[Tourism Consumption Vision] Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go! Xi

2024/07/0314:03:32 hotcomm 1861

【Travel Consumption Vision】Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go!

  1. Xi'an-Kashgar: Retracing the Silk Road, heading west through the legendary

[Tourism Consumption Vision] Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go! Xi - DayDayNews

Three thousand miles of the Silk Road and eight thousand years of Chinese civilization. The Silk Road is a classic self-driving route through the Northwest, allowing you to fully experience the magic of nature and the civilization of the Western Regions.

Self-driving route: Xi'an - Tianshui - Lanzhou - Zhangye - Jiayuguan - Dunhuang - Hami - Turpan - Urumqi - Tianchi - Korla - Luntai - Hotan - Kashgar.

On the way you can enjoy: Maijishan Grottoes, one of the four major grottoes in China, Leitai Han Tomb, the majestic Zhangye Danxia landform, "the first spring in the desert" Crescent Moon Spring, Yumenguan ruins, and Islamic classical architecture Hami returned to the Royal Palace, the Flame Mountain and the Id Kah Mosque.

2. Traveling in Western Sichuan: Capturing the most beautiful scenery and enjoying the beauty of the nation

[Tourism Consumption Vision] Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go! Xi - DayDayNews

The secret land of Western Sichuan has not yet been fully developed. In recent years, it has become an emerging niche self-driving tour route. It is also a must-go route for many photography enthusiasts. One car plus one With just one camera, you can take in the beautiful scenery of Western Sichuan.

Self-driving route: Chengdu - Dujiangyan - Ma'erkang - Seda - Luhuo - Daofu - Daocheng Yading - Xindu Bridge - Chengdu

On the way you will pass: Dujiangyan, Suzhou, the first water conservancy project in ancient China Qingcheng Mountain, the birthplace of Taoism, is known as "Qingcheng Tianxia", Miyaluo, China's largest red leaf viewing area, Wuming Buddhist College, the "red Buddhist country", the romantic Daocheng Yading, Xinduqiao, a photography paradise, and other places.

If the western Sichuan route is not enjoyable enough, let us continue to go deep into the hinterland of Tibet.

3.G318 Sichuan-Tibet Line: A chase about faith and a battle of the body

[Tourism Consumption Vision] Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go! Xi - DayDayNews

From Chengdu to Lhasa, this is a pilgrimage road with difficult conditions but beautiful scenery. Your feet are in hell and your eyes are in heaven.

Self-driving route: Chengdu— Ya’an Luding Kangding —Xinduqiao— Yajiang —Litang— Batang Mangkang Zuogong Bangda basuranwu—Bomi—lingzhigongbujiangdamozhugongka—Lhasa.

Ways: Chengdu, the hot pot city, Kangding, Paoma Mountain, steep Gonggar Mountain, Bangda Grassland, Linzhi, the most beautiful spring in Tibet, Linzhi’s mother river - Niyang River , Switzerland in Tibet, snowy Jiangnan - Bomi, Ranwu Lake, the Midui Glacier with the lowest altitude in the world, Namjagbarwa Peak, the father of icebergs, the Brahmaputra Grand Canyon, the second largest lake in Tibet - Namtso, the holy land of Tibetan Buddhism - Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, etc. land.

4. Self-driving Taiwan - Beautiful scenery with delicious food, and you can’t stop eating all the way

[Tourism Consumption Vision] Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go! Xi - DayDayNews

Whether it is a self-driving tour or a walking and car tour, island hopping in Taiwan has always been a very popular route. In addition to the dazzling beauty of Taiwan, Taiwan’s food is a movable feast that cannot be disappointed. Everywhere you go, you can find night market snacks.

Self-driving route: Taipei - Hsinchu - Taichung - Nantou - Kaohsiung - Pingtung - Kenting - Hualien - Yilan - Keelung - Taipei

On the way you can visit: Taipei National Palace Museum, Taoyuan Shrine, Sun Moon Lake , Lukang Town, Alishan , Kenting, Taroko , Guishan Island and Keelung Eight Scenic Spots.

5: Traveling through the Central Plains: Visiting ancient capitals of many dynasties and admiring ancient buildings in Henan and Jin Dynasties

The Central Plains has a developed economy and wide roads in ancient times. From Henan to Shanxi, you can walk into the Central Plains for thousands of years and feel the thickness of the Central Plains culture.

