jojogifConvertvideotoGIF, converts video to gif and adds standard ending installation pip3install-rrequirement.txt.

2024/07/0118:08:32 hotcomm 1592


Convert video to GIF, convert video to gif, and add standard ending


pip3 install -r requirement.txt


normal conversion

py --path video-path --begin 1 --end 2.2 --out-path . / --size 350x600

Add standard ending

py --path video-path --begin 1 --end 2.2 --out-path ./ --jojo true

If the generated gif is too large, you can use guetzli to compress it yourself Or use --size to set a reasonable size

Officially processed gif

jojogifConvertvideotoGIF, converts video to gif and adds standard ending installation pip3install-rrequirement.txt. - DayDayNews

Source code directory

jojogifConvertvideotoGIF, converts video to gif and adds standard ending installation pip3install-rrequirement.txt. - DayDayNews

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