Lin Weizhou, general convenor of the Kuomintang League, said that Chen Shizhong went too far. Only 9 new coronavirus vaccines in the world have entered the third phase of clinical trials, 4 of which are from mainland China. If COVAX certifies that mainland vaccines can be used, T

2024/07/0116:49:32 hotcomm 1604

Source: Global Network

[Global Network Reporter Yin Yanhui] According to a report from Taiwan’s Zhongshi News Network on September 26, Taiwan’s “Minister of Health and Welfare” Chen Shizhong announced that it has signed a contract with the international platform “COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Mechanism” (COVAX) , but also said that on the COVAX platform, mainland-made COVID-19 vaccines will not be selected. Ye Yulan, a "legislator" from the Kuomintang, disagreed with this and called on the DPP authorities to prioritize it as long as they can protect the people on the island. Lin Weizhou, general convenor of the Kuomintang League, said that Chen Shizhong went too far. Only 9 new coronavirus vaccines in the world have entered the third phase of clinical trials, 4 of which are from mainland China. If COVAX certifies that mainland vaccines can be used, Taiwan can follow suit. Did COVAX say it doesn’t want mainland China?

Lin Weizhou, general convenor of the Kuomintang League, said that Chen Shizhong went too far. Only 9 new coronavirus vaccines in the world have entered the third phase of clinical trials, 4 of which are from mainland China. If COVAX certifies that mainland vaccines can be used, T - DayDayNews

Chen Shizhong’s file picture (Photo source: Taiwan China Times News Network)

China Times News Network reported that Chen Shizhong announced at Taiwan’s “Legislative Yuan” on the 25th that Taiwan had cooperated with the international platform “COVID-19 Vaccine Global Acquisition Mechanism” on September 18. "(COVAX) signed the contract, and the deposit will be paid in early October. It is currently uncertain when the vaccine will be obtained. I am confident that COVAX will distribute it fairly. Chen Shizhong said that he would definitely not choose a mainland-made vaccine, and there are currently no plans to purchase mainland-made vaccines at public expense. He also said that if everything goes well, he hopes that vaccines produced in Taiwan will be available in May or June next year.

reported that on the 26th, the Kuomintang group invited experts to hold a press conference at Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan". Ye Yulan said that even if he joins COVAX, whether he can buy vaccines is still a problem, but Chen Shizhong directly said that he would not use mainland vaccines. Ye Yulan said that vaccines that can protect the people should be prioritized.

Lin Weizhou, general convenor of the Kuomintang League, said that Chen Shizhong went too far. Only 9 new coronavirus vaccines in the world have entered the third phase of clinical trials, 4 of which are from mainland China. If COVAX certifies that mainland vaccines can be used, T - DayDayNews

The Kuomintang held a press conference (Photo source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network)

Kuomintang League Chief Lin Weizhou also said that it is estimated that the countries or regions that have signed COVAX can buy 10% of the total population of vaccines. For Taiwan, , about 2.3 million doses, but when he asked Chen Shizhong whether he could definitely buy it, Chen Shizhong admitted that he could not guarantee it. Because COVAX has some priority provisions, for example, countries or regions with severe epidemics can get priority, so although the contract has been signed, it is not sure how much can be purchased and when.

Lin Weizhou criticized that Chen Shizhong directly declared that he would not use the mainland vaccine, which was too much. Only 9 vaccines for the global new crown pneumonia vaccine have entered the third phase of clinical trials, of which 4 are from the mainland. If the COVAX certification comes, the mainland vaccine can be used. , can Taiwan still tell COVAX that it does not want mainland China? Lin Weizhou said that if Taiwan unilaterally buys vaccines from the mainland, it may be difficult, and the mainland may not sell them. However, it is possible to buy the vaccines from the mainland through the COVAX platform, so there is no need to settle the matter early.

In response to the move by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities, some netizens on the island left a message in the comment area of ​​Taiwanese media, saying, "I would rather tie the health of all Taiwanese people to the DPP and let us all die together than buy an effective mainland vaccine. The DPP The party really belongs to you!" "The incompetent and shameless DPP! Only for personal gain, regardless of the health of the people... Only 1450 and 817 would choose such a bad person."

Lin Weizhou, general convenor of the Kuomintang League, said that Chen Shizhong went too far. Only 9 new coronavirus vaccines in the world have entered the third phase of clinical trials, 4 of which are from mainland China. If COVAX certifies that mainland vaccines can be used, T - DayDayNewsLin Weizhou, general convenor of the Kuomintang League, said that Chen Shizhong went too far. Only 9 new coronavirus vaccines in the world have entered the third phase of clinical trials, 4 of which are from mainland China. If COVAX certifies that mainland vaccines can be used, T - DayDayNews

Some netizens said, "Everyone on covax. It is a qualified vaccine. Are you sure that what you are eating now is not made from mainland China?”

Lin Weizhou, general convenor of the Kuomintang League, said that Chen Shizhong went too far. Only 9 new coronavirus vaccines in the world have entered the third phase of clinical trials, 4 of which are from mainland China. If COVAX certifies that mainland vaccines can be used, T - DayDayNews

also said, “It’s expected! After almost two years of anti-China drama, how can it be defeated for a small epidemic?” ?”

Lin Weizhou, general convenor of the Kuomintang League, said that Chen Shizhong went too far. Only 9 new coronavirus vaccines in the world have entered the third phase of clinical trials, 4 of which are from mainland China. If COVAX certifies that mainland vaccines can be used, T - DayDayNews

As early as February this year, Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that the Democratic Progressive Party authorities and the "Taiwan independence" forces took advantage of the epidemic and engaged in political manipulation, constantly escalating cross-strait antagonism and arbitrarily worsening cross-strait relations. The relationship atmosphere fully exposes the ugliness deep in the soul.

Ma Xiaoguang said that they took advantage of foreign countries and tried to use the epidemic to incite "Taiwan independence" consciousness, which completely exposed the conspiracy of "using the epidemic to seek independence." Ma Xiaoguang emphasized that "Taiwan independence" actions hurt the feelings and fundamental interests of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and are a political plague more "toxic" than the virus. We have the ability and confidence to win the battle against the epidemic, and we are more determined and capable to thwart various "Taiwan independence" activities. The DPP authorities and the "Taiwan independence" forces insist on going their own way and will surely suffer the consequences.

In addition, in April this year, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian stated at a regular press conference that since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia, the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party authorities have been jumping up and down, wantonly engaging in political manipulation, and continuing to hype Taiwan's so-called participation in the World Health Organization. The real purpose of organizing the issue of and the World Health Organization is to "use the epidemic to seek independence." We are firmly opposed to this and their plans will never succeed.

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