The "blood of intoxication" possessed by Feng Zhu can make ghosts intoxicated, but these three ghosts can resist it! Hello, viewers who like Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba! There is a very interesting setting in this work, that is, thin blood. According to the setting, humans wit

2024/07/0312:27:33 hotcomm 1979

The "blood of intoxication" possessed by Feng Zhu can make ghosts intoxicated, but these three ghosts can resist it!

Hello everyone who likes Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba! There is a very interesting setting in this work, that is, thin blood. According to the setting, humans with thin blood physiques are meat and potatoes in the eyes of ghosts, extremely nutritious. As long as a ghost eats one human with thin blood constitution, it is equivalent to eating 50 or even 100 ordinary humans. The difference is very obvious. Therefore, thin blood is very tempting to ghosts. As long as they smell the smell of thin blood, ghosts will be extremely excited and become impulsive.


In the Demon Slayer Squad, one of the Nine Pillars, the Immortal Miya Kawa, is a human with a thin-blood constitution, and his blood is the thinnest of thin blood. To ghosts, it is almost like heroin. exist. As long as they smell the smell of his blood, ordinary ghosts will immediately lose consciousness and let him slaughter them. Even the Twelve Ghost Moon will start to blur their consciousness as if they are drunk when they smell his blood.


However, it is such an extremely rare blood, which is like a drug to ghosts, but three ghosts said it does not work. The first among them was Nezuko. At that time, in order to prove that all ghosts in the world were generally black, Fengzhu deliberately used his own blood to lure Nezuko and forced her to attack humans. Unexpectedly, Nezuko finally turned away and refused. By sucking Feng Zhu's blood, he proves that he will not harm humans, and it also proves that Nezuko can resist Feng Zhu's "drunk blood". The reason why Nezuko was able to resist the temptation of thin blood was most likely due to her own physical problem, because in the end she became a perfect creature who was not afraid of the sun.


The second place is Shangxian - Heidi Mou . In Chapter 167, Shangxian Yi has also fought with Feng Zhu. The former slashed Feng Zhu into serious injuries, and he inhaled a lot of the blood that Feng Zhu flowed out, but It was just an unstable center of gravity, and no more discomfort was shown. Moreover, in the following battle, he also suppressed the Wind Pillar, Rock Pillar and Xia Pillar, and was not confused by the blood at all.


The third place is Ghost Dance Tsuji Muzan . Muzan is the BOSS of this game. His existence is different from other ghosts. He does not need to eat people to improve his strength. He only eats humans to maintain his hunger. , and as the most powerful ghost, Boss Dan has long been immune to thin blood like Feng Zhu, so he will not be confused and lose his mind. In addition, Muzan is the purest ghost, and his resistance to human blood is much stronger than other ghosts. He has lived for more than 1,000 years, what kind of blood has he not tasted? How could he be confused by a mere thin blood?


In summary, thin blood is an extremely rare setting. Although the setting is very powerful, for some BOSS, this setting is also dispensable in the later stage because it is impossible to rely on it. This setting can kill the BOSS, otherwise what's the point of having a protagonist? Therefore, the author only briefly mentions the reason why Nezuko, Kamejoichi, and Muzan are immune to thin blood. In fact, he does not want the wind pillar to be too expressive, otherwise the plot will fall into an embarrassing situation.

Ok, that’s the content of this issue. Viewers who like it can like, share and collect it. See you in the next issue.

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