Self-driving route: Luoyang—Zhengzhou—Kaifeng—XinxiangLinfen—Mianshan—Jinzhong—Taiyuan—Yingxian—Datong—Hengshan

Attractions passing through: Zhengzhou, Zhongyue, Zhongyue Songshan, and Shaolin Temple, The ancient city of Kaifeng, the ancient capital of Luoyang, the Yellow River Embankment, the spectacular Hukou Falls, the Shijiagou ancient buildings, Longmen Grottoes , the ancient city of Jinyang, the Hanging Temple of the Northern Wei Dynasty, etc.

[Tourism Consumption Vision] Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go! Xi - DayDayNews

6. Far North Mohe Line: Wrap up tightly in your little quilt and break into the ice and snow fairy tale world

Mohe, the northernmost point in China, has the northernmost Arctic Village . Everything here, from the outpost to the toilets, is China's "northmost".

Self-driving route: Changchun - Shen-Ha Expressway - Harbin - Harbin-Dalian Expressway - Qiqihar - G111 - Nenjiang - S207 - Tahe - S207 - Mohe - S207 - Arctic Village

[Tourism Consumption Vision] Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go! Xi - DayDayNews

Route: Harbin Ice and Snow World, the famous Aershan National Forest Park, the world's largest reed wetland Zalong Nature Reserve, volcanic geological landforms Wudalianchi, Arctic Village, etc.

7. Self-driving tour of southern Anhui: a place where I have never dreamed of going to Huizhou

When I arrived at the ancient city of southern Anhui, even though I had already There are many modern features, but the historical charm hidden deep among the people is still there.

Self-driving route: Hefei - Jixi - She County - Huizhou - Tunxi - Xiuning - Nanping - Xidi - Wuyuan - Hefei

Places of passage: Sanhe Ancient Town , Qianqian Ren Li Scenic Area, Tangyue Archway Group, Nanping Ancestral Hall Group, Huangling Scenic Area, etc.

[Tourism Consumption Vision] Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go! Xi - DayDayNews

8. Southeast coastline: Go through the ancient city to ride the waves

Along the coastline, straight down from Ningbo , walk among the crashing waves and sunny beaches, and feel the wonderful wonderland of the golden coastline.

Self-driving route: Ningbo - Wenzhou - Fuzhou - Xiamen - Chaoshan - Guangzhou - Foshan - Zhanjiang - Guangxi Beihai

Passage attractions: Qiantang River , the earliest ancient temple in Hangzhou - Ling Yinsi , West Lake , Qishanxiu Yandang Mountain, literary Gulangyu Island, winding and colorful red bay, "living fossil" of Lingnan culture - Pinghai Ancient City, quiet and soft Beihai Silver Beach, "Big Penglai" Fairy Island - Wei Island Island etc.

[Tourism Consumption Vision] Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go! Xi - DayDayNews

9. Prairie Sky Road Self-driving tour: the Chinese version of "Route 66", Zhuifeng Prairie

Prairie Sky Road, connects Chongli Ski Hot Spring Area and Zhangbei Grassland Style Area, starting from Huapiling in the east, To the west of Yehuling , there are winding roads and magnificent grasslands. In late autumn, the colors of the wilderness change.

Self-driving route: Beijing - Chongli - Yanpian Mountain - Saibei Rice Terraces - Yehuling - Zhangbei - Guyuan Luanhe - Chongli - Beijing.

Route: Natural oxygen bar Huapiling, stone wonder Yanpian Mountain, tall wind power towers, colorful criss-crossing Saibei terraces, twists and turns of Guyuan Luanhe Lightning River and Guyuan Swan Lake Scenic Area and other places.

[Tourism Consumption Vision] Everyone has a dream about self-driving travel, driving their favorite car, taking their favorite people with them, and looking at the most beautiful scenery. The editor has compiled nine self-driving travel routes for you in 2017. Get ready to go! Xi - DayDayNews

There are nine self-driving routes with different styles. Do you know which one is more suitable for you? The Spring Festival is approaching, let’s pick one on the road and start!

Source: Online editing

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