Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in "Strategy of Yanxi Palace", the salty or

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Speaking of Xu Kai, that is my latest idol!

's angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills made Sister Yu fall deeply into it every minute and she couldn't extricate herself.

Especially his deeply infatuated Fu Heng in "Story of Yanxi Palace", the salty and sweet Li Chenlan in "Swagger", and the handsome and affectionate Gu Yan frame in "Fire Military Academy", all people are deeply obsessed with this character. Handsome big boy.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

Xu Kai

And Xu Kai's resources are also increasing. Currently, there are three works of "Chaoge", "Once upon a time there was a Lingjian Mountain" and "Daughters of the Tang Dynasty" to be broadcast, and "Tian Wu Ji" is being filmed. It’s really a little piece of meat with a promising future!

Sister Yu lamented that Xu Kai became popular with just a few dramas in three years, but she also had to lament that he has a unique vision for selecting scripts.

However, before Xu Kai became famous, he also made some works of average quality, such as the IP movie "Blue Life and Death" that I am going to talk about today.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

The movie "Blue Life and Death"

This is Xu Kai's first movie, and it is also the only movie so far. The Douban score is only 2.9 points, and the final box office is less than 1.5 million. It also had a very bad reputation and was even questioned as a bad movie.

Why is this?

Speaking of the Chinese version of "Blue Life and Death", it is a remake of the classic Korean drama of the same name. At that time, this Korean drama was very popular in the streets and alleys, making people of our generation burst into tears because of Junxi Eunxi's love.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

Korean drama "Blue Life and Death Love"

Let's first review the story outline of this classic Korean drama!

Yin Junxi and Yin Eunxi grew up together and are a pair of brother and sister who have a good relationship. But when Eun-hee was 14 years old, it was discovered that she was not the Yin family's child due to a car accident.

It turns out that she was hugged by the wrong person! Her real mother is a poor woman who owns a snack bar. She also has a bastard brother who fights all day long. The real daughter of the Yin family is Xin Ai who suffers in the snack bar.

Due to the unfair fate, the two girls returned to their original homes at the age of 14. Xin Ai followed Jun Xi to the United States, and Eun Xi also grew up in a snack bar.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

Korean drama "Blue Life and Death Love"

However, the feelings between Junxi and Eunxi soared in the long-term longing. After returning to China, Junxi and Enxi met again, but they were caught between responsibilities, worldliness, and family affection and could not fall in love with each other. In the end, they had to face the troubles and entanglements of cancer.

Although the story mainly tells the love between Junxi and Eunxi, Yoomei who loves Junxi, Taixi who loves Eunxi, and Xinai, Junxi's sister and Taixi's admirer. They also experienced pain and growth in the main line of love between the male and female protagonists, and finally chose to let go because of Eunxi's illness.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

The inability to love relationship in this drama, everyone's entanglement and pain, have moved us to tears. So, can the Chinese version of "Blue Life and Death" express every emotion vividly and touchingly?

The answer is: Of course not! The reasons are as follows:

First, the ability to grasp the rhythm of the movie version is too poor

The story of the Korean version of "Blue Life and Death" is very complicated and long, so it can depict the real personalities and characteristics of the protagonists in detail. and emotions, explaining the starting point and climax of each relationship, and the overall look is relatively complete, so it has become a classic.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

The movie version of "Blue Life and Death"

Although the movie version of "Blue Life and Death" is the same story and the same main plot line, it is indeed very difficult to compress the 16 episodes into 105 minutes to display.

But, time is short, time is short! If you explain clearly what needs to be said, it will be considered a passing grade. However, the plot of this movie is too slow for more than half an hour, and it doesn't get to the point until the last half hour, which is a bit top-heavy.

This is too far from the audience’s expectations!

Secondly, the actors’ acting skills need to be improved

Let’s talk about the actors.In the Korean version of "Blue Life and Death", Eun-hee played by Song Hye-kyo is the female lead, and Junxi played by Song Seung-heon is the male lead. Both of them are Korean stars with very high acting skills.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

The movie "Blue Life and Death"

was based on the very advanced shooting technology of Korean romance dramas at that time, and the actors' performances were also very sincere and spot-on. It was very difficult for domestic film versions to surpass the classics.

