To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab

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To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion.

Especially under the advanced mode of the JUMP series comics " defeat the enemy - self-grow - then defeat stronger - then self-grow... ".

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

Reciprocity in "Thousand Years of Bloody War"

If you want to judge whether the combat power system of a hot-blooded comic is reasonable, you have to look at whether 's logic and common sense, which far exceeds ordinary cognition, surpass the setting of the work itself, and whether it is unconditional Follow the self-consistency principle . In Bleach's "Thousand-Year Blood War", each other is like a relay, and the awkward battle in which both sides fall down, get up, and fall again without asking any reason... is a good negative teaching material.

The second thing is to make full use of the width set by the combat power system. If the limit is exceeded, so-called "plug-ins" will appear. This is also the problem of the collapse of combat power that many famous comics such as Naruto and were criticized for in the later period. .

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

A "plug-in" that defeats the opponent with one punch is online

From this point of view, if a hot-blooded comic can maintain the balance of combat power from beginning to end, it would not be like in "Fairy Tail" where the villain cannot defeat him even after being punched 10 times and the protagonist becomes furious. After that, the opponent can be defeated with one blow, and then the opponent returns to the original ridiculous setting. From this point alone, this comic may be worth continuing to pay attention to.

We have broken down the nearly perfect works of combat power system design, and "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" is definitely a pioneering work.

From the first costume drama to the eighth science fiction drama, the story ranges from the Industrial Revolution era in the 19th century to the distant future hundreds of years later. "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" has presented us with ripples, stand-ins and iron balls. The three major technological power systems. In particular, the establishment of the stand-in system can be said to be an important breakthrough in the history of Japanese comics, which influenced the setting of the combat system in many subsequent works.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

DIO who hides behind his back and plays with throwing knives

The main battles in "JOJO" are often life-and-death battles, with both sides fighting to the death - but 's seemingly violent supremacy is only a superficial feature. What's more, Araki's love for "human beings" "Hymn of Courage" expression . On the contrary, this spirit of not being afraid of sacrifice and moving forward courageously without succumbing to "the slave of fate" is even more profound against the backdrop of the mysterious combat power system of "JOJO".

So in the post-platinum era of JUMP where hundreds of flowers are blooming, how does "JOJO" stand out among many hot-blooded comics, how is its combat power system set up, and how does it capture people's hearts while maintaining a high degree of rigor and fun?

From an ordinary ripple to a substitute for the gods

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews, An ordinary ripple runs

Ripple (immortal way) is the earliest combat power system. The energy comes from "the energy of breathing". People who can use ripples are called ripple messengers. . Once breathing is interrupted, the ripple cannot be used. This is why all Ripple Messengers cannot be used once they are choked.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

Zibelin showed that ripples

ripples can have a certain healing and paralyzing effect on non-fatal injuries such as fractures. We first see Qibelin treating the first generation Jojo’s bone injury.

Ripple is inherited by Tibetan monks as a kind of Qigong. It needs to be learned and mastered, but people with extraordinary talents can also stimulate this ability independently.

Ripple is an attack technique developed against people in pillars and vampires. Because it has a wavelength similar to that of sunlight, it has the effect of harming these two species, and is also called "the energy of the sun".

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

The battle of wits between the arena and Kaz.

The use of ripples is very diverse. Starting from the second "Battle Trend", Araki also began to turn the "fighting power" to more of a "fighting of wits", such as in the battle in the Roman Arena. Various tactics, traps and even psychological warfare are used in , but it still does not break out of the framework of the traditional combat system. Its biggest flaw is that the combat power is unclear and there are too few vertical changes.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

There are really not many colors left for Goku.

