Yunnan Province celebrated the third "Chinese Doctors' Day" event in Kunming. Photo by reporter Zhou Can On August 18, Yunnan Province celebrated the third Chinese Doctors’ Day in Kunming. The provincial government awarded 299 comrades from the province's medical and health front

2024/07/0113:14:34 hotcomm 1503
Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Yunnan Province celebrated the third "Chinese Doctors' Day" event in Kunming. Photo by reporter Zhou Can

html On August 18, Yunnan Province celebrated the third Chinese Doctors’ Day in Kunming. The provincial government awarded 299 comrades from the province's medical and health front the honorary title of "Excellent Medical and Health Personnel of Yunnan Province in 2020". Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia, the vast number of medical and health personnel in our province have insisted on putting people and life first, racing against time, fighting against the disease, fighting tenaciously, day and night, and using practical actions to build a steel line of defense for the people to prevent and control the epidemic. A number of people have emerged. There are a large number of advanced models and touching deeds that are touching and evocative. They are worthy of the titles of "angels in white" and "health guardians". Let us listen to the four most beautiful "rebel" representatives who were commended talk about their magnanimous innocence.

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Carry forward the anti-epidemic spirit and protect people’s health! Yunnan Province celebrates the third "Chinese Doctors' Day" event held in Kunming

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Data picture: Yunnan assists Hubei medical team on the expedition

Chen Min, Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Responsibilities and missions of disease control personnel

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Chen, Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention Photo by Min reporter Zhou Can

I am Chen Min from the Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, mainly engaged in laboratory testing. On the occasion of "Chinese Doctors' Day" in 2020, I am deeply honored to receive the "2020 Yunnan Province Outstanding Medical and Health Personnel" award. This honor not only belongs to me personally, but also to the 400,000 unknown and dedicated medical and health personnel in the province's health system! As a representative speaking here, I deeply feel that the provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to people's health and their cordial care for the province's medical and health personnel. For me, this is both affirmation and encouragement.

My father is also an epidemic prevention worker. I grew up in the compound of the epidemic prevention station, and I have the most basic understanding of epidemic prevention work. During the college entrance examination, I resolutely chose to apply for preventive medicine, hoping to protect people's health like my father's generation did. After graduating from Peking University with a Ph.D., I returned to my hometown, joined the Yunnan CDC family, and devoted myself to AIDS prevention and treatment.

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Data map: Yunnan Inspection Team: "Full Moon" We share responsibility with the people of Huanggang. Photo courtesy

Yunnan Province celebrated the third 0 years have passed by. In the past 10 years, whether it is the prevention and control of major infectious diseases or the handling of public health emergencies, I have a deeper understanding of the importance of disease control work and my responsibility and mission as a qualified disease control person.

At the beginning of the new year of 2020, the whole country suffered a huge impact from the COVID-19 epidemic. Wuhan, Huanggang and other places have been "locked down" one after another, and Hubei has become the main battlefield for domestic epidemic prevention and control.

As a laboratory tester, I am very aware of the importance and danger of COVID-19 virus testing. As a member of the Communist Party, as a descendant of disease control personnel, and as a health professional, it is my duty to serve when the motherland and the people need me most. After learning that a laboratory testing team to aid Hubei was to be formed, I immediately volunteered and went to Hubei with three other colleagues. Due to tight time and heavy tasks, I didn't even have time to say goodbye to my parents before leaving. After they learned about the situation, they showed more understanding and encouragement. During the 49 days of working in Hubei, my father's words, "It's time for you to take the field" often lingered in my ears.

According to the unified arrangements of the headquarters, we went straight to Huanggang. Due to manpower shortage, we need to work fifteen or six hours a day. During this period, we gave full play to the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and continuing to fight, and worked with local colleagues to set a new daily inspection record. From the initial daily average of 300 to the peak of 2,000, it has been completed every day, and a total of nearly 40,000 specimen tests have been completed, providing a strong guarantee for local epidemic prevention and control and patient treatment.

