June 30 news, according to 21st Century Business Herald, sources in Apple’s supply chain broke the news that this year’s iPhone 14 series may further increase in price. Except for the regular version of iPhone 14, all other versions will be $100 more expensive than the previous g

2024/07/0307:55:33 hotcomm 1477

News on June 30, according to 21 Century Economic Report , sources in the Apple supply chain broke the news that this year’s iPhone 14 series may further increase in price. Except for the iPhone 14 regular version, all other versions will be more expensive than the previous generation. 100 dollars.

June 30 news, according to 21st Century Business Herald, sources in Apple’s supply chain broke the news that this year’s iPhone 14 series may further increase in price. Except for the regular version of iPhone 14, all other versions will be $100 more expensive than the previous g - DayDayNews

(Source: Weibo)

In terms of national bank prices, all iPhone 14 series will increase their prices. Since there is no mini model this year, the starting price is directly the price of iPhone 14, which is expected to be 6,199 yuan, which is 200 yuan more expensive than iPhone 13. The price of iPhone 14 Max is between iPhone 14 and 14 Pro, and the starting price may be 6,999 yuan or 7,199 yuan.

The price increase of the two Pro models may be higher, and will be much more expensive than last year’s 7,999 yuan. A more reliable starting price has not yet been revealed. However, it is reported that the price of the 1TB Emperor Edition will reach more than 14,000 yuan, which is about 1,000 yuan more expensive than the previous generation's 12,999 yuan. According to Apple’s pricing strategy, this price is still within the expected range. Friends who are planning to upgrade to a new phone this year may have to prepare for a new phone.

June 30 news, according to 21st Century Business Herald, sources in Apple’s supply chain broke the news that this year’s iPhone 14 series may further increase in price. Except for the regular version of iPhone 14, all other versions will be $100 more expensive than the previous g - DayDayNews

(Source: Apple official)

The price increase of iPhone 14 is also traceable. First of all, global raw material prices have increased to varying degrees this year, and some parts and components are still in tight supply. Coupled with serious global inflation, the production and manufacturing costs of mobile phones will definitely increase. There are reports that TSMC will further increase chip foundry prices next year, raising prices for all customers by 6%. Apple's price increase is also excusable.

Secondly, last year, the price of iPhone 13 was reduced by the National Bank. Apple’s official statement was the change of exchange rate . But starting from April this year, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar has declined. If Apple takes the exchange rate into account, the iPhone 14 series is indeed a bit more expensive than last year.

June 30 news, according to 21st Century Business Herald, sources in Apple’s supply chain broke the news that this year’s iPhone 14 series may further increase in price. Except for the regular version of iPhone 14, all other versions will be $100 more expensive than the previous g - DayDayNews

(Source: 9to5Mac)

Finally, the hardware configuration of this year’s iPhone 14 series has also been upgraded compared to the previous generation, such as increased battery capacity. The two Pro models are the most upgraded generation products in the past two years. They have canceled the notch screen and upgraded the 48 million main camera. The price increase seems to be the inevitable outcome.

In Xiaolei’s opinion, if you can’t accept the hole-punch screen and just want to buy iPhone 14/Max, then I recommend you to buy the previous generation iPhone 13 series directly. The price is cheaper and there will be no big difference in experience. . But if you are planning to buy a Pro model, you will have to endure the hole-punch screen and save more money in advance.

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