Compared with " Dragon Ball ", which also emphasizes vertical changes in combat power, the latter very cleverly developed the concept of "Saiyan" after the turtle style Qigong. Including the classic three-stage transformation, as well as the appearance of colorful hair in the later super-god-like skills . Araki, who was aware of this flaw, did not use this concept again after the completion of the third part of JOJO.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews. The peak stand setting

The stand (Stand), also known as the Youbo pattern, is the embodiment of the spiritual power of creatures. People who have a stand are called stand messengers . As long as your mental power is strong enough, you can automatically or passively transform into a concrete humanoid object to help fight. The intuitive feeling is somewhat similar to the psychic effect in "Naruto".

and the ability type of the avatar is also embodied by the character's "dream", "ambition" and "desire" . For example, DIO's dream is to conquer the world, so he obtained the "time" called "the world". Stop ability". Higashikata Jousuke, who is eager to protect others, obtains the substitute "Crazy Diamond" with repair skills. It is obvious that the strong obsession of the character directly affects the direction of the substitute's abilities.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

The one-hit-kill "Meteor Finger"

stand-in system officially appeared in the third part " Stardust Fighter ". During the process of struggling and exploring in the early stage of transformation, similar scenes similar to " Saint Seiya " appeared many times. It is too easy to kill the opponent with one move of Pegasus Meteor Fist, such as Jotaro's strange move "Meteor Finger Stab" in which he stabs the opponent by extending his index and middle fingers, which can almost kill him with one blow. But as the plot progressed, the stand-in setting was perfected in the fourth film "Diamonds Are Forever".

In fact, although the avatar ability is a super power, it has clear and special avatar rules:

01. The avatar moves according to the will of its avatar user.

02. The avatar can attack the avatar, but humans cannot directly attack the avatar.

03. When the substitute is injured, the corresponding parts of the body of the original body will also suffer the same damage.

04. Generally speaking, once the main body dies, its substitute will also disappear, and vice versa.

05. The energy and strength of the avatar are inversely proportional to the attack distance: the closer the distance between the body and the avatar, the stronger the power, and the speed and accuracy will increase; otherwise, the power will weaken and the action will become sluggish.

In order to more strictly limit the avatar system and prevent the collapse of combat power, Araki also designed six-dimensional ability limitations (i.e. panels) for each avatar : destructive power, speed, range, endurance, precision of movement degree, growth. Each dimension is evaluated by five levels of ABCDE (A: super strong; B: strong; C: ordinary; D: poor; E: extremely poor). From the sixth part onwards, the limitations of the panel gradually become blurred.

's strict ability restrictions coupled with whimsical superpowers and fantastic appearance design make avatars a classic fighting system in the history of Japanese comics.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

Stand-in [Metal Products]

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews. Iron Ball Technology after Restart

Iron Ball Technology is a new combat system that appeared in the seventh part "Puma Noro". Because there are very few people who can use this system and there is no clear ability. Levels and differences can more often be regarded as a combat skill rather than a rigorous system, just like swordsmanship and boxing.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

The iron ball technology is based on the natural law of the "golden rectangle" (i.e. the golden ratio) and was created by the executioner family of the Kingdom of Naples. Its original function is to assist in executions and medical treatment. It can cause people to lose mobility, lose part of their senses, age, etc. In terms of function, it is a skill with various development potentials like Ripple.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

Making muscles twisted

The reason why the iron ball technique is named "Iron Ball" is because people who use this technique often use a special iron ball as a prop, and the user makes the iron ball spin in a special way in their hands. , and then use it.

In the setting collection "JOJOVELLER", the iron ball turning at its peak has been used as a stand-in and has been individually given six-dimensional attributes.

How to judge the strength and weakness of avatars

The types of avatars are extremely complicated, such as close-range powerful avatars, long-distance operation avatars, automatic tracking avatars, and range-independent avatars that are divided into six dimensions. And according to the evolution method, there are ordinary substitutes, continuously evolved substitutes, evolved substitutes of ordinary arrows, and evolved substitutes of insect arrows (Quiet).

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

So how to judge the strength or weakness of these imaginative stand-ins? In "Sea of ​​Stone", Araki tells the readers through the mouth of the character: There is no strong or weak distinction between avatars, it only depends on how people use .

