Speaking of Andy Lau, I believe everyone will be familiar with it. Andy Lau is a king-level superstar. He has very high achievements in singing and acting.

2024/07/0202:51:32 hotcomm 1865

Speaking of Andy Lau, I believe everyone will be familiar with it. Andy Lau is a king-level superstar. He has very high achievements in singing and acting. Not only has he won the title of Best Actor multiple times, but he has also won the rare title of Most Popular Male Singer. He can be said to be an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry.

Speaking of Andy Lau, I believe everyone will be familiar with it. Andy Lau is a king-level superstar. He has very high achievements in singing and acting. - DayDayNews

Speaking of Andy Lau, I believe everyone will be familiar with it. Andy Lau is a king-level superstar. He has very high achievements in singing and acting. - DayDayNews

Speaking of Andy Lau, I believe everyone will be familiar with it. Andy Lau is a king-level superstar. He has very high achievements in singing and acting. - DayDayNews

Andy Lau’s career is so smooth, which is inseparable from his life. Many people give a thumbs up when they mention Andy Lau, thinking that Andy Lau is a very kind and dedicated artist. And Andy Lau in everyone's impression is always smiling and seems to be very easy to get along with. But Andy Lau himself said that there is a person he hates very much and wants to beat him when he sees him.

It turns out that Andy Lau met a good friend when he first debuted. Since Andy Lau had little social experience, he trusted this person very much. As a result, this friend hurt Andy Lau again and again, and even if Andy only had 4 yuan, he would try every means to defraud him. Andy Lau said: He just wants me to be a beggar so that he can be happy. After

, Andy Lau began to become more sensitive and would not be so casual and sincere towards people. Andy Lau said that person was the only person he had ever treated consciously. Up to now, I still hate him very much. Even when I see his photo, I will be moved to beat him. He even said: Even if he apologizes to me now, I will not understand him.

Of course some people think Andy Lau is a little too arrogant, but the editor thinks that everyone may have such a friend. You are sincere to him, but he treats your sincerity as a toy and hurts you wantonly. . None of us wants to meet such a friend, and we have the right to be inconsiderate, don’t you think?

Conclusion: I am not afraid of the obstruction of millions of people, I am only afraid of my own surrender. Even if you encounter the greatest misfortune in the world, the prerequisite for dealing with all difficulties is to stay alive. As long as you are alive, there is hope. No matter how painful or sad it is, as long as you can work hard to live, everything will be fine. If we want to change our lives, the first step is to change our mentality. As long as the mentality is correct, our world will be bright. Okay, that’s the end of the editor’s article today. If you like me, you can click and follow me

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