Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, September 24 (Reporters Xu Xueyi and Zhao Bo) The sun is shining and the sky is blue. In the receiving pond next to Tianpu Reservoir in Kinmen, clear water from Fujian gushes in, and the sea breeze creates ripples. On August 5 last year, Fujian officia

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Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, September 24 (Reporters Xu Xueyi and Zhao Bo) The sun is shining and the sky is blue. In the receiving pond next to Tianpu Reservoir in Kinmen, clear water from Fujian gushes in, and the sea breeze creates ripples.

On August 5 last year, Fujian officially supplied water to Kinmen. Recently, reporters visited Kinmen to experience the changes that water supply has brought to Kinmen over the past year.

Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, September 24 (Reporters Xu Xueyi and Zhao Bo) The sun is shining and the sky is blue. In the receiving pond next to Tianpu Reservoir in Kinmen, clear water from Fujian gushes in, and the sea breeze creates ripples. On August 5 last year, Fujian officia - DayDayNews

Not far from Tianpu Reservoir, there is a large stone with a line of eye-catching red words engraved on it, "Both sides of the bank drink from the same river" (photo taken on September 16). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Bin

Not far from the Tianpu Reservoir, there is a large stone with a line of eye-catching red words engraved on it, "Both sides of the bank drink from the same river." Walking into the valve room of the water diversion project next to the reservoir, you can see a set of water diversion equipment and a briefing on the water supply project.

"The water from Fujian Shanmei Reservoir is pumped and transported through Longhu Pumping Station to the point where it enters the sea in Weitou, and then transported to Kinmen through submarine pipelines." Kinmen County Waterworks technician Ye Jinliang explained the "water diversion route map" to reporters.

The valve room of the water diversion project is a unique building with patches of blue-green windows on the outer wall. "This has become a popular spot for trendy people to check in and for couples to take wedding photos." Ye Jinliang said.

Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, September 24 (Reporters Xu Xueyi and Zhao Bo) The sun is shining and the sky is blue. In the receiving pond next to Tianpu Reservoir in Kinmen, clear water from Fujian gushes in, and the sea breeze creates ripples. On August 5 last year, Fujian officia - DayDayNews

This is the receiving pond next to Tianpu Reservoir in Kinmen County taken on September 16. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Bin

Looking around, the Tianpu Reservoir is full of water, and a few egrets are flying around leisurely. This scene made Ye Jinliang deeply moved. He dug out photos on his phone of the reservoir drying up, taken in May last year.

"Kinmen has been short of water for a long time. There was very little rainfall last year. Many reservoirs have dried up, and sandbanks can even be seen in some places." Ye Jinliang said that after more than a year of water supply in Fujian, Kinmen's groundwater has been well conserved. Now every lake and reservoir They are all 80% full. "The ecological benefits brought by Fujian's water supply to Kinmen are priceless."

After leaving Tianpu Reservoir, the reporter came to a water purification plant. The water supplied by Fujian and the water from Kinmen Lake Reservoir flow out from two water inlet pipes respectively. Visible to the naked eye, the water in Fujian is clearer. Staff at the water purification plant told reporters that Fujian's water supply has low turbidity, stable and good water quality, and the cost of treatment is greatly reduced.

Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, September 24 (Reporters Xu Xueyi and Zhao Bo) The sun is shining and the sky is blue. In the receiving pond next to Tianpu Reservoir in Kinmen, clear water from Fujian gushes in, and the sea breeze creates ripples. On August 5 last year, Fujian officia - DayDayNews

Staff at a water purification plant of Kinmen County Water Plant check the operation of water purification equipment (photo taken on September 16). Photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Bin

At the Kinmen County Waterworks, several important nodes of water supply from Fujian to Kinmen are printed on the specially made mugs, along with a few lines of words: Source from Shanmei, Gathering Jinjiang , Dripping Enter Longhu and Huixiantianpu.

"The water plant currently processes 23,000 tons of water a day, of which about 10,000 tons are from Fujian." Zhang Wuda, director of the Kinmen County Water Plant, said that after Kinmen's new water purification plant is completed and put into operation next year, the mainland's average daily water supply will increase. to 15,000 tons.

