Nowadays, children generally have high IQs and low EQs, especially when it comes to lying. This is probably because they have received more information since childhood and have learned a lot. Especially the impact of TV dramas and the Internet has made children more and more "coo

2024/07/0117:08:32 hotcomm 1244

Text | Good Pregnancy Sister

Nowadays, children generally have high IQs and low emotional intelligence, especially in terms of lying. It is probably because they have received more information since childhood and have learned a lot, especially the impact of TV series and the Internet, which makes children It's getting more and more "awesome", the lies are too advanced, and the scheming is too serious.

Nowadays, children generally have high IQs and low EQs, especially when it comes to lying. This is probably because they have received more information since childhood and have learned a lot. Especially the impact of TV dramas and the Internet has made children more and more

Case 1: A child with too much vanity

When I was in elementary school, there was a pretty girl in my class. Because she was pretty, many children loved to play with her. Moreover, the little beauty’s family was also very rich. She often told us that her family was It's so good, a small duplex house. My mother doesn't work at home. She keeps the house clean, raises flowers and pets, and also has a color TV, refrigerator, computer and various advanced home appliances (no, it shows her age like this) . At that time, we, a group of guys who had never seen the world, were full of envy, jealousy, and hatred. We were also fascinated by the little beauty's home and wanted to see what a wealthy family looked like. But every time the little beauty wouldn't let us go to her house to play. We, a group of friends, had all been to each other's houses, but we had never been to the little beauty's house because she said that her mother didn't like too many people, so we also I just understood it obediently, and I really believed it.

I didn’t realize until later when I heard adults mention it that the little beauty’s family was not a wealthy family. It was just an ordinary family and the house was quite shabby. After that, adults taught us to stay away from such children. We were less than 10 years old at that time, and some people could really tell such lies and have such vanity.

Nowadays, children generally have high IQs and low EQs, especially when it comes to lying. This is probably because they have received more information since childhood and have learned a lot. Especially the impact of TV dramas and the Internet has made children more and more

Case 2: Framing other people’s children

This is a story I heard from a fan mother. Bao’s mother bought a box of cartoon watercolor pens for her son. The next day when her son got to class, he was targeted by a girl. She insisted that the watercolor pen was hers and her son had stolen it from her. Then I called my classmates to watch and said that there was a scratch on my watercolor pen. What was strange was that the watercolor pen that my mother had just bought for my child also had a scratch on it. At that time, the classmates in the class fell in love with this female classmate one after another, and finally the matter went to the teacher. Fortunately, the teacher was experienced and cautious and did not believe it immediately. He called the parents of the two children. The next day, Bao's mother came with the online shopping order. She understood everything at once, and the girl was slapped by her father because of it.

In order to achieve his own goals, he does not hesitate to frame others. This can't really be learned by watching TV.

Case 3: The child who triggered the general mobilization

Today's children are really becoming more and more courageous. I saw a news some time ago. A third-grade child is addicted to the Internet all day long. This is not New Year's money all spent on games. The new year's money is less than one thousand yuan, which is a lot of money. The child knows that his parents will definitely ask for it. So when I got home, I cried and told my parents: I was robbed somewhere, my New Year's money was gone, and I was dressed dirty. My parents were relieved to see that nothing happened to their children. But in the end, the police were called. After extensive investigation, it was discovered that the child had spent the money himself. At that time, the parents were so angry that they didn’t know what to say.

Nowadays, children generally have high IQs and low EQs, especially when it comes to lying. This is probably because they have received more information since childhood and have learned a lot. Especially the impact of TV dramas and the Internet has made children more and more

html Lay a good foundation of value before the age of 36

In this Internet age, information is mixed, and children will naturally learn a lot. We cannot control the choices of children when they are older, but when children are still young, parents can still filter them, and If a child has a good foundation of three views, he won't be able to get any worse when he gets older. Therefore, before the child is 6 years old, parents should help their children establish correct values, help their children filter out bad information, and set a good example by setting an example.


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