw in the prepared Qingjiang vegetables. This can keep the vegetables. Crispness! Continue to simmer for 10-15 minutes

4. Open the lid, stir in salt and pepper and adjust the saltiness you want. ^^

11. Eggplant steamed rice

Ingredients: 1 eggplant, half a bowl of minced meat, 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, a little chili, 1 cup of white rice, 1 cup of water, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 tablespoon of sesame oil, appropriate amount of salt

1. Wash the rice and soak in 1 cup of water. 20 minutes. Finely chop onions, peppers, and garlic and set aside.

2. Wash the eggplant, remove the stems, cut into small pieces, soak in water, remove and drain when cooking, set aside.

3. Mix the rice, eggplant pieces, ground meat and seasonings slightly, then put them into an electric pot and steam until cooked.

4. When the switch jumps up, let the eggplant rice continue to simmer for about 20 minutes. Add minced onion, minced garlic, and minced chili pepper, stir evenly from bottom to top with a rice spoon, and it is ready to eat.

12. Bacon corn rice

Ingredients: About 2 cups of rice, corn kernels, 1/2 cup of green beans, 1/2 cup of bacon, about 50 grams of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of sesame oil, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil.

1. Wash the rice, green beans and corn. Rinse and defrost, cut the bacon into cubes, put all the ingredients together, and stir evenly;

2. Put all the ingredients in a large ceramic bowl, add water to the ingredients, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to taste, and stir evenly;

3, Put the bowl on the steamer rack and put it into a large pot. Pour water into the large pot. Cover the lid and start steaming. Turn on high heat first. After the water boils, the heat will be medium for about 30-45 minutes. When the rice is cooked, sprinkle some sesame oil when eating. It's fragrant. If it's not salty enough, you can add some pickles or something to make it a delicious meal.