On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. Chinese people's reaction to Abe's death was polarized. Some people highly praised Abe. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had

2024/07/0114:53:33 hotcomm 1432

On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara City, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. At this time, it spread quickly on the Internet and suddenly occupied the hot search list.

On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. Chinese people's reaction to Abe's death was polarized. Some people highly praised Abe. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had - DayDayNews

Chinese people’s reaction to the death of Abe was polarized. Some people praised Abe highly. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had no scandals, no large assets, no bad habits, and even a childless lover. His mother Placed in a nursing home, the 60-year-old wife makes a living by running a tavern.

Some people say that Abe is a selfless activist. Even after resigning as prime minister, he still travels around the country giving speeches. Until the moment before his death, he still stayed at his job. If you only look at these aspects, he is worthy of respect and can be regarded as a kind person.

On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. Chinese people's reaction to Abe's death was polarized. Some people highly praised Abe. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had - DayDayNews

Some people say that Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine many times before lying down because he had to go to cater to the right-wing forces in Japan. In fact, this is completely nonsense. Visiting the Yasukuni Shrine is a true performance of Abe, because Abe and his family are militaristic bastards.

Ordinary people in Japan do not get enough space in the Japanese political arena. Looking at the Japanese political arena, "son succeeds in father's business" and in-law relationships abound. Among the many political families in Japan, there are five major political families, namely: Abe family , Aso family, Koizumi family, Hatoyama family , and Fukuda family. The prime ministership of Japan is almost always taken by these major families.

On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. Chinese people's reaction to Abe's death was polarized. Some people highly praised Abe. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had - DayDayNews

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was born in a famous political family - the Abe family. Shinzo Abe is an evergreen figure in Japanese politics. His achievements are certainly related to his own efforts, but they are also inseparable from the huge political strength behind him.

Shinzo Abe’s maternal grandfather is Nobusuke Kishi, who was Japan’s eighth post-war cabinet prime minister. He served as deputy minister of the General Affairs Department of the Puppet Manchukuo and was one of the five giants during Japan’s rule of the Puppet Manchukuo (i.e. Hideki Tojo , Hoshino Naoki , Matsuoka Yoyo, Ayukawa Gisuke , Kishi Nobusuke).

Shinzo Abe was in power for a total of 2,799 days, making him the longest-ruling prime minister in Japanese history. The previous holder of this record was Shinzo Abe's maternal uncle- Eisaku Sato. Nobusuke Kishi and Sakae Sato are brothers. Their common political philosophy is to be pro-American, anti-communist, and hostile to China.

On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. Chinese people's reaction to Abe's death was polarized. Some people highly praised Abe. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had - DayDayNews

Shinzo Abe’s father, Shintaro Abe, served as Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of International Trade and Industry. Shintaro Abe's father, Abe Hiroshi, was a member of the Japanese Parliament before World War II and a well-known left-wing anti-war congressman. His mother was the granddaughter of Army General Yoshimasa Oshima. In this way, Abe has elements of both the left and the right.

However, Abe was more influenced by his grandfather Nobusuke Kishi. When Abe was a child, his father Shintaro Abe was busy with work, so Abe's mother lived with her children at Nobusuke Kishi's house all year round. Abe was influenced by Nobusuke Kishi since he was a child.

Kishi Nobusuke is also known as the "Manchurian Demon". He played a decisive role in promoting the establishment of the Devil 731 Unit and provided huge funds for the 731 Unit . After Japan's defeat, Nobusuke Kishi was designated as a Class A war criminal, but he escaped trial by relying on his proficient English and sophistry, and was finally acquitted by the US military. After being released from prison, Nobusuke Kishi served as the top adviser to the Liberal Democratic Party. He has always been pro-American and anti-China.

On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. Chinese people's reaction to Abe's death was polarized. Some people highly praised Abe. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had - DayDayNews

As a result, An Nobusuke became the originator of the right-wing forces in postwar Japanese politics. He was called the "Showa Monster". He was a complete fascist militarist.