Undoubtedly, as a battle manga, some fans tend to like to discuss at length who is stronger and who is weaker. It must be emphasized that the value of analysis and prediction based solely on the avatar's abilities and the strength levels listed in the six-dimensional data is not high.

In other words, the panel cannot fully explain the strength? Two concepts need to be emphasized here:

One of them , the battles in JOJO are full of variables, nothing is static. The characters in the game still need to recover physical strength and collect various props, so the characters in the comics should not be Those who don't know how to adapt will become more familiar with the use of stand-ins after gradually understanding them.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

"Golden Wind" Giorno VS Bugatti

For example, Giorno in "Golden Wind" did not even try to have his avatar directly attack humans at the beginning, but in the later stage he was able to use his own His abilities can be used in various ways; Nijimura Okuyasu in "Diamond is Immortal", although his stand-in ability is very strong, he is not good at using it, so he often suffers; Enrique Pucci in "Sea of ​​Stone" has a distinguished record. In the end, he was defeated by the substitute ability that he had overcome.

The second one is . The avatar is spiritual energy. If the mental power of the main body is consumed or stimulated, the avatar will also change in strength accordingly. What's more, avatars have different fighting ideas. Not everyone can use the avatar. best effect. This can be seen from the fact that Bobo in the fifth part "Golden Wind" was seriously injured and disabled by Diavolo, and his mental power declined and he was unable to control the silver chariot Requiem, which was evolved by insect arrows.

The real power of "substitutes"

In the post-platinum period of "Shounen Jump", there was a comic that almost instantly killed the works of the same period, and that was "HUNTER×HUNTER" by Togashi the old thief. This work invented an epoch-making abstract "idea" of combat power, and based on this, six major systems were developed, including the reinforcement system, the change system, the release system, the operation system, the materialization system, and the trait system.

You may even be surprised to find that the "reinforcement system" is equivalent to the vertical combat system you understand, similar to the setting in "BLEACH" where more or less spiritual pressure determines the strength or weakness of the attack power. The many changes in the transformation system, operation system, and realization system are equivalent to the extension of the horizontal combat system in . It can be said that "HUNTER×HUNTER" solves the problem of coexistence of vertical growth setting and horizontal diversification setting for the first time in .

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

What’s even more exaggerated is that while Togashi’s combat power system is set up so well, his use of the wisdom concept is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Compared with ceiling works such as Hunter, after the invention of the avatar setting in "JOJO", will transform from a vertical combat system to a horizontally diversified combat system, develop more sophisticated wits, make full use of various available tools, etc. In terms of , "JOJO" also has outstanding performance.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews. Triggering principles of avatars

In addition to some of the constraints and balance principles mentioned previously, Araki also set up a clever triggering principle for the development and use of avatars in

. That is to say, the seemingly omnipotent avatars of must be in Only within the constrained rules can you kill all .

For example, the BOSS Kira Yoshikage in the fourth "Diamonds Are Forever" has the ability of his third bomb, the loser Eater, to go back in time, but only if the possessed ordinary person reveals Kira Yoshikage's information. It can only be triggered by giving it to a third person.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

The "origami" that puts everything into it

is like the ability of the "origami master" who appeared in the fourth part. The sufficient condition for putting everything into the origami is the opponent's subconscious fear. This is the same as Killua's sister Alluka in "HUNTER×HUNTER". No matter how powerful she is, when she saves Gon who is restricted by the powerful and the backlash of the oath, she still has to touch the opponent's body.

A small, seemingly insignificant principle, but it plays the role of a screw-like stable setting in addition to the finishing touch.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews. Only tactics, twists and turns

In "Araki Hirohiko's Cartoon Technique", Araki mentioned that he made a deliberate design in "JOJO" that the enemies that appear later do not necessarily have to be stronger than the previous enemies. Set .