"Kinmen is a small place, and the amount of water that can be stored in reservoirs is too little. In recent years, extreme climate changes have occurred, sometimes with floods and sometimes severe droughts, which is a headache." Zhang Wuda said that with Fujian's stable water supply, Kinmen people feel more at ease. .

In Zhang Wuda’s view, Fujian has been supplying water to Kinmen for more than a year. The most obvious thing is that the reduction of groundwater pumping has achieved remarkable results. Kinmen Winery uses groundwater for wine making. Some restaurants and people also use groundwater. Year-round use has caused the groundwater level in Kinmen to drop significantly. Now, Kinmen West Peninsula has stopped pumping four underground wells and reduced pumping from some water wells. The average daily pumping reduction is about 3,000 tons, and the pumping reduction ratio has reached more than 25%.

In addition, water purification production capacity has been increased, and water purification medications and costs have been reduced. Taking the Ronghu water purification plant operated by the water plant itself as an example, after adopting Fujian water supply, the purified water production capacity increased from more than 3,000 tons to more than 5,000 tons per day, the water production efficiency increased significantly by more than 60%, and the purified water loss increased from 40 % dropped to 5% to 10%. The sodium hypochlorite, PAC, aluminum sulfate and other chemicals used in the Ronghu water purification site have been reduced to 30% to 60% of those before water supply.

Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, September 24 (Reporters Xu Xueyi and Zhao Bo) The sun is shining and the sky is blue. In the receiving pond next to Tianpu Reservoir in Kinmen, clear water from Fujian gushes in, and the sea breeze creates ripples. On August 5 last year, Fujian officia - DayDayNews

According to reports, Fujian’s water supply is provided for people’s livelihood after being treated in water purification plants. The reporter visited some B&B operators in Kinmen. They said that with the increase in tourists, Kinmen’s water consumption is also increasing. With Fujian’s water supply, there is no need to worry.

In terms of public response, Zhang Wuda said, "After Fujian water sources and local water sources are treated by water purification plants, there is not much difference in taste, and the people almost don't feel it."

"It's a good thing that people don't feel it, which means they drink healthily." Kinmen County Xu Zhengfang, former director of the water plant, said that the water supply in Fujian is very clear and can reach the standard with simple treatment at the water purification plant.

When Xu Zhengfang worked at a water plant, he would take a sip of tap water every day when brushing his teeth. He said that Fujian's water supply tastes better. For most people in Kinmen, they may not be able to feel the taste difference like Xu Zhengfang, but the water from Fujian still has a different meaning to them.

Xinhua News Agency, Taipei, September 24 (Reporters Xu Xueyi and Zhao Bo) The sun is shining and the sky is blue. In the receiving pond next to Tianpu Reservoir in Kinmen, clear water from Fujian gushes in, and the sea breeze creates ripples. On August 5 last year, Fujian officia - DayDayNews

Ye Jinliang, a technician at the Kinmen County Waterworks Plant, checks the operation of the equipment in the valve room of the water diversion project (photo taken on September 16). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Bin

After Fujian supplied water to Kinmen, Ye Jinliang received a call from Taiwan Island. "The Kinmen fellow on the phone asked me when Fujian's water supply would be delivered to my home in Kinmen. He wanted to rush back to Kinmen to taste the water from his hometown." Ye Jinliang said that he had been busy working on the submarine pipeline for water supply for many years, and this phone call made him feel that all his efforts It's all worth it. The constant love between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is touching.

"It has taken more than 20 years for Fujian to supply water to Kinmen, and it can be said that it has been a success." Kinmen County Magistrate Yang Zhenwu said that with the efforts of many people and the favorable environment on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, Fujian's water supply to Kinmen has been realized, providing great benefits to Kinmen. Kinmen has brought tangible benefits.

"The valuable experience of water connection can be used as a reference for ventilation, electricity and bridge construction in the future. These are what our Kinmen folks are looking forward to." Yang Zhenwu said, "Kinmen is willing to play the role of bridge and link between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. , let everyone see the huge effectiveness of cross-strait cooperation.”


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