According to Taiwan's "United Daily News" report on the 13th, the Democratic Progressive Party recruited Taiwan's "Minister of Health and Welfare" and Commander of the Epidemic Command Center Chen Shizhong to run for mayor of Taipei. "Legislators" of the People's Party said in re

2024/07/0117:04:32 hotcomm 1684

Source: Global Network

[ Global Network report] According to Taiwan's "United Daily News" report on the 13th, the Democratic Progressive Party recruited Taiwan's "Minister of Health and Welfare" and the commander of the Epidemic Command Center Chen Shizhong to run for mayor of Taipei, and the People's Party "established "The Committee" stated that Chen Shizhong announced his participation in the Taipei mayoral election on the 10th. On that day, there were nearly 28,000 new confirmed cases in the local area. It is really unconvincing to say that this wave of epidemic has ended and the commander has completed the phased tasks. Please ask We should also first come up with an epidemic prevention review report and give an explanation to the Taiwanese people.

According to Taiwan's

Qiu Chenyuan, general convenor of the People’s Party’s “Legislative Yuan” caucus, Cai Biru, “legislator”, and Chen Wanhui, director of the caucus and candidate for Yilan County mayor, held a press conference together this morning (13th).

According to reports, Cai Biru said that there are now more than 10,000 new local cases every day, but Chen Shizhong shouted, "I will shoulder the responsibility." In order to shoulder the responsibility of the DPP to win the election, Chen Shizhong ignored the "Minister of Health and Welfare" Responsibilities, abandoning the work halfway, there is no professional ethics at all.

Cai Biru said that during the epidemic period, the status of anti-epidemic materials and policies such as masks, vaccines, rapid screening, and oral medicines were all over the place. The wrong deployment of the command center made the grassroots exhausted and caused many irreparable regrets. A review report on anti-epidemic policies must be handed over to Public inspection.

Qiu Chenyuan said that Chen Shizhong’s inaccurate judgment led to the outbreak of rapid screening chaos in Taiwan, the "3+11" has not been able to produce meeting minutes, the mass production of self-produced "high-end" vaccines has been expired and destroyed, and the "Food and Drug Administration" has been allowed to "Indiscriminately issuing EUA (Emergency User License) and introducing fake rapid screening reagents to the head company, Chen Shizhong shouted "I am responsible", but in the end he did not even have the courage to stay and bear political responsibility.

"United Daily News" also reported that the Democratic Progressive Party will formally nominate Chen Shizhong to run for mayor of Taipei at the "Central Executive Meeting" on the afternoon of the 13th. The Kuomintang Cultural Affairs Bureau held a press conference on the 13th to criticize Chen Shizhong as a "runaway." Commander, from "responsible to the end" to "responsible to the end".

According to Taiwanese media reports, the Kuomintang has previously criticized that since the outbreak of the epidemic, Taiwanese people have suffered a lot. They not only have to face their own diagnosis, the death of relatives, and financial difficulties, but also face countless chaotic epidemic prevention policies. At this time, where is Chen Shizhong, the head of the epidemic prevention department? He didn't even apologize. Now he wants to "run away" to run for the election, and he dares to talk about the word "responsibility." It sounds so ironic.

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