This is the most bizarre war in the history of modern warfare: neither of the belligerent countries wanted to fight, but they had to fight under the instigation of a group of "neutral countries"! The word "Ukraine" was first seen in "The History of Rus", which means "the borderla

2024/07/0200:40:33 hotcomm 1543

This is the most bizarre war in the history of modern war: neither warring country wants to fight, but under the instigation of a group of " neutral countries ", they have to fight!

Origin of grudges

The word " Ukraine " was first seen in "The History of Rus" (1187), which means "the borderland". Why a borderland?

At the earliest, there was a country in Eastern Europe called Kievan Rus , which was later divided into two. The west was occupied by Poland , and the east was trampled by the Mongolian cavalry. Among them, the area occupied by Poland was called "Ukraine"; the area occupied by Mongolia was quickly controlled by the rising locals. After they drove away the Mongols, they expanded several times and eventually became Tsarist Russia. .

This is the most bizarre war in the history of modern warfare: neither of the belligerent countries wanted to fight, but they had to fight under the instigation of a group of

Soon, Tsarist Russia drove away the Poles from Ukrainian soil and incorporated Ukraine into Tsarist Russia's territory.

At the end of World War I , Soviet Russia tried to overthrow Tsarist Russia. In order to gain support, Soviet Russia recognized the independence of Ukraine and the establishment of Ukraine.

At the same time, a fierce battle between Soviet Russia and Tsarist Russia was going on, and the army was seriously short of food. The Soviet Red Army formed a food requisition team and entered the rural areas of Ukraine in large numbers to rob Ukrainians of their rations. This approach of the grain collection team led to a serious famine in Ukraine. This famine caused heavy losses to the Ukrainians, and millions of people starved to death. Since then, Ukrainians have lost favor with the new Soviet regime, leaving behind seeds of hatred.

In order to attract more countries to join the Soviet Union, Soviet Russia generously donated the Donbass region to Ukraine. At that time, the Donbass region was ravaged by war and was in ruins. The Ukrainians were not interested at all, so they asked the Soviet Union to send people over to help with development. As a result, a large number of Russians moved into the Donbas region.

After the end of World War I, Poland regained its independence and subsequently occupied Western Ukraine. The rest of Eastern Ukraine joined the Soviet Union.

During World War II , the German army blitzed Poland, and the Soviet Union took the opportunity to take over Western Ukraine.

In 1954, Khrushchev accidentally gave the Crimea Peninsula to Ukraine. However, at that time, Russia and Ukraine were still eating from the same pot, and they never thought about separating.

On August 24, 1991, Ukraine officially announced its separation from the Soviet Union, established an independent country, and changed its name to Ukraine. (Naturally, the Donbass region and the Crimean Peninsula were also taken away.)

This is the most bizarre war in the history of modern warfare: neither of the belligerent countries wanted to fight, but they had to fight under the instigation of a group of


Subsequently, the Soviet Union announced its disintegration, and Russia basically inherited the Soviet Unionā€™s mantle. Russia is very upset about the inexplicable loss of the Donbass region and the Crimean Peninsula, but at this time it has more than enough to do. Ukraine, where

was just born, is not all calm internally. Western Ukraine , which is influenced by Polish and Catholic culture, is psychologically closer to Western Europe, while Eastern Ukraine is culturally closer to Russia.

Game of Great Powers

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia once wanted to turn to the West. As a result, the United States implemented a wave of " shock therapy " and the economy was on the verge of collapse.

Russia also wanted to join NATO , but was flatly rejected by the United States. Not only that, under the leadership of the United States, NATO has continued to encroach on Russia's strategic buffer space through eastward expansion. After five eastward expansions, NATO has expanded from 16 member states when the Soviet Union collapsed to 30 current member states. Most of the new member states belong to the original Russian sphere of influence.

After NATO included the three Baltic countries ( Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania ), Russia's living space has become smaller and smaller, with only Belarus and Ukraine remaining on its vast western border. own strategic buffer zone. If the huge Ukraine falls to NATO, Russia will have to deploy hundreds of thousands of troops along its long western border. In this case, even if there is no war, Russia's national power will be severely consumed.

This is the most bizarre war in the history of modern warfare: neither of the belligerent countries wanted to fight, but they had to fight under the instigation of a group of

Ukraine has also been heavily harvested by the United States. After the harvest, the domestic economy is basically controlled by a few oligarchs .According to statistics, the 100 richest oligarchs in Ukraine hold 40% of the national wealth, which is twice that of Russia. For the superstructure, the smaller the number of people, the easier it is to be controlled by money and the easier it is to be interfered by foreign forces.

