Han Rubo, president of the US-Taiwan Business Association, warned Taiwan not to purchase Huawei network equipment, causing dissatisfaction on the island. Taiwan media comments reminded the Democratic Progressive Party authorities not to act as a "pawn" of the United States.

2024/07/0122:21:33 hotcomm 1194
Han Rubo, president of the US-Taiwan Business Association, warned Taiwan not to purchase Huawei network equipment, causing dissatisfaction on the island. Taiwan media comments reminded the Democratic Progressive Party authorities not to act as a

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] Han Rubo, president of the US-Taiwan Business Association, warned Taiwan not to purchase Huawei network equipment, causing dissatisfaction on the island. Taiwan media comments reminded the Democratic Progressive Party authorities not to act as a "pawn" of the United States.

According to Taiwan's "Business Times" report on the 15th, Han Rubo, president of the US-Taiwan Business Association, said after a symposium at George Washington University on the 12th local time in response to the Huawei controversy that the basic position of the US government is "If you use Huawei equipment , don’t expect to have any dealings with the United States, such as technical cooperation.” Taking the UK as an example, he said that the United States hoped that its allies would not use Huawei equipment due to national security risks. Therefore, even if British Telecom originally decided to purchase Huawei equipment, it was forced to cancel all purchases due to US pressure.

Regarding the people, Han Rubo said that an official ban is not feasible, but the authorities can educate people about the risks of the product. Taiwan's China Times electronic newspaper also mentioned that the US "National Interest" website once published a report saying that Huawei is still very active in the Taiwan market and has become Taiwan's "national security loophole."

The U.S.-Taiwan Business Association, referred to as the U.S.-Taiwan Chamber of Commerce, was established in Chicago by David Kennedy in 1976. Its predecessor was the "U.S.-Republic of China Economic Council" and played an important role in the drafting and passing of the "Taiwan Relations Act" in 1979. Role. The US-Taiwan Chamber of Commerce is considered one of the most influential civil organizations in unofficial relations between the two economies. The "U.S.-Taiwan Defense Industry Conference" organized by the U.S.-Taiwan Chamber of Commerce every year makes the association very influential in the arms circle. Currently, the chairman of the U.S.-Taiwan Chamber of Commerce is former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz, and the president is Han Ruber.

Regarding Han Rubo’s warning, according to the China Times Electronic News, most Taiwanese netizens disagreed, saying, “If you don’t listen to the United States, you will be sanctioned. It is a complete hooliganism and you will become a global public enemy sooner or later.” “This goes against their democratic theory.” “Really Treat Taiwan as a colony? "The United States has lost to the mainland in 5G technology, and it is embarrassing and angry." Some netizens said that the U.S.-Taiwan Chamber of Commerce is just a non-governmental organization and does not represent the U.S. government. "They have not banned American people from using Huawei. How can they control people in other places?"

"United Daily News" published an editorial on the 15th warning, Taiwan must be wary of following in the footsteps of Canada's "Meng Wanzhou case". The article said that the investigation of the Jinhua case in the United States not only led to the shutdown of Jinhua's production lines, but also the stock price of Taiwan's United Microelectronics was also affected for a time. The impact of the Huawei case is even wider. Taiwan's three benchmark companies, TSMC, Largan and Hon Hai, all have business dealings with Huawei. There are also many companies in Taiwan that are Huawei suppliers. Therefore, Tsai Ing-wen's administration "cannot allow Taiwan to become a pawn in the US' attack on mainland China's technology."

Even some people in the United States suggest that Taiwan should handle its relations with the United States carefully. According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" report on the 15th, former director of the Taipei Office of the American Institute in Taiwan, Doug Bao, said on the same day that it was recommended to "maintain a low profile" for Taiwan, carefully evaluate any requests made by Washington on Taiwan, and do not let yourself be trapped in trouble. (Zhang Yunfeng)

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