For both of us, if you can't beat us now, it doesn't mean you won't be able to beat us in the future. Those who can beat us now may also be counterattacked in the future.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

Serious readers will see that starting from "Stardust Fighters", has fallen into desperate situations full of passivity time and time again before finding a way to crack it, and it is definitely not because the opponent's combat power is much higher than that of . Every time the protagonist group is beaten to death, they will survive. The role of the foreshadowing left before is also highlighted, and this mysterious process, like magic, makes people want to stop.

's intelligent combat full of passive motivation, coupled with the breakpoint story development, everything seems reasonable and reasonable in the jaw-dropping world.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews. The ultimate move to balance combat power

Most of the hot-blooded comics have a common problem of expansion of combat power in the later stages. The manifestation is that the previous BOSS is reduced to a supporting role like cannon fodder . Let's talk about the "Thousand-Year Blood War" by the unfinished King Shinigami. Renji Abarai has mastered it and actually claims that now he can easily defeat the former boss Aizen. This is very illogical. Not only does it completely deny the ability of Ichigo's ultimate move Muzuki, which he gained by sacrificing his spiritual pressure, but it also wants to make Frieza's golden Frieza , which he cultivated for three months in "Dragon Ball Super" People complain.

In order to put an end to this kind of incompetence, Araki made a tough move. In order to maintain the balance of the stand-in world with increasingly complex settings, you will not only find that every BOSS in "JOJO" is new, but even the protagonist JOJO is also brand new. . JOJO serves as a symbolic IP concept. Anyone who has the genes of the JOJO family can be called JOJO. This is like changing the era and background in which the story takes place, and the abilities of both parties can continue to use their imaginations.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

The Crimson King of Time can be deleted

Therefore, the early scene where Jotaro stopped for 5S Euler when he was within the attack range will never appear again. What will appear is like the furry Requiem in "Golden Wind" that will always arrive. A brain-burning showdown of logic with Diavolona's ability to predict the future and change the future.

Otherwise, in the past, there was one way to play with one ability, but now there are more than three ways to play with one ability. How to play?

Moreover, even though Jotaro has been out of the country until the sixth film "Sea of ​​Stone", it is obvious that his abilities have been severely weakened since "Diamond is Forever". Otherwise, there is no room for the next generation of JOJO to play.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

The Great President of the Normal World

Therefore, new abilities and new abilities are unpredictable, passionate collisions, not awkward, not blunt, with the Silver Chariot Requiem with an attack range that radiates around the world, and an unkillable giant will appear later. President, it is not surprising that the magical setting of letting your self in the parallel world accept D4C (substitute + memory) and come back to fight.

After the abilities in each "JOJO" movie reach their peak, they will be cut off and ended, and the next movie will be replaced with new protagonists and other characters. No matter how difficult it is for the capabilities of each part to be equal to the previous one, as long as the capabilities are balanced in the same "JOJO", it still belongs to the self-justification of in the setting of the work.

At this point, there is no need for readers to be picky. After all, whether the so-called combat power system is reasonable or not depends on whether it still falls within the framework set by the comics, rather than why this ability exists? Why is it so powerful? Otherwise, One Hundred Thousand Whys would be the work of a super bully.


I was recently rewatching "Golden Wind". I couldn't help crying after seeing Bobo being killed by Diavolo, and I felt a little comfort when I saw Bobo's soul parasitic in the body of the turtle. . After the rampaging Silver Chariot Requiem lost Bobo's control, he still inherited Bobo's last wish, which was to prevent the insect arrows from falling into the hands of others.

To evaluate whether a young hot-blooded manga is exciting or not, in addition to the four basic elements of world view, theme, story, and characters, the combat power system used to explain the source of power for character growth also accounts for a large proportion. Creating ab - DayDayNews

Bobo's memories

One person and one substitute, they were all so lonely and pitiful. And this kind of sincere and touching character creation is another major feature of Araki in addition to the outstanding combat power system.

creates absurdity in absurdity and achieves an absurd epic. "JOJO" is worth watching 10 times again. No, I want to see it old.

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