On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu

2024/07/0120:43:33 hotcomm 1980

On the 16th day of the current epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 1 case in Xiamen City and 1 case in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data quoted from Alipay Epidemic Assistant)

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews

As of 24:00 on September 27, Xiamen City has reported 1 confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews98html. They are currently being isolated and treated in designated hospitals, and their condition is stable. Four days after the epidemic broke out in Xianyou, Xiamen became the new "explosion point" of this round of epidemic. (Data quoted from Alipay Epidemic Assistant)

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews

The editor is currently in Xiamen. Facing the daily severe epidemic , Xiamen’s isolation and a series of measures are very in place. The editor traveled from Xianyou on September 6th. When I came back to Xiamen, Fujian was in a state of being free of COVID-19. When I learned that the COVID-19 was reported in Xianyou, the community contacted me directly the next day and asked me to isolate myself at home and refrain from activities. I also immediately cooperated with the community's policy. , when I first applied to the company for working from home, the company said that as long as relevant evidence could be provided, such as proof of the community’s need to work from home, I was quite lucky at first. At least I could still get money to work from home after being isolated , no. He said he couldn't even pay the rent.

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews

However, an announcement was issued on the first day of quarantine, saying that if you were quarantined at home, your salary would be deducted On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews0%, and you would also need to sign a employee voluntary salary reduction letter as soon as you returned from quarantine. Is this correct? I remember that according to national regulations, if you must be quarantined at home, you cannot withhold wages for any reason. I also referred to relevant legal knowledge and lawyers’ answers

(1) The government implemented isolation measures that led to the inability to go to work

According to the "About Proper Handling The Notice on Labor Relations Issues During the Prevention and Control of the Pneumonia Epidemic of New Coronavirus Infection (Department of Human Resources and Social Security [2020] No. 5) stipulates that employees of enterprises who are unable to provide normal labor due to the government’s implementation of isolation measures or other emergency measures, The enterprise shall pay its employees for their work during this period.

(2) Employees are unable to go to work due to self-isolation

Now the state encourages employees to self-isolate for 114 days after returning to workOn the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews4 days. For salary payment during the self-isolation period, enterprises can refer to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security's [2020] No. 5 document for implementation. It is recommended that enterprises During the period of self-isolation, employees are arranged to work from home, and wages are paid according to the original standards. may guide employees to take annual leave, paid leave or ask for leave.

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews

One thing can be determined from the lawyer's answer, that is, if you work from home, your efficiency and performance will decline. At this time, you should not reduce your salary in any form, including dismissal. , if it involves the following scenarios, you can apply to the arbitration department for help or you can file a complaint with the labor inspection department . To collect relevant evidence, you can submit evidence materials to the local labor inspection brigade.

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews. It is recommended to negotiate with first. If negotiation fails, report to the labor administration department (usually the Labor Inspection Brigade).

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews, or applies for arbitration (there is no fee for arbitration).

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews. If you are not satisfied with the arbitration result, you can file a lawsuit in court within On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews5 days after you get the arbitration letter.

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews. During arbitration or litigation according to national regulations, you can request that in addition to full payment of workers' wages within the specified time, an additional economic compensation equal to 25% of the wages .

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews. If a labor contract is not signed, the employer may request double the salary ;

6. If the contract is not terminated in accordance with the regulations, double the compensation for terminating the contract shall be paid. However, if there is no labor contract signed, the biggest problem is the need to prove that there is indeed a labor relationship with the company.

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews

According to the editor's situation, the editor was first quarantined in a government hotel on the 17th and then at the community's request was quarantined at home until the 26th. During this period, he was criticized for his attitude because he did not report to the company. When I went to work, the Rainbow Community in Houpu, where I live, was recently upgraded to a medium-risk area, so the yellow code community was ordered to be quarantined at home. If you want to return to the green code, you need two accounting results after the 27th. Normally converted to green code, this is still a complaint material, but the company actually thinks that I am looking for excuses because I like to work from home. No normal person would do this. I don’t need to say more about how stressful life in Xiamen is. On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews0% is equivalent to one month's rent.

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews

Just now I had a friendly negotiation with the company, and I resigned. I stood my ground. First of all, the difficulty in working at home was not due to my own problems, but because I did not cooperate well with my superiors. I provided all related docking records , It proved that the decline in performance was not caused by me personally. Then I raised the warning from the HR department. I did not recognize it. I could not take the blame just because my boss asked me to. Secondly, I explained that the country does not allow salary deductions. Secondly, When all my superiors pointed out that my performance was unfavorable, I informed the human resources department of the corresponding incidents one by one. If I were left here, I wouldn't be able to start my work anymore. I have analyzed the pros and cons of clearly. Because there is On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews1 and there is also the National Day holiday, in fact, after calculating , if I really want to work, I can work until 11 Month resigned . But it's not necessary. For the sake of the efficiency of both parties, I made a request to resign. (October attendance is expected to be only 17 days, so you can imagine)

On the 16th day of this round of epidemic in Fujian, on September 27, there were 198 cases in Xiamen City and 178 cases in Putian City. Putian continues to develop along the original communication chain. In the opinion of experts, Xiamen currently needs to be focused on. (Data qu - DayDayNews

In the end, the company agreed with my decision to not deduct ’s salary. This time the situation was due to the decline in performance caused by working from home. The company thought that I was not interested. Originally, I agreed to a salary cut, but because the company leader blamed me, I thought of resigning. I protested about the company's performance deductions and home office discounts, and provided a series of points, and the company also I was not wrong in compromising both emotionally and rationally, and I never said I owed anything to the company. This result is the best win-win result.

I don’t know if any readers have encountered the same experience as the editor. If you have a better solution, you can leave a message below. We must fight for our reasonable rights and reject the deformed corporate culture .

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