14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se

2024/07/0219:24:33 hotcomm 1258

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital.

Same birthday, but very different fates.

One is the "daughter" of a wealthy family, and the other is a miserable "posthumous son".

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

The naughty brother Yin Junxi accidentally took off the tags of the two girls. The nurse reattached them, but did not notice that the tags were swapped.

The lives of the two girls were separated for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eunxi was injured and needed a blood transfusion. However, her parents' blood type did not match, and the secret about their "life experience" was revealed again.

It turns out that Enxi, who was "rich" in a mansion since she was a child, is the biological daughter of a poor small restaurant proprietress; while Xin'ai, who has always had nothing to eat or clothes to keep warm, is the flesh and blood of a wealthy family.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Still photos of the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

The "wrong life" in the classic Korean drama "Blue Life and Death" is interpreted as a "fated" tragedy. The encounter between Junxi and Eunxi as "brothers and sisters" is caused by a strange combination of circumstances. Wrong, the love that spans life and death between the two when they grow up makes people cry.

But after rewatching this drama, I discovered that the most touching thing in the drama is not love. The reality faced by the two girls Eun-hee and Xin-ai is what really hurts my heart.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Still photos of the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Xin Ai "dislikes the poor and loves the rich" is reasonable

"True daughter" Xin Ai has lived in a messy "slum area" since she was a child. Her father died before she was born, and her brother is a He is a scoundrel, does not do his job properly, and often causes trouble; in order to survive, his mother developed a "shrew" character.

Xin Ai not only had to help her mother in a small restaurant, but she also had to endure blackmail from her brother and beatings and scolding from her mother, making her hungry at every turn.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

In order to work less, Xin Ai had to study hard, because her mother would not disturb her only when she was studying; young Xin Ai silently vowed in her heart that she must leave this home.

In this way, Xin Ai was forced by life to become the first in the class in test scores, but even so, the competitive Xin Ai was not as popular as the "scumbag" Enxi in school.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

The moment I open my lunch box at noon every day, Xin Ai loses completely.

Enxi’s lunch box contained a variety of exquisite snacks and side dishes, but Xin Ai’s lunch box only contained white rice and kimchi.

What makes Xin Ai even more aggrieved is that Enxi's teacher gave her many opportunities because of her wealthy family. Xin Ai obviously has talents, but she can't use them at all.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills of the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Xin Ai was in pain because of this. She hated her family. She cried, "Why can't I have what other children have?" The mother was so excited that she asked her to find her biological child. Parents, they are rich people.

So Xin Ai waited in front of Yin's house without hesitation, and took the initiative to come and recognize her.

I watched this drama before and felt that Xin Ai was not reserved enough and heartless. Her behavior of abandoning her adoptive mother and running to a mansion was a sign of selfishness no matter how you look at it.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Now I finally understand Xin Ai's choice. That place should have been her home. In this "wrong life change" incident, Xin Ai was really innocent.

Xin Ai is used to being poor and can't even eat enough. It is actually reasonable for her to go to her biological parents to recover everything she has. Xin Ai's "ruthlessness" should not be criticized, but Enxi's recognition of her relatives is truly rare in the world.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

Enxi's recognition of her relatives is so great, and the three details are admirable

Xin Ai lived in the Yin family openly. She slept on Enxi's bed and touched Enxi's things at will.

Moreover, Xin Ai quickly told her own experience in the school with great emotion. The "fake princess" Enxi was beaten back to her original shape. Xin Ai's life was reversed, and she targeted Eun Xi everywhere.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

After school, Enxi said to go home, Xin Ai sarcastically said: "Which home should I go to? That woman who runs the small restaurant is your mother, and your brother is still a scoundrel." "

's words were full of Xin Ai's contempt for her adoptive mother.

Enxi got angry on the spot and said: "She is also your mother for 14 years."

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills of the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death Love"

After Xin Ai came to the door to recognize her relatives, Enxi also stood in front of her one morning. In front of the small restaurant.

A girl who has been pampered since she was a child begins to wear coarse clothes, eat unpalatable sewage rice, work in a store, and is harassed by unqualified customers.

Enxi's life can be said to be from heaven to hell.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

When she was in the Yin family, she was treated like a real wealthy daughter, living in a beautiful house, with endless dresses in the closet, all kinds of dolls filling the room, her parents They are all highly intellectuals, and the family of four enjoys themselves happily.

When she arrived at Cui's house, her rogue brother beat her up and lied to her. When she first arrived, her biological mother didn't have much affection for her, but Enxi persisted. After three details, she realized that everyone loved Enxi for a reason.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

  • 1. Refusing the adoptive mother to "take her away"

The adoptive mother loves Eun-hee very much. The truth about "carrying the wrong child" was exposed. The adoptive mother could not accept it for a time. She did not even want to see her biological daughter and wanted to keep Eun-hee. Xi should be raised as his own.

The adoptive mother was reluctant to send Enxi away. She even offered to give Enxi's biological mother a sum of money, hoping that she could take Enxi to study in the United States.

The biological mother felt that she had been humiliated by the rich, so naturally she was unwilling to "sell her daughter."

But the biological mother saw Enxi suffering and knew that she could not give Enxi a better life. Enxi followed her adoptive mother, which was the best choice.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

The biological mother asked Enxi to leave with her adoptive mother. The biological mother said: "Since she came to me, she has never called me mother. She should go to a mother she recognizes."

Adoptive mother She was overjoyed, thinking that she would finally lose both her daughters. Unexpectedly, Enxi turned around and hugged her biological mother. She cried and called her mother, asking her not to drive her away.

was really touched when I saw this. The reason for Enxi to stay is not only because it is her real home. Enxi’s kindness is the reason for her choice: her biological father is gone and her brother is not doing his job properly. If she leaves again , mother is too lonely.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

In fact, even if Eun-hee continues to follow her adoptive mother, it is reasonable. After all, the relationship of 14 years cannot be ended easily, and the adoptive parents can indeed provide her with better conditions.

But Eun-hee did not dislike her biological mother. Instead, she thoughtfully helped the family, which was really heartwarming.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

  • 2. Did not take away the wealth of the Yin family

Enxi recognized her relatives, alone, carrying a schoolbag, not even a change of clothes. All she took away was a water glass with her own face on it to remember her former family.

Don’t miss things that don’t belong to you anymore. Enxi lets go very freely. Adults may not be as transparent as her.

After everyone returned to their respective places, Enxi took the initiative to stay away from her brother Junxi. She helped her adoptive parents and their family start a new life, and she also protected her biological mother. Enxi's actions are worthy of praise.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

  • 3. Strong and optimistic, smiling at life

When Xin Ai was in the Cui family, she complained all the time and was depressed and dissatisfied; while Eun Hee faced the same predicament, she was optimistic and open-minded, and faced it with a smile.

Birthdays used to be full of flowers, but now they are deserted. Enxi said to a rose that she wished her a happy birthday; when she opened her lunch box at school at noon, she saw the unappetizing pork neck , but she still smiled and said it was time to eat, Delicious.

Even though life was so difficult, Enxi never thought about looking back. Such a kind and bright Enxi deserves to be deeply loved.

14 years ago, two little girls were born on the same day in the same hospital. The lives of the two girls were swapped for 14 years. It was not until a car accident that Yin Eun-hee was injured and needed a blood transfusion, but her parents' blood types did not match, and the se - DayDayNews

Stills from the Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"


In the face of temptation, not everyone can stick to the bottom line like Eun Hee and have no desires or demands.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Enxi voluntarily returns to the poor's home, which requires more courage than Xin Ai's generous visit.

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