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Data picture: Photo provided by Chen Min and colleagues

Since the outbreak, under the strong leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, our province has mobilized the entire province to prevent and control the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. Through seven measures, including expanding the scope of close contact screening and conducting nucleic acid testing for all centralized quarantine personnel, the epidemic in our province has been controlled to the smallest extent and the smallest number of people.Of the 140 confirmed cases imported from Hubei, only 34 local people were infected. At the same time, our province also shoulders the important task of guarding the southwest gate of the motherland and has become one of the important lines of defense in my country's "foreign import prevention". Through the "Five Controls", the phased goal of zero input at land border ports has been achieved. In addition, under the severe situation of continuous imported confirmed cases from overseas aviation, no local transmission has occurred so far.

Life is more important than Mount Tai, and the interests of the people are above all else. After this battle, I deeply felt the provincial party committee and the provincial government’s firm determination to “people first, life first” and their high responsibility for the life safety and health of the people in the province. As a professional, I know that the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic is a protracted battle without gunpowder, and hard battles, battles, and tests are still to come. In my future work, I will live up to the high hopes and trust of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, not forgetting my original intention, keeping my mission in mind, and working with colleagues in the provincial health system to carry forward the anti-epidemic spirit and protect people's health. I will remain determined and strive for life. .

Chen Min’s story:

Yunnan Testing Team: It’s a “full moon” and we share the responsibility with the people of Huanggang to fight the epidemic

Diary of the fight against the epidemic: Clearing the sample stock

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Data map: Yunnan aids the Hubei medical team on the expedition

Yunnan Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital on behalf of the month Jiao

Shoubai Yi’s original intention is to carry out the mission of serving the people

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Photo by Zhou Can, reporter Dai Yuejiao of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

I believe that everyone here feels the same as me. This year’s winter seems particularly cold. Just when the whole country should be celebrating, Wan On the eve of the Spring Festival when families reunited, a sudden COVID-19 epidemic swept across Wuhan and spread rapidly. For a time, Wuhan was in emergency, Hubei was in emergency, and the whole country was in emergency.

html On November 26, as a nurse, I took the initiative to sign up to compete. That afternoon, I was urgently recalled by the hospital to participate in pre-war emergency training. Less than 24 hours from registration to departure. The next day, January 27, the third day of the Lunar New Year, my teammates and I left Kunming for Hubei as the third batch of national and first batch of Yunnan Province medical team members to assist Hubei to carry out a glorious and arduous national mission. During this period, my teammates and I were stationed in the COVID-19 confirmed ward and critical ICU ward of the Infectious Diseases Department of Tongcheng County People's Hospital respectively.

As an ordinary soldier in the medical team, I will share with you my thoughts and feelings in Hubei through three short stories of "a thank you", "a lie" and "a little insight" from the perspective of a nursing team member. , enlightenment.

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

The first story: A big thank you to Brother Cao, a patient of

, who has many basic diseases and has been bedridden for a long time due to the pain. In order to prevent the patient from developing bedsores, we applied our hospital's widely acclaimed in-house preparation "Huanghuangwanhong Cream" to the patient in a timely manner to ensure that the patient's skin in the pressured area was intact. Due to his condition, Brother Cao could only eat liquid food. The team members gave Brother Cao all the eight-treasure porridge, milk powder and sesame paste they brought. His lover, a simple rural lady, shed tears silently and kept repeating "Thank you, you are good people!" These are the most authentic and simple words of the patient's family.

"I can't speak Mandarin, let Sun Tzu write some words to thank you." This kind of gratitude is performed every day among the Yunnan medical team.

The people of Hubei say: Thank you for fighting for Hubei. The mountains and rivers of Hubei and the generations to come will always remember your kindness. We believe that it is the strong motherland and the heroic people, the strong leadership of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the 48 million people in our hometown that give us the confidence and strength to win."

