This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X

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This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNewsThis event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNewsThis event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNewsThis event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNewsThis event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNewsThis event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNewsThis event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

The TV series " Sinful Debt " once brought countless people back to the wasted years that were infinitely lamentable; the movie "A World Without Thieves" considered people's moral bottom line in the form of laughter and tears; the TV series "Ordinary World" " Panoramically shows the struggle of a generation... Today, the creators or screenwriters of these literary, film and television works have come to us!

Early in the morning on July 23, more than 10 nationally renowned writers went straight to Luoping Jiulong Waterfall, kicking off the "Famous Writers' Journey to Qu Jing" event.

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association Ye Xin, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu Nenggeng , Wang Bisheng, Wang Gang, Zhou Xiaofeng, Qin Ling, Ma Xiaotao, Li Hao and other well-known domestic writers will go deep into Luoping, Luliang, Qilin, Zhanyi, Xuanwei and Huize counties (cities, districts) to collect their works Through the activities, you can fully experience the scenery and ethnic customs of Luoping Duoyi, understand the rich historical culture and artistic charm of Cuan Monument, feel the beautiful ecological environment at the source of the Pearl River and the achievements of Qujing’s ecological civilization construction, investigate Qujing’s industrial transformation and liquid metal development, and understand The history, production technology and intangible cultural inheritance of Xuanwei ham, one of China's four famous hams, experience the majesty and natural scenery of the world's tallest bridge - the Nizhu River Bridge, and appreciate the long copper casting culture of the Qing Dynasty copper capital and the splendid guild culture, and go to Dahai Caoshan to experience the unparalleled plateau Caohai scenery.

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

They are either screenwriters of famous movies and TV series, winners of various literary awards, or recipients of State Council expert allowances, but the most important thing is that they have always been conscientious cultivators on the road of literary creation. . Let’s get to know these famous writers together!

Ye Xin

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, a famous writer, and the author of "Wasted Years", "Tutoring", "Evil Debt" and other works.

Ye Zhaoyan

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

Vice Chairman of Jiangsu Provincial Writers Association, famous writer, author of works such as "Yan Ge", "Night Parking in Qinhuai", "The Story of the Jujube Tree", "Love in 1937", "Flower Shadow", "Hua Sha", etc. author.

Ge Shuijing

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

is a famous writer, vice chairman of Shanxi Provincial Writers Association, winner of Lu Xun Literature Award, screenwriter of the TV series "The Ordinary World", and his works include "Shouting the Mountain", "Swinging the Whip", "Watching", etc.

Deng Gang

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

was originally named Ma Quanli. First-class writer, recipient of the State Council Expert Allowance. He once served as vice chairman of the Liaoning Writers Association. He is now an honorary member of the Chinese Writers Association, a member of the editorial board of "People's Literature", and a writer-in-residence at Ocean University of China. He is the author of novels "White Sea Cucumber", "Twist and Turn", "Mountain Wolf Pirate", novella "Charming Sea", short stories "Labor Pains", "My Name is Wilson", etc. His works have been adapted into film and television scripts such as "The Man Who Touched the Sea", "Stand Up Straight, Don't Lie Down", "Kiss Russia", "Rain in Macau", etc. He has won many national, provincial and municipal literary awards, and his works have been translated into many languages. In the literary world, he is known as "China's Hemingway" and "the first person in the country to write about the sea".

Hu Shengcheng

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

is a well-known writer and vice chairman of the Yunnan Provincial Writers Association. He is the author of the novels "Someone Returns to Hometown", "Dark Place", "Who is Xiaoxing", "The Village of Memory", "Dust and Years", and the reportage "Wang" Dancing in the Sands". The short story collection "Sleeping in the Warmth" was selected into the 21st Century Literature Series of the Chinese Writers Association (Volume 2004).

