Recently, the National Palace Museum in Taipei lent Yan Zhenqing's "Manuscript of a Nephew Memorial" to the Tokyo National Museum for exhibition, causing controversy among netizens. A reporter from Beijing Youth Daily noticed that Ji Tao, a member of the Legal Advisory and Theore

2024/07/0306:09:33 hotcomm 1796
Recently, the National Palace Museum in Taipei lent Yan Zhenqing's

Recently, the issue of The National Palace Museum in Taipei loaned Yan Zhenqing "Manuscripts in Honor of My Nephew" to the Tokyo National Museum in Japan for exhibition has aroused controversy among netizens. Then another question arose: Can art treasures such as "Manuscripts in Honor of My Nephew" be brought to the mainland for display?

A Beijing Youth Daily reporter noticed that Ji Tao, a member of the Legal Advisory and Theoretical Research Committee of the China Auction Industry Association, wrote an article for Artron Art Network titled "Why can't Yan Zhenqing, who is on loan to Japan, come to the mainland?" 》 provides a detailed explanation of this issue.


Emotional and smooth writing on the back of the paper. It is regarded as "the second running script in the world"

Ji Tao's article first introduces the historical value of "Manuscript of Memorial to My Nephew".

"Manuscripts for Nephew Sacrifice" appeared when the "Anshi Rebellion" broke out in the Tang Dynasty. Yan Zhenqing, the then governor of Pingyuan, contacted his cousin Changshan governor Yan Gaoqing to launch an army to attack the Anlu Mountain rebels. Later, the rebels captured Changshan, and Yan Gaoqing and his youngest son Yan Jiming were arrested and killed one after another. More than 30 members of the Yan family were killed.

Two years later, Yan Zhenqing found Yan Jiming's head in Hebei. When he saw the coffin containing the head, he missed his loved one. Yan Jiming, who was inferior to the weak but talented, suffered such a misfortune and now had to come back with a head. Yan Zhenqing could not suppress his grief and anger, and he wrote a "Manuscript for Memorial to My Nephew" in one go as a memorial. .

This running script was written with passion, and the emotion is reflected on the back of the paper. The writing style is moving and smooth, and it was praised by later generations as "the best in Yan script". The "Manuscript of the Nephew Sacrifice" has also been confirmed by later collectors to be authentic, and is regarded as "the second running script in the world". Together with Wang Xizhi " Preface to the Lanting Collection" and Su Shi's " Cold Food Post " it is collectively known as "the three most famous scripts in the world". Running script Dharma post ".

Explanation of doubts

The National Palace Museum in Taipei is worried that the works seized by the judiciary are currently difficult to display in the mainland.

Ji Tao mentioned in the article that the National Palace Museum in Taipei will lend the "Manuscript for Nephew" to Japan this time, but it will not lend it to museums in mainland China yet, "because Most of the cultural relics in the National Palace Museum in Taipei were "moved south" from the National Palace Museum in Beijing in the 1930s and 1940s to avoid the Japanese occupation, and were eventually transported to Taiwan. There were original differences between the two sides over the ownership of these "southernly moved" cultural relics. Taiwan is worried that their collections may be seized when exhibited in the mainland, and they have been asking the mainland to formulate "judicial seizure-free" regulations before they are willing to lend cultural relics."

The so-called "judicial exemption from seizure" of cultural relics, Ji Tao explained, is mainly to ensure that museums that own controversial cultural relics will not be subject to judicial prosecution or seizure when the relevant cultural relics are exhibited abroad, ensuring that the loaned cultural relics can be returned safely. The United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and other countries have signed "judicial exemption from seizure" clauses, but the mainland has not yet formulated this clause. Therefore, the National Palace Museum in Taipei dared to loan the "Manuscript of Memorials to Nephew" to Japan but did not dare to take it back to the mainland for exhibition. The

article mentioned that the first exchange between museums on both sides of the Taiwan Strait began in October 2009. At that time, 37 cultural relics from the Forbidden City in Beijing went to Taiwan to co-organize the "Yongzheng Exhibition" with the National Palace Museum in Taipei, but the National Palace Museum in Taipei never The collection has been loaned and exhibited across the mainland. In 2011, the "Combining Mountains and Rivers - Special Exhibition of Huang Gongwang and Residence in the Fuchun Mountains" was held at the National Palace Museum in Taipei. The "Wu Yongshi Scroll" from the late Tibetan period was put on display together, but the National Palace Museum in Taipei did not agree to lend the "Wu Yong Shi Scroll" to the Zhejiang Museum of Art for a joint exhibition in Hangzhou.

According to Ji Tao, in fact, as early as 2013, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council had made a commitment: the mainland supports and encourages cultural and museum institutions on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to strengthen two-way exchanges of cultural relics across the Taiwan Strait, and there will be no problems that Taiwan is worried about, namely judicial seizure.


As usual, exchange exhibits should be strictly secured and insurance should be purchased

Ji Tao revealed in the article that people in the ancient calligraphy and painting collection and museum circles at home and abroad look at the problem more rationally: "They believe that as a treasure of human culture and China It is a good thing to lend excellent ancient calligraphy works to museums in Japan. It is beneficial to the spread of traditional Chinese culture and art. It is also reasonable for exchanges between various museums."

Regarding the issue of protection of works, a reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily contacted Ji Tao by phone yesterday. He believed that museums in various countries and regions will purchase insurance for the exhibits when exhibiting cultural relics and make special arrangements for the safety of the exhibits. All countries and regions will Regional museums also have relevant regulations and systems for the safety and security of exhibits.

In addition, regarding the so-called "suffering a loss" from borrowing "Manuscripts for Memorials to My Nephew", Ji Tao said that major museums in various countries and regions cooperate and follow each other's conventions in handling exhibits. In exchange, "I will lend you my collection for display this year, and your collection will come to me for display in a few years. There will be a fair agreement, and everyone should abide by this convention."

Expert introduction

Ji Tao, Neo-Confucianism. Master, scholar studying in the UK, registered auctioneer. Currently, he is a member of the Legal Advisory and Theoretical Research Committee of the China Auction Industry Association, a member of the China Auction Standardization Technical Committee, the leader of the auction terminology standardization drafting group, and a researcher at the Auction Research Center of the Central University of Finance and Economics. Ask the general manager of International Auction Co., Ltd. and adjunct professor of China University of Political Science and Law

(Source: Beijing Youth Daily)


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