The second story: a lie

Next please Let's temporarily put our thoughts back and go back to the day I left Kunming on January 27. On the day of departure, my husband sent me to the hospital to gather. On the way, he said to me: "You can work peacefully, I am at home." "However, I later learned that on January 26, we both received the order at almost the same time. As a nurse, I was about to leave Kunming for Hubei, and as a SWAT team member, he was urgently recalled. On January 27, we will rush to Hubei. Respective battlefields. One battle, two battlefields. We are both husband and wife and comrades-in-arms. We have different professions, but we have the same belief.My husband said that he did not tell me because he was afraid that I would worry about my family and affect my work. He said that this was a white lie. Because of the special nature of our work, my mother deliberately concealed her illness. She did not tell the truth until her self-administered painkillers failed to relieve the pain, and my husband pressed me. In the end, with the care and help of party committees at all levels, hospital leaders and colleagues, my mother successfully underwent the operation. During this period, the sisters who had been staying in the department gave up their rest time and went to the bedside to help my family take care of my mother. My mother vomited due to postoperative reactions, and the vomit contaminated the hands of the sisters in the department. No one had the slightest dislike. The friendship will always be in my heart. The leader of the hospital called me that day and said only one sentence, "The operation was successful. Protect yourself. If you have any difficulties, report them to the organization. We will take good care of your little home." I shed tears at that moment. I was not afraid or cried when I went to work in Hubei, but I shed tears at that moment. I deeply felt the heavy organizational camaraderie that we can shoulder together in times of difficulty. This friendship is very true, this friendship is very warm, this friendship is very heavy, this friendship is a solid arm that we can rely on.

The third story: A little insight

Next I want to talk about my teammates. The youngest member of the team is called Cai Changji, an outstanding post-95s Houlang, and the only male nurse in the team. Cai Changji not only has to complete intravenous infusion, arterial and venous blood collection, throat swab sampling, ultrasonic atomization, traditional Chinese medicine fumigation and other nursing tasks under the conditions of unclear vision in goggles and poor touch of double-layer gloves, but also has to complete cleaning, food delivery and other tasks. We work as clerks, waiters, and psychological counselors, switching our roles at any time according to the needs of patients. I don’t know what others saw through him. What I saw was his fatigue, perseverance, loneliness and faint joy. This joy came from a little happiness after he completed all the work alone. Cai Changji is not an individual but a group portrait. It represents the persistence of all members of the Tongcheng Medical Team in ordinary times and their responsibility in times of crisis.

My teammate Zhang Rongjiao, on the day we evacuated and returned to Kunming, her husband came to see her outside the quarantine line with a pair of young twin daughters. The young daughter cried for her mother. 56 days is very short and fleeting, but 56 days is very long. The daughter who is less than two years old can no longer recognize her mother. The scene at that time, the child's dazed, confused and helpless eyes. Zhang Rongjiao called anxiously with tears in her eyes: "Shuangshuang, I am mother, please call me mother." In fact, when we were working in Hubei, whenever we saw the tired but brave figures of our teammates, we wanted to give each other an encouraging hug, but we couldn't, because we who travel through the infected wards every day are all high-risk groups and have all been infected. In order to protect each other, we kept the distance as much as possible. When hugs became a luxury, we owed each other a big hug, so I recorded the following words with my heart: When spring comes, we will Return safely! When we came back, we gave each other the biggest hug.

html In the past 156 days, we have experienced an unforgettable journey. We have experienced and witnessed the firm belief of our great motherland to unite as one to fight the epidemic. We have experienced and witnessed the majestic power of the people in the prosperous times who are not afraid of hardships and dangers and fight bravely. It is this firmness Our faith and great power inspire us to keep our original aspirations and shoulder our mission of serving the people.

Dai Yuejiao’s story:

Monologue at the forefront of fighting the epidemic: Promise me, after the epidemic, we will embrace

Xianning without fear! Yunnan is coming!

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Data map: The medical team from Yunnan aiding Hubei returned with honors

Wang Yinjia from the First People's Hospital of Kunming

Supported by his colleagues in life and death

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Photo by Wang Yinjia from Kunming First People's Hospital reporter Zhou Can

February 11, 2020, I encountered a problem. This problem was not how to respond to the call to fight the epidemic, nor was it how to make up my mind to press my fingerprints on the petition. But how to say goodbye to my family and tell them that I am going to Hubei to support.