Nobusuke Kishi once said: “I have always felt that Japan’s approach (of launching war) was correct, and I must pass on this approach permanently."

Japan invaded China, massacred and looted, and caused a large number of tragedies. In Kishi's eyes, it was all right. Kishi, who held this evil idea, became the Prime Minister of Japan and spread this terrible idea everywhere.

On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. Chinese people's reaction to Abe's death was polarized. Some people highly praised Abe. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had - DayDayNews

During his term of office, Nobusuke Kishi ignored the opposition of the Chinese people and sent the ashes of Japanese war criminals at all levels to the Yasukuni Shrine, known as the Japanese militaristic spiritual society. Nobusuke Kishi also served as a prisoner for those sentenced to death, led by Tojo Hideki. Seven Class-A war criminals erected monuments and inscribed "Temple of the Seven Martyred Soldiers", beautifying these Class-A war criminals as "gods who protect the country"

In 1972, Kishi Nobusuke's faction tried their best to obstruct the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan.. Do not recognize the People's Republic of China . Trying to create "two Chinas" and stubbornly insist on being enemies of the Chinese people.

Abe's brother Nobuo Kishi is a typical example of a powerful Japanese political family. It is Japanese Defense Minister, who was adopted into the Anshinsuke family when he was a child.

When Nobuo Kishi first became the Japanese Defense Minister, he was repeatedly asked by Japanese Kyodo News reporters: How will Japan intervene in the Taiwan Strait war?

I was forced to panic. Nobuo Kishi said helplessly: To intervene in the war across the Taiwan Strait is to use the Self-Defense Forces to evacuate the overseas Chinese as soon as possible...

Then a reporter from Japan's Kyodo News asked again: "Is the Japan-China war an aggressive war? "

asked for two minutes. Nobuo Kishi thought about it, but in the end he had no answer to this question.

Reporter: "Is the Japan-China war a war of aggression? "

Nobuo Kishi: "History must be seriously considered. "

reporter: "Is the Japan-China war a war of aggression? "

Nobuo Kishi: "It is inconvenient to answer"

Reporter: "Why, this is the most important question"

Nobuo Kishi: "Because it is an important question, it is inconvenient to answer"

Reporter: "As the Minister of Defense, it is necessary to answer"

Kishi Nobuo: ...(continue to leave the topic)

It seems that he really does not want to admit that this is a "war of aggression." This attitude of Nobuo Kishi represents the general view of Abe and others

On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. Chinese people's reaction to Abe's death was polarized. Some people highly praised Abe. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had - DayDayNews

Nobuo Kishi and Nobuo Yasuo. The influence of Shinzo Abe is very great. Nobuo Yasushi and Shinzo Abe have been influenced by Nobusuke Kishi’s political family since they were young. Abe once admitted unabashedly: In politics, it is better to say that he inherited his grandfather (Nobusuke Kishi) than his father. ).

In his early years, Nobusuke Kishi sent Nobuo Yasuo and Shinzo Abe to Joki College in Tokyo, Japan. This college has close ties with Japan's Mitsubishi Zaibatsu and was the cradle of cultivating militarists during World War II. From elementary school to university. It is a consistent system, and militarism education is also a consistent system.

On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. Chinese people's reaction to Abe's death was polarized. Some people highly praised Abe. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had - DayDayNews

To this day, the descendants of the Kishi Nobusuke family still occupy an important position in Japanese politics. These politicians who are haunted by militarism will inevitably visit the Yasukuni shrine. Motion to amend the Peace Constitution .

In fact, these people's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine also has some positive meanings. Since Japan failed to completely liquidate its war crimes like Germany, it can keep the devils in a state of original sin.

On the afternoon of July 8, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was shot during a speech in Nara, Japan, and died after rescue efforts failed. Chinese people's reaction to Abe's death was polarized. Some people highly praised Abe. In terms of personal life and work, Abe had - DayDayNews

China can beat and admonish them at any time. Japan. If one day, The Emperor of Japan suddenly comes to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall and kneels down, then we will have no excuse to beat them

in the future.

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