In fact, in the movie version, Xu Kai who plays Han Tai (the original name is Han Tae Seok), Zhao Lusi who plays Eun Xi, Jiao Rui who plays Jun Xi, and Meng Meiqi who plays Xin Ai are all current popular stars.

To be honest, I have to admire the director's vision for casting. Look at Xu Kai, who is somewhat famous now, Meng Meiqi also became famous with "Zhu Xian", Zhao Lusi has acted in many dramas in a small way, and only Jiao Rui The performance was average.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

The actors in the movie "Blue Life and Death"

seem to be giving their best performances. Xu Kai's acting skills are pretty good. He can be cynical and affectionate, but there is still a long way to go with the drama version.

Of course, this may also be due to the relationship between the scenes and character settings. There is no way to show more emotional changes and character traits.

And every time Zhao Lusi sheds tears, her performance is quite sufficient and can arouse everyone's emotions. However, perhaps due to the plot setting, some of the character's actions lack reasonable explanations, and the heroine's temperament and charm, as well as her emotional struggles and entanglements, are not shown.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

The movie "Blue Life and Death Love"

Secondly, Jiao Rui was indifferent. He actually made me fail to understand whether Junxi's relationship with Eunxi was brother and sister or love. To be honest, this is a failure in character creation.

In addition, although Meng Meiqi didn't appear for a long time, she was amazing. Her jealousy, anger, and soft-heartedness when she later saw her adoptive mother and remembered everything about her childhood were pretty good.

However, by the way, Xu Kai is obviously a good actor, so why does it feel like Junxi has so many more scenes in the movie than Han Tae? If Xu Kai played Junxi, he would be worthy of the leading role, because in the original version, Han Tai should have been in the second male position.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

The movie "Blue Life and Death"

Since the movie version wants Han Tai to be the male lead, the storyline should be changed to highlight Han Tai's love, entanglement and letting go of Eun Hee as the starting point.

But it is obvious that this movie wants to show everything, but in the end it fails to show anything. In addition, the actors used dubbing, which overall gave the film a low-grade plastic feel, which immediately made people feel a bit out of place.

Thirdly, the plot is really terrible

Although the movie version of "Blue Life and Death" tells the same story as the drama version, the plot is really hard to describe! Shengsheng plays a love story that is extremely disappointing.

1. The beginning of love is a bit unrighteous.

Some people say that this movie is all scum extracted from Korean dramas, and several key and touching plot climaxes were completely missed. This is not true at all.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

The movie "Blue Life and Death Love"

Look at the love expressed in the original version. It is a depressing and heavy "Blue Life and Death Love". There is betrayal and separation when others cannot understand love; there is love and hurting the admiration of another person. The writer's guilt and apology; in the face of love, he has to overcome the entanglement and test of life and death.

That’s why it is so tear-jerking, so classic, deeply touching and deeply infatuated.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

Where is the filmable version of the movie "Blue Life and Death"

? The male lead is actually Han Tai? Moreover, it was only after he fell in love with Enxi that Junxi confessed to Enxi. No matter how you look at it, Junxi looks like he's snatching love from his buddy Han Tai, which makes this originally pure love a little less righteous.

2. Brother-sister love or love, I can’t tell the difference

If you haven’t watched the Korean drama version and only watched the movie version, you have no idea whether the relationship between Eun-hee and Jun-hee is love or brother-sister love. How did they suddenly go from brother and sister to lovers? This was the first question I had after watching the movie version.

In fact, in the Korean version, this excessiveness is very obvious and natural. Before the age of 13, Junxi and Eunxi were brother and sister, and Eunxi only relied on her brother Junxi. When they got together again twelve years later, they still had a brother-sister relationship at first.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

Korean drama "Blue Life and Death Love"

The deterioration of the brother-sister relationship started with Junxi's initiative, and it was awkward for them to fall in love at the beginning. Only gradually as they got along did the fire of love burn brightly.

Korean dramas handle this emotional development and change very rigorously. However, the film version did not reflect this change.