When I returned home in the evening when I received the order to go out, I said, "I'm going to Hubei to support." I didn't dare to say another word.After being silent for a while, the wife said: "Be careful!"

The daughter was unhappy: "Why are you going to Hubei?" "Xiao Xuan, there are many children in Hubei, as old as you, their father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother I'm sick. My father is a doctor and he has to treat them."

"Oh! Wait a minute." The daughter went back to her study and closed the door. After a long time, she took out an envelope. Just as I was about to open it, she said, "Don't read it! You can't read it until you arrive in Hubei!"

After the plane landed at Wuhan Airport, I couldn't wait to open the envelope.

"Dad, when I learned that you were going to Hubei, I was both happy and sad. The happy thing is that my dad will become a hero in the hearts of others, but the sad thing is that you may never come back..."

In an instant, my eyes Full of tears.

is "gone never to return". I hope my daughter doesn’t really understand the meaning of these words!

That night, I was at a loss as I was videotaping my daughter.

"Xiao Xuan, what's wrong?"

"Dad, I miss you, I dream about you, I'm so scared, afraid that you will never come back..."

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Data map: Received a letter from my daughter. Photo courtesy of reporter Yang Ping

Who says daughters don’t understand? Children of medical staff understand better the preciousness of life and why their parents go against the grain.

I held back my tears, folded the letter carefully, and placed it on my chest.

The medical team arrived in Chibi, but no one in the bus full of people spoke. The lifeless streets and biting cold wind cast a layer of gloom on the hearts of the team members. The originally bustling business district outside the hotel also seemed... So deserted and desolate.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. Can Chibi's medical staff still fight?

came to the hospital and to the ICU. This is the critical ward in Chibi, a critical isolation ward that had just been temporarily set up for 9 days. Instantly, my heart went cold. There was no equipment and shortage of supplies. This was far from the intensive care unit where I usually worked. The worry in my heart is even worse.

And when I saw the doctors and nurses in Chibi, I felt heartbroken. The tired and about-to-collapse expressions of the doctors and nurses in Chibi People’s Hospital were a hospital that had no experience in working with infectious diseases and was built in 9 days. In the critical care hospital, they have been persisting for a month.

I said to them: "Come, write my department and my name on my clothes. From today on, we will fight together."

"How can I say that I have no clothes, but I have the same robe as my son!"

So, I I was the first to walk into the most dangerous red zone. When I saw the COVID-19 patients, I felt heartbroken again. Looking at their difficult breathing, helpless eyes and hands reaching out to me, I knew that it was the desire for life. , that is the trust of life.

We quickly formulated diversion measures. In 48 hours, 15 doctors, and hundreds of consultations, we quickly admitted 22 critically ill patients to the critical ward areas 10 and 11. The members of the medical team are running around, and we cover the ward 24 hours a day, racing against time to rescue patients.

The equipment is not enough, people have to do it. The members of the medical team have used their own flesh and blood to defend their position against the epidemic.

One day when I put on red goggles and went to the ward, my comrades in Chibi said: "Director Wang from Yunnan is so jealous." "Yes, we are going to fight the new crown to the end!"

Finally, The critically ill patients in the ward gradually stabilized. When I came out of the isolation ward and fell asleep unknowingly, they took this photo and said, "Master Wang is tired, let him take a nap!" At this moment, I was no longer Director Wang. ,Professor Wang. At this moment, it is no longer Hubei and Yunnan, it is no longer Chibi and Kunming. At this moment, we are together. "Master Wang" has become our favorite title!

When we welcomed the first patient to leave the critical ward, we gave ourselves a thumbs up, with happy smiles and tears of excitement behind the goggles.

One afternoon, a photo appeared in the ward communication group. A nurse stood still, holding the treatment cart with one hand and bending her body. My work experience allowed me to instantly know what she was going through. The lack of oxygen, headaches, and resulting physical discomfort put her in a dangerous situation.Carefully identifying the markings on the outside of the protective suit to confirm the time she entered, she was almost at her limit.

