There are 47 bets for the second prize, each worth 163,459 yuan; an additional 12 bets, worth 98,075 yuan each. There are 723 bets for the third prize, each worth 3,979 yuan; an additional 238 bets, each worth 2,387 yuan.

2024/07/0119:34:33 hotcomm 1606

Review of the last issue, the lottery number is

03 07 09 17 34 + 04 05

No one won the first prize.

There are 47 second-prize bets, each worth 163,459 yuan; an additional 12 bets, each worth 98,075 yuan.

The third prize draw was 723 bets, each worth 3,979 yuan; an additional 238 bets, each worth 2,387 yuan.

currently has a prize pool of 4,088,257,898 yuan, and at least 817 bets of 5 million can be awarded.

There are 47 bets for the second prize, each worth 163,459 yuan; an additional 12 bets, worth 98,075 yuan each. There are 723 bets for the third prize, each worth 3,979 yuan; an additional 238 bets, each worth 2,387 yuan. - DayDayNews

The numbers in the front area of ​​the last Lotto lottery are generally very small. Among them, 07 has been drawn in 2 consecutive draws. 17 is the larger missing number and 12 draws have been missed. 03 34 has been open recently. In this draw, you can focus on the middle numbers and pay attention to 01 06 11. 13 18 20 21 29 31.

Review of the previous area numbers, sum value: 70, span: 31, odd-even ratio: 4:1, size ratio: 1:4.

17093 issue number analysis:

There are 47 bets for the second prize, each worth 163,459 yuan; an additional 12 bets, worth 98,075 yuan each. There are 723 bets for the third prize, each worth 3,979 yuan; an additional 238 bets, each worth 2,387 yuan. - DayDayNews

is the number one, the odd number 03 was drawn in the last issue, and the opening rate in the past 10 issues is 40%. The number one has recently shown a continuous trend of odd numbers. The numbers in the past 6 issues have been hovering between 01-03-05, and this issue continues Chasing odd numbers, optimistic about 01 09.

There are 47 bets for the second prize, each worth 163,459 yuan; an additional 12 bets, worth 98,075 yuan each. There are 723 bets for the third prize, each worth 3,979 yuan; an additional 238 bets, each worth 2,387 yuan. - DayDayNews

tail number, the last issue was an even number 34, the second time in the past 10 issues, the amplitude of the numbers in the past 5 issues has been very large, this time I have to prepare for both, the first look is 31, the second defense is 29.

neighbor number, there was 1 neighbor number 17 opened in the last issue, the trend of neighbor numbers has been stable recently, we continue to be optimistic about the opening of 1 neighbor number, pay attention to 18.

removes the first number 01, the last number 29 31 and the adjacent number 18, and the remaining numbers are 11 13 20 21.

There are 47 bets for the second prize, each worth 163,459 yuan; an additional 12 bets, worth 98,075 yuan each. There are 723 bets for the third prize, each worth 3,979 yuan; an additional 238 bets, each worth 2,387 yuan. - DayDayNews

The two codes in the back area were drawn in the last issue with the double odd combination 04 05, which is a consecutive number. The span of the two codes in the back area of ​​this issue should be larger. Watch out for the odd and even combinations, and pay attention to 01 08 in the back area.

093 Issue number front area number summary: 01 09 11 13 18 20 21 29 31

This issue’s lottery selection is one note: 09 11 18 20 31 + 01 08

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