Wuhan Evening News reported on the 19th that the Hubei Province 2020-2022 Abnormal Vaccination Reaction Compensation Mechanism Project Launch Meeting was held. This means that cases of abnormal vaccination reaction and other related cases within the past three years can apply wit

2024/07/0120:34:32 hotcomm 1621

Wuhan Evening News (Reporter Tian Qiaoping) html On the 219th, the kick-off meeting of Hubei Province’s 2020-2022 Abnormal Vaccination Reaction Compensation Mechanism Project was held. This means that cases of abnormal vaccination reactions and other related cases in the past three years will be reported to the disease control department. You can apply for insurance claims with the assistance of the People's Insurance Company of China, which won the government tender.

According to reports, the compensation mechanism for abnormal vaccination reactions consists of two parts: basic insurance paid for by the government and supplementary insurance purchased by parents with informed consent. There are about 600,000 newborns born in Hubei Province every year. Children born in 2020-2022 will be packaged and purchased by the Hubei Provincial Government from the People's Insurance Company of China to purchase basic insurance.

The abnormal reaction to vaccination included in the basic insurance compensates for the abnormal reaction after vaccination with the National Immunization Program vaccine (, a first-class vaccine, ). This is an adverse drug reaction, which refers to a qualified vaccine that causes damage to the recipient's body tissues, organs, and functions during or after standard vaccination, and none of the parties involved is at fault. Due to the inherent characteristics of the vaccine itself and the child Adverse drug reactions caused by physical differences are relatively rare, and their occurrence is related to factors such as the purity of the vaccine strain, production process, and add-ons.

Vaccination is the most effective, economical and safest way to prevent infectious diseases. At present, Hubei Province has 21 vaccines in its immunization program for children aged 0-6 years old. It is commonly known as the 21 vaccines to prevent 22 diseases. Children need 22-25 injections to complete the vaccination for 6 years. This is also the compensation scope of basic insurance purchased by the government.

supplementary insurance not only improves the compensation standards and scope on the basis of the basic insurance, but also includes accidents caused by the national immunization program vaccine and all adverse reactions that occur after vaccination with non-immunization program vaccines, making the compensation more comprehensive and high-level. Higher, it is the main body of insurance compensation.

Coincidence means that the recipient is in the incubation period or prodromal stage of a certain disease at the time of vaccination and coincidentally develops the disease after vaccination. The probability of this type of adverse reaction is relatively small, but once it occurs, the consequences are often serious.

According to relevant sources from the People's Insurance Company of China, supplementary insurance purchased by parents informedly and voluntarily is divided into three levels according to different compensation standards: 65 yuan/year, 98 yuan/year, and 148 yuan/year.

Wang Lei, director of the Immunization Planning Department of the Institute of Infectious Disease Control and Prevention of the Hubei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that for a long time, compensation for abnormal vaccination reactions has been borne by the finance, which has the disadvantages of low compensation and long compensation time. In the three years from 2017 to 2019, Hubei Province, as a national pilot, began to shift from financial compensation to insurance compensation. A total of 216 cases of compensation were paid in the three years, with a total amount of more than 6.165 million yuan. The compensation standards for abnormal vaccination reactions were raised and the allocation of compensation funds was accelerated. The progress of the distribution has resolved the risk conflicts to a certain extent and has also been recognized by more vaccine recipients.

Wuhan Evening News reported on the 19th that the Hubei Province 2020-2022 Abnormal Vaccination Reaction Compensation Mechanism Project Launch Meeting was held. This means that cases of abnormal vaccination reaction and other related cases within the past three years can apply wit - DayDayNews

[Editor: Yu Lina]

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