"Teacher Fu, get ready and come out!"

"It's okay!" She straightened up, made an expected and unexpected action, and walked towards the ward.

"Master Wang, I have exceeded the limit."

"The duckbill is too stuffy. I can last a few more hours with the green N95!"

"I am not used to bathing without alcohol every day. The alcohol in Chibi is so fragrant!"

This is it! The comrades who fight side by side with me are not afraid of life and death. They are thinking about how to buy more time for rescue treatment and how to snatch the patient's life from the hands of death.

Although there are some people whose names I cannot know and what they look like in this life. But I am lucky to be able to fight with such comrades in this life!

It is precisely with such comrades that we have 530,000 Chibi people.

Doctors and nurses in white robes have become an invincible steel team. Together we defeated the epidemic and ushered in victory.

Before leaving Chibi, I took a picture of the beautiful sunset in Chibi. I took a picture of the beautiful morning sun in Chibi.

With the most precious certificate of "Honorary Citizen of Chibi City" in my life and a ticket to triumph, I returned to my hometown.

I hugged my dreaming daughter tightly. At this time, my heart was full of pride and I wrote a poem of Qi Rhymes: "Holding a three-foot green-edged sword, I will drive away the epidemic demons and return in triumph. Yunwei has thousands of pure hearts, willing to forge for China." Loyal soul."

Wang Yinjia's story:

Dad read the letter and said, "Daughter, wait for Dad's triumphant return"!

[Protecting Xianning and Yunnan in action] Dad, open the letter I wrote to you when you get to Hubei

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Data picture: Yunnan aids the Hubei medical team on the expedition

Geng Jiawei, Department of Infectious Diseases, No. 1 Hospital of Yunnan Province

State-owned Love Without Borders

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Yunnan Province No. Photo by reporter Zhou Can of the First People's Hospital Geng Jiawei

Doctors are humane and have the world in mind. I have always believed that where there are injuries, that is our battlefield.

html On March 24, the first confirmed case appeared in Laos, and panic spread among the Laotian people. At the request of Laos, the Party Central Committee decided to set up a medical expert team to assist Laos. After hearing the news, I took the initiative to apply for a war, and my application was successfully approved. I was finally able to represent my motherland! But at that time, my elderly mother had just passed the critical period due to pulmonary embolism, and I was still worried about how to do the work for the elderly. But when they found out, as an old party member, she said to me: "It is your duty to be careful. Don't worry about me." ". Having the support of my family strengthened my confidence.

html On March 29, the fifth day after the outbreak of the epidemic in Laos, we brought the first batch of more than 4 million yuan in supplies to assist Laos, with the great trust of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and with the deep friendship of the Chinese people , took a China Eastern Airlines charter flight to Laos.

As soon as I got off the plane, the heat wave hitting my face was suffocating, and I was sweating profusely even if I stood still. However, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Lao government, the Minister of Health, people from all walks of life, and overseas Chinese were all dressed in formal attire to warmly welcome me on the tarmac.

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Data map: Party members of the First Hospital of Yunnan Province took the lead in petitioning to fight the epidemic. Photo provided by

Ambassador Jiang Zaidong told us that Laos, as a less developed country, donated US$700,000 in cash and multiple batches of epidemic prevention materials to us during the worst period of the epidemic in my country. It showed its sincerity and tried its best. The Chinese people attach great importance to being a friend in times of need, and the most important thing is to repay kindness. Connected by mountains and rivers, we are here to help each other, and we have a mission; rushing thousands of miles to help, we have to race against the virus!

