"Blue Life and Death" can be said to be the first generation of popular Korean dramas. At the end, the hero carried the heroine on his back and walked on the beach. Eun-hee, who was suffering from leukemia, looked pale and passed away sadly, which made the audience cry. Don't tel

2024/07/0219:13:32 hotcomm 1066

"Blue Life and Death" can be said to be the first generation of popular Korean dramas.

In the ending, the hero carries the heroine on his back and walks on the beach. Eun-hee, who was suffering from leukemia, looks pale and passes away sadly, which made the audience cry.

Don't say that, I almost cried to death.

In 2000, Enxi did not wait for a suitable bone marrow match. If she lived today in 2021, could this disease be cured?

Leukemia generally requires hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The most common method is bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. But as we can see, Eun-hee didn't wait for the right match. Because the matching success rate is very low, ranging from one in hundreds of thousands to one in a million. It’s about the same as resigning yourself to your fate and winning the lottery.

Are there any other methods besides bone marrow?

Very fortunately, hematopoietic stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood are useful.

With the development of medicine, there are new sources of hematopoietic stem cells, and there are quite a few cases, and the technology is mature.

Umbilical cord blood is the blood remaining in the umbilical cord and placenta after the fetus is delivered and the umbilical cord is ligated and severed. It contains rich hematopoietic stem cells, which can differentiate into various blood cells and can rebuild the body's hematopoietic system and immune system. The matching rate of

umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells can be said to be very high.

For example, if you store umbilical cord blood for your child, it will be 100% consistent with the child, 50% consistent with the parents, and 25% consistent with the siblings. The probability of

is quite high! If Enxi's parents had saved her umbilical cord blood, this resource could come in handy and save her life.

etc. Some people will say: I am afraid that my umbilical cord blood is not good. I have developed leukemia. This means that there is something wrong with the umbilical cord blood itself. How can I use it?

This is also the logic behind why many people on the Internet criticize umbilical cord blood for "not being able to save themselves."

Is that so?

is not.

First of all, this statement is only true if leukemia is caused by congenital factors. However, among the various causative factors, the proportion of congenital factors is very small, only 5%. The remaining 95% of leukemias are caused by acquired factors.

Since it is caused by acquired diseases, umbilical cord blood is not a problem and can be treated completely.

We cannot completely deny it just because there is a small probability that it will not work.

Just like we cannot reject and deny the value of vaccines just because they cannot prevent 100% of diseases. The same thing.

Moreover, even if it is congenital leukemia, umbilical cord blood is valuable.

Such as gene therapy. Using autologous stem cells , they are transfected with lentivirus and genetically modified in vitro. After achieving normal cell function, they are then reinfused into the body of the child to achieve a certain therapeutic effect.

Furthermore, powerful umbilical cord blood can not only cure leukemia.

In February 2017, the General Office of the National Health and Family Planning Commission issued the "Technical Management Specifications for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (2017 Edition)", which clearly stipulates that the source of hematopoietic stem cells includes umbilical cord blood, which can be used to treat acute leukemia, chronic leukemia, Myelodysplastic syndrome, Multiple myeloma, lymphoma and certain other malignant tumors, aplastic anemia, severe radiation sickness, thalassemia major, some genetic diseases, congenital diseases and metabolic diseases Diseases and other 11 types of diseases.

If it is a congenital heart disease that does not involve the hematopoietic system and immune system, umbilical cord blood can completely cure it.

Look, there is no doubt that umbilical cord blood is useful!

Eun-hee's leukemia is most likely caused the day after tomorrow, so doctors can use her umbilical cord blood to save her life.

Junxi asked the doctor eagerly: Is it true? May I? Is there any help?

doctor replied, we have many successful cases of saving leukemia.

Let’s take a look at Beijing Kyoto Children’s Hospital. Currently, 92 cord blood transplants have been completed, including 26 cases of leukemia. Among them, 2 cases were treated with autologous cord blood for other diseases, and 3 cases were transplanted with sibling cord blood, one of which was used to treat leukemia.

Let’s look abroad, the largest cord blood bank in the United States, CBR. Among the 600 self-storage cord blood application cases published on the official website, 42 cases (autologous/sibling) were used for leukemia.

The first case of autologous umbilical cord blood treatment for leukemia occurred in 2007.

The little girl was found to have acute B lymphoblastic leukemia when she was 3 years old. Unfortunately, she relapsed after chemotherapy. Cord blood was stored when the girl was born. Doctors tested the cord blood and found no abnormalities. So an umbilical cord blood transplant was immediately carried out. After autologous cord blood treatment, the girl's condition was under control.

Therefore, it is completely feasible to treat leukemia with umbilical cord blood. It's possible in theory, and it's proven so in practical applications.

Hematopoietic stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood also have obvious advantages.

For example, it is easy to collect, has strong cell regeneration ability, can be stored and accessed at any time, and there is no risk of regret, such as rejection, mild rejection after transplantation, low matching requirements, and low price.

Therefore, more and more parents will keep the precious blood left when their children are born, not only as a birth gift for their children, but also as a health guarantee for their families.

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