As the contradiction between the United States and Russia intensifies, these two global powers are fighting a proxy war on Ukrainian territory.

In 2004, Ukraine's pro-Russian Prime Minister Yanukovych stepped down, and pro-American President Yushchenko and Prime Minister Tymoshenko came to power. In 2010, pro-Russian Yanukovych made a comeback (as president), and pro-American Tymoshenko was arrested and imprisoned. In 2014, pro-Russian President Yanukovych was ousted and fled to Russia; pro-American President Poroshenko came to power, and pro-American Tymoshenko was acquitted. Just like this, you sang and I came on stage, and the two sides fought happily.

After Poroshenko came to power, in order to surrender to the United States, he sent troops to the Donbass region and the Crimean Peninsula, and clashed with local pro-Russian armed forces. Poroshenko's approach broke the tacit understanding between the United States and Russia on the "autonomy" of the above two regions since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It can be said that it is trying to touch the tiger's tail and be self-defeating.

This is the most bizarre war in the history of modern warfare: neither of the belligerent countries wanted to fight, but they had to fight under the instigation of a group of

Sure enough, Russia could not tolerate the United States' intervention in the Donbas region and the Crimean Peninsula through proxies, and decided to send troops to occupy Crimea. Afterwards, Crimea held a "referendum" and was fully integrated into Russian territory.

At the same time, Russia began to support pro-Russian armed forces in the Donbas region. Since then, conflicts between pro-Russian armed forces and Ukrainian government forces in the region have continued to this day.

Strange War

In November 2021, the United States let the outside world know: "Russia is about to fully invade Ukraine!"

These sudden and unfounded rumors not only confused the outside world, but even Russia was Totally confused! However, the United States does not care whether the outside world is deceived or not. It continues to spread the news through the media, exaggerating that Russia is about to fully invade Ukraine, and several European brothers also understand and follow suit.

Ukraine, which has been eager to join NATO and the European Union , has also tacitly sent troops to attack the pro-Russian armed forces in the Donbas region, but it has shown considerable restraint.

At this time, Ukraine's ideas are very simple and naive. On the one hand, it hopes to use this to submit a vote to the United States in exchange for the U.S. nod to join NATO; on the other hand, Ukraine fantasizes about taking back Crimea and Russia with the help of U.S. troops, by constantly testing Russiaā€™s bottom line. Donbass region.

The first idea is Ukraineā€™s realistic demands, and the second idea is Ukraineā€™s good wishes. It itself knows this very well.

Because of this, Ukraine showed great restraint in its early actions. No matter how stupid it is, it understands that the few fire sticks at home are simply not enough to withstand Russia's all-out attack.

This is the most bizarre war in the history of modern warfare: neither of the belligerent countries wanted to fight, but they had to fight under the instigation of a group of

However, the actual script of will never advance according to the wishes of small countries. Ukraine wants to use the slogan of the United States (Russia is about to fully invade Ukraine) to achieve its own small goals, while the United States wants to make things bigger and make Ukraine completely anger Russia.

In this context, a bizarre scene happened: The fighting on the eastern front of Ukraine became more and more intense. The two sides even exchanged fire 870 times in one day. Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, The Ukrainian president did not know what to do here. What's going on! What's going on with


In fact, At this time, the Ukrainian government troops on the eastern front were already separated from the presidential command. In 2013, Ulana Suprun, a native American, came to Ukraine. In 2015, she applied for Ukrainian citizenship. In 2016, she became the First Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine. Such absurd and bizarre things happen repeatedly in Ukraine.

To put it bluntly, a large number of current senior officials in Ukraine are agents installed in Ukraine by the United States and the European Union. Therefore, the United States actually has the final say on how, when, and to what extent we fight on the eastern front.

On February 22, Russia, which was completely angered, finally responded: decided to personally deal with Ukraine!

For Russia, Ukraine is the bottom line of its survival. Russia will never allow Ukraine to join NATO.

In this Russia-Ukraine war, Russia must adopt a quick-and-decision strategy to quickly destroy Ukraine's military power, overthrow the existing Ukrainian government, and then quickly withdraw its troops, because protracted delay is very detrimental to Russia. After the war, Russia will support a pro-Russian government in Ukraine.

This is the most bizarre war in the history of modern warfare: neither of the belligerent countries wanted to fight, but they had to fight under the instigation of a group of

"Servant of the People" poster

Ironically, the current president of Ukraine was a comedian in the past. He once appeared in a TV series "Servant of the People" with high ratings . In the play, he played the president of Ukraine and led Ukraine defeated Russia. What is unimaginable is that this comedian actually became the president of Ukraine. However, under his leadership, Ukraine was about to be pushed into the abyss by Russia.

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