After leaving the airport, we went straight to the Lao Ministry of Health to learn about the epidemic situation and needs in Laos. During the exchange, we found that the Ministry of Health had high expectations for us, but the expert team was doubtful about us because they were both "Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan" of Laos, and we It comes from a provincial hospital in Yunnan, but we are full of confidence. In just half a day, we visited three national-level designated hospitals in Vientiane and discovered more serious problems and hidden dangers than in the early days of Wuhan, and we gave scientific suggestions for rectification. Immediately afterwards, China's diagnosis and treatment plans were interpreted in depth and China's experience was introduced. At Laos' request, we worked overnight and quickly formulated a diagnosis and treatment plan for them that was based on Laos' actual conditions.

Everyone worked overtime and stayed up late to divide the functions and process of the designated Vientiane Friendship Hospital into a designated model hospital. Assisted Laos to formulate and improve 3 plans, 3 guides, and 16 management documents at the national level, covering 18 provinces across the country and conducting more than 20 special trainings, on-site demonstrations, and operational Q&A; at the same time, we also visited centralized isolation points, There are more than 30 units including villages and entry and exit ports. The leader of the expert team also exchanged views with Deputy Prime Minister Somdy three times to ensure that Laos and we meet each other halfway...

html On April 3, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a phone call with General Secretary Bounnhang of the Lao Party Central Committee. We earnestly studied and understood the spirit of the phone call between the top leaders of the two parties and the two countries. The two leaders also mentioned the "Medical Expert Group to Aid Laos and Fight the Epidemic", which made us deeply inspired and made us feel even more deeply responsible for the great responsibility and glorious mission. The provincial party committee and government also guided our work through videos and cared about our health, which made us very motivated.

html For 114 days, we carried out field visits under the scorching sun and worked overtime. I was still having meetings at 12 o'clock at night and writing materials until dawn. In order to save travel time, we took a military helicopter to the training location. On the helicopter, the deafening roar and strong smell of gasoline made us dizzy and nauseated. We kept the cabin door open during the whole flight, and from the hole cover opened at the bottom of the cabin, we could see the mountains moving under our feet, but we were There were no seat belts, and everyone was sweating in their hands. When we finally reached our destination, we turned back due to weather conditions. The originally exciting trip turned into a painful ordeal, but we persisted fearlessly.

Yunnan Province celebrated the third

Party members who are fighting on the front line at the First People’s Hospital of Yunnan Province

All that we have done, the Lao people and their Lao counterparts have seen and remembered in their hearts. They told reporters: “These Chinese experts are sincerely with us! ". When we enter the ward to communicate with patients about their condition, although they don’t know who we are, they know that we are “Chinese doctors.” When they give us a thumbs up, as a Chinese, I feel sincerely proud. The

expert group interpreted with practical actions the spirit of China-Laos community with a shared future that “we must take care of each other and protect our neighbors”. In recognition of the outstanding contributions of the expert group, the Lao Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Health awarded us collective and individual certificates of honor.

Through this anti-epidemic aid operation in Laos, I deeply realized that a strong motherland is the strong backing of foreign aid work, and the leadership of the party and the advantages of the socialist system are the guarantee for concentrating efforts to accomplish major things. At critical moments, the key lies with the party. Although only a 12-member medical team was sent, it was a reflection of the motherland’s strength. We showed the world China’s strength and effectiveness in fighting the epidemic, China’s power and China’s spirit, and China’s “love without borders”. humanitarian feelings.

Fourteen days passed quickly. The Lao side repeatedly tried to persuade us to stay, but we had to leave. The translators and reporters accompanying the team burst into tears. The Lao party and government leaders lined up at the airport to see us off and put up this banner: The Lao people thank China in white. warrior!

Full of feelings for our family and country, we rush to the battlefield of foreign aid; as doctors from great countries shoulder their responsibilities, we return triumphantly from the battle against the epidemic. When the China Eastern Airlines charter flight entered China's airspace, "My Motherland and Me" played on board. We burst into tears and sang together. We can fulfill our mission and live up to our great trust precisely because our motherland will always be with us!

Geng Jiawei's story:

Measuring the scale of life with party spirit. Remembering the party members fighting on the front line of the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province

International medical cooperation in anti-epidemic Yunnan in action

Playing the role of a battle fortress Party members of the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province took the lead in fighting the epidemic

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