Yes, you read that right, this is the situation faced by the container shipping industry of the countries on the opposite coast of our country. Their life is not much better. We are not the only ones who have troubles such as ships are congested in the port, terminal drivers, veh

2024/07/0122:33:33 hotcomm 1409

Yes, you read that right, this is the situation faced by the container shipping industry of the countries on the opposite coast of our country. Their life is not much better. We are not the only ones who have troubles such as ships are congested in the port, terminal drivers, veh - DayDayNews

In the past two months, friends who are engaged in container transportation in Shenzhen Port have had a really hard time. We don’t need to visit each company. We only need to listen to the complaints from the friends in the Shenzhen container transportation industry group to know. My son's life is so difficult. Below are a few pictures of group chats that the editor randomly captured.

Yes, you read that right, this is the situation faced by the container shipping industry of the countries on the opposite coast of our country. Their life is not much better. We are not the only ones who have troubles such as ships are congested in the port, terminal drivers, veh - DayDayNews

Discussion in the container transportation industry group

Yes, you read that right, this is the situation faced by the container shipping industry of the countries on the opposite coast of our country. Their life is not much better. We are not the only ones who have troubles such as ships are congested in the port, terminal drivers, veh - DayDayNews

Discussion in the container transportation industry group

Yes, you read that right, this is the situation faced by the container shipping industry of the countries on the opposite coast of our country. Their life is not much better. We are not the only ones who have troubles such as ships are congested in the port, terminal drivers, veh - DayDayNews

Container transportation industry’s WeChat circle of friends

Yes, you read that right, this is the situation faced by the container shipping industry of the countries on the opposite coast of our country. Their life is not much better. We are not the only ones who have troubles such as ships are congested in the port, terminal drivers, veh - DayDayNews

Container transportation industry’s circle of friends

It feels like the container transportation elites in the group have suddenly become geniuses Actor. Do you want to laugh when you watch these sitcoms? But in fact, no one in the container shipping industry can laugh. Life is so damn difficult! The work that used to be completed in a very regular and step-by-step manner now seems to be uneasy no matter what I do, and unexpected surprises will appear no matter what I do. Pick up the container, load the goods, return the container, and declare the customs. The days when the goods could be sent to the ship in a few simple steps and then easily exported to the other side of the ocean are gone forever and will never come back. Back to the past.

So, does the chaos in the container shipping industry only happen around us? Are our counterparts in other regions also facing this chaotic situation? Let us take a look at the United States on the other side of the ocean.

The title of this report reads: "Worrying, the two major container terminals in Los Angeles and Long Beach have suspended operations for some reasons." The content of the report is: the terminal warehouses are full, the driver's frame is in short supply, the US Line is in congestion again, and the shipping company is charging High port fees. However, the leakage was caused by another night of rain. During this period, the dock union will go on strike. The strike will cause shipping delays at the Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach between 5:00 pm on August 5 and 3:00 am on August 6, local time in the United States. The terminal will cease operations!

Yes, you read it right, this is the situation faced by the container shipping industry in the countries on the other side of our country. Their lives are not much better, with ships congested at the port, terminal drivers, and a shortage of vehicle frames, etc. We are not the only ones facing such troubles. This story is also happening in the world’s largest capitalist country. And it is even better than us.

The most powerful countries in the capitalist world have all fallen into this situation. As for other countries in the world, let alone comparison, almost no one is immune. Our Asian neighbors Malaysia and India have successively adopted measures to close their ports and the country for two weeks since the outbreak of the epidemic in May this year.

There are also good students from China, Vietnam . In the past few years, a lot of production capacity in our country has been transferred to Vietnam, including top companies such as Samsung and other Fortune 500 companies. However, due to this year's epidemic, Vietnam has not only closed its ports and factories, but also the country.

In this comparison, we will find that compared to other countries in the world, although China has sporadic port and road closures due to the impact of the epidemic, there is no doubt that we are the most stable socio-economic operation in the world. There is no one country. Therefore, we must feel deeply lucky that we are in this great country and we are in this great era. A strong government can protect us from the wind and rain. Otherwise, the dust of the times can really become a mountain that crushes everyone.

From this optimistic point of view, our Shenzhen container shipping industry only faces some sporadic difficulties. During our most difficult time, only Yantian Port was suspended for 5 days. During the suspension of Yantian Port, our South China other terminals were all shut down. It is running normally, but the efficiency is lower than normal.

Therefore, judging from the above situation, under the epidemic, the world is indeed in a state of chaos unprecedented in a century.

From a global perspective, although we have difficulties, we are still top students who have achieved the best results in fighting the epidemic. Although our container shipping industry is facing a chaotic industry situation, all of us at work are harder than before, and The harvest is decreasing.However, at least we are safe now, the industry has not been shut down, work continues, and life continues. Therefore, we should not be pessimistic or disappointed. On the contrary, we should be more confident in the future! Because we have a strong government leading us forward! We believe that we will usher in the dawn of victory and a better tomorrow.

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