Wang Bisheng

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

is a famous writer, the former supplement editor and senior editor of People's Daily. He is the author of many prose essays, such as "A Critical Biography of Deng Tuo", "East Scales and West Claws", and "Simple Slips". The essay "Unit" won the "Seventh Lao She Prose Award" and the "2014 Best Chinese Prose Award" from "Selected Prose Magazine".

Fu Xing

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

is a well-known writer, former executive editor of "Sprout" magazine, deputy director of the Novel Committee of the Shanghai Writers Association, and deputy director of the Screenwriting Committee of the Shanghai Radio, Film and Television Production Industry Association.He is the author of several collections of novels and novels such as "The Arbitration of the Earth", "Magic Life", "Music Box", "Strange Birds", etc. He has served as a screenwriter for nineteen TV dramas including "Under the Roof of Shanghai", "The Old Man's Story", and "Flying High with You". His novel creation has won the first Germination Creation Award, the first Shanghai Literary Work Award, the second Shanghai Youth Literature Award, and the second Chinese Writers Association Zhuang Chongwen Literary Award. The film "Flying High with You" won the "Most Popular Audience" award at the 13th Udine Film Festival in Italy and the "Silver Kite" award at the first Argentina International Children and Youth Film Festival.

Wang Gang

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

is a famous writer, winner of the Golden Horse Award for Best Screenplay, and the screenwriter of "Party A and Party B" and "A World Without Thieves".

Zhou Xiaofeng

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

is a famous writer and a professional writer at Beijing Lao She Literary College. He has won Lu Xun Literature Award, Feng Mu Literature Award, Zhu Ziqing Literature Award, People's Literature Award, October Literature Award, Huadi Literature Award, Chinese Literature Media Award and other awards.


This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

famous writer, author of "Jiushilipu", "Embroidered Insoles", "Red Dragonfly", "Tiles Broken in 2005" and other works.

Ma Xiaotao

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

is a famous young writer and deputy director of the editorial department of People's Literature Magazine. He has won the first prize in the National New Concept Composition Competition, the "Chinese Writers Ordos Literary Newcomer Award", the Presentism Prose Award for Newcomers, the West Lake·China Newcomer Literature Award, and the Chu Jiwang Literary Award. At the age of seventeen, he published the collection of essays "Blue Hair Ribbon". Published novels "Trees fly away, birds stay", "Love Slowly", "Amber Love", novel collections "Mars Girl's Earth Experience", "Zhang Moumou", essay collection "Growing Up" Troubles", "Cold Eyes" and many other works.

Li Hao

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

is a famous writer who has won the Bing Xin Prose Award, Chen Ziang Poetry Award Nomination Award, Yang Wanli Poetry Award, Cao Zhi Poetry Award, and Pu Songling Prose Award. He is currently the editor-in-chief of the literary monthly "Haiyan".

Jiang Jicheng

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

is a member of the Chinese Writers Association and the former chairman of the Qujing Writers Association. He has published 20 personal literary monographs in China and Taiwan, and his works have won many national and provincial literary awards.

Ai Ni

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

’s real name is Yang Zhigang. He started writing poetry in 1987. His works have been published in "People's Literature", "Poetry Magazine", "October", etc., and have been selected into various annual poetry anthologies. He has published poetry collections "Old County Poetry Draft" and "Little Life and Death". He has won the first prize in the Yunnan Provincial Young Poets Competition, the Shanxi Independent Poetry Award, the Yunnan Gaoligong Literature Festival Annual Writer Award, the Liaoning Poetry Trend Magazine Annual Poetry Award, the Yunnan Provincial Writers Association East Yunnan Literature Award, and the Yunnan Daily Literature Award. Selected as a famous artist in Zhuyuan, Qujing City. Currently working for Qujing Daily.

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

text and pictures Zhang Yan

editor Chen Xue

typesetting Chen Xue

This event was co-sponsored by the Propaganda Department of the Qujing Municipal Party Committee and the Hong Kong Commercial Daily. In the next five days, led by Ye Xin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers Association, including Ye Zhaoyan, Ge Shuiping, Deng Gang, Fu Xing, Hu X - DayDayNews

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