Junxi and Enxi recognized each other. After Enxi lost her temper, the two began to date like a couple. There is no transition from brother and sister to couple, so it makes people feel extremely awkward, and even seems a bit incestuous.

3. Love lacks external interference, and it is difficult to show sincerity and eternity.

In the Korean version, the love between Eun Hee and Jun Hee is betrayed by everyone. Because before Eun-hee fell in love with Junxi, Tae-seok was pursuing her; before Junxi fell in love with Eun-hee, she also had a fiancée. What's more serious is that they were once brother and sister.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

Korean drama "Blue Life and Death Love"

So this is not allowed in Korean families that attach great importance to ethics. It is precisely because of this that the male and female protagonists are entangled, painful, unable to love, letting go again and again, and getting back together again and again.

This can highlight the sincerity of love and its power beyond all else.

But what about the shadow version? Without the objections of their parents or the attempts of their respective boyfriends and girlfriends to stay, the love between Enxi and Junxi went smoothly without any ups and downs.

Han Tai, who loves Eun Hee, has no regrets. He not only tries his best to help her treat her illness and fulfill her wishes, but also chooses to let go and fulfill her wishes at the critical moment. He is simply a moral model and a model boyfriend!

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

The movie "Blue Life and Death Love"

And what about the beauty of Junxi who loves Junxi? She is even more considerate and reasonable, and even takes the initiative to give up the person she likes to Enxi.

How come every character in this movie is so kind? Kindness is even a bit fake!

Because only love cannot be shared with others, only love will make people selfish. But everyone in this movie is so perfect, tolerant and generous. Is such selfless love still true love?

You must know that in the Korean version, Junxi's girlfriend threatened her with death to keep him, and Tae-seok also completely broke up with Junxi because of Eunxi, and the friendship between buddies broke down.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

The movie "Blue Life and Death"

In addition, Eun-hee has too many jobs in the movie! Why did she think about buying a house for her biological mother instead of seeing a doctor after she learned that she was sick? Which one is more expensive, medical treatment or buying a house?

Why did Enxi go to a nightclub to fool around and get herself drunk after learning that her illness could not be cured? Han Tai and Junxi were so angry that they couldn't stand it? Where is this all going?

The emotional scenes between the male and female protagonists have been changed to have no logic, which is so disappointing!

4. The ending has lost the essence and flavor of the original version.

Let’s talk about the ending. The ending of the Korean version is that Eun-hee dies of illness, and Jun-hee also dies in love. It shows the tragedy, helplessness and eternity of this love. Yes, your most beloved person has passed away, what’s the point of living?

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

Korean drama "Blue Life and Death"

But in the movie version, Junxi and Eunxi actually got married as they wished. Although Eunxi still couldn't escape the fate of death, Junxi did not die in love at least.

This seems to be more realistic than the Korean version and makes the audience less sad. However, it has lost its original flavor and made the precious and rare love very cliché.

The movie version of "Blue Life and Death" has neither an inseparable, tortuous and touching love story nor an earth-shattering and touching love ending. How can it touch people's hearts and make people shed tears for it?

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

The movie "Blue Life and Death"

Although, we cannot measure the quality of a movie by the requirements of a classic TV series; although its duration is indeed limited, since we have chosen to challenge the classics and find a new way, we must have the minimum sincerity and ingenuity, otherwise how could Douban score be so high? How can the box office be good?

In short, the movie version of "Blue Life and Death" completely failed to reflect the essence of the original IP TV series of , as if it was just selling dog meat with a sheep's head and no sincerity at all.

Speaking of Xu Kai, that’s my latest idol! With her angular appearance and ever-improving acting skills, Sister Yu was trapped in it every minute and couldn't extricate herself. In particular, his roles as the deeply infatuated Fu Heng in

A movie like "Blue Life and Death"

, even with Han Tai who is handsome and good at acting like Xu Kai, and even with Meng Meiqi who burst out with energy in just a few minutes, it still can't escape the fate of being a bad movie. .

(This article is an original article by "Sister Loulan Yu". If you like it, please follow me. The post-80s editor will accompany you to talk about the most serious film and television entertainment. Please indicate the source when reprinting, and any infringement will be investigated.)

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