Among all extramarital affairs, the one the first wife encounters most often is the money-seeking mistress. They tell lies like "I love you" to cheating men, but in fact they only love the cheating man's money. Many mistresses even want not only money transfers and gifts from che

2024/07/0113:02:33 hotcomm 1605

Among all extramarital affairs, the one the first wife encounters most often is the money-seeking mistress.

They tell lies like "I love you" to cheating men, but in fact they only love cheating men's money.

Even many mistresses want not only money transfers and gifts from cheating men, but also the cheating men’s property.

If the original wife does not deal with this kind of mistress, she will probably end up with nothing in her personal fortune.

Among all extramarital affairs, the one the first wife encounters most often is the money-seeking mistress. They tell lies like

For example, in an extramarital affair case that Jiaxin came into contact with before, the original wife, Ms. Gao, encountered such a mistress.

She and her husband have been married for nineteen years. When they were young, they started a business and accumulated a lot of wealth.

With more money, troubles began to increase. The couple began to have disputes because of taking care of their brothers and sisters, giving money, finding jobs, etc., and the relationship between the husband and wife began to become disharmonious.

But because I have two children, it hasn’t reached the point where I can’t survive.

The marriage between the two can still be maintained, and they can treat each other with respect as guests.

Knowing the mistress's behavior, the relationship between Ms. Gao and the cheating man dropped to a freezing point.

The mistress is the new secretary of the cheating man. She is about thirty years old, good-looking and in good shape.

A cheating man is very obsessed with his mistress. The mistress says he is a third party for love.

However, he uses love as an excuse to continuously benefit from cheating men.

The money that the cheating man spends on his mistress is the joint property of the two people. The original wife, Ms. Gao, is naturally unwilling to

. However, the cheating man is in a crazy stage with his mistress because of conflicts with his original wife.

simply couldn't listen to the advice of his original wife, Ms. Gao, and was unwilling to break off the relationship with his mistress.

It was under such circumstances that Ms. Gao came to Jiaxin for help and asked me how to separate the mistress.

The mistresses that Ms. Gao met were typical mistresses who were looking for money.

They used the name of love to seduce men with good conditions and take money from these men.

And if the man is rich enough, these mistresses will also find ways to seek superiority and grab property.

If the original wife doesn't pay attention to such a mistress, and allows the mistress and the cheating man to continue to develop,

The cheating man can't figure it out, the mistress is ambitious, and the original wife still condones it,

In the end, the mistress must succeed in taking over, crowding out the original wife, taking away the man, and even stealing away the man. Take the original wife's property.

Therefore, the original wives must discover and solve this kind of mistress in time. If

original partners also encounter this kind of mistress, you can refer to the following ideas.

Among all extramarital affairs, the one the first wife encounters most often is the money-seeking mistress. They tell lies like

A sure-win strategy for dealing with a mistress who wants money. Either the mistress cannot get the money, or the cheating man cannot afford the money the mistress wants.

In a case like Ms. Gao's, the original matching economy's ability to control the relationship was not as high as

's ability to prevent the mistress from getting money from the cheating man, so her case needs to be solved using another approach.

That is to make the mistress become more greedy and constantly ask for money from the cheating man, making the cheating man unable to afford it. How does

make the mistress greedy? It is necessary for the original wife, Ms. Gao, to constantly stimulate the mistress and stimulate her desire to compare.

Most mistresses like to compare themselves with their original spouses, especially when the cheating man buys things for the two of them.

For example, if a cheating man buys a 10,000-yuan bag for his first wife, if he buys it for his mistress for more than 9,000 yuan, the mistress will definitely not be happy, but she will not make a fuss.

will only start coaxing cheating men to buy more expensive bags for themselves, so that they can have a psychological balance.

If the mistress asks the cheating man to buy it for more than 10,000 yuan, which is higher than the original price, the cheating man will still buy it to coax the mistress.

If the mistresses can't handle it clearly, the lion will ask for 100,000 yuan, and the cheating man will never accept it. On the contrary,

will feel that the mistresses are unreasonable and troublesome. No matter how much he likes the mistress, he cannot afford the price, so he will naturally have bad thoughts about the mistress.

This kind of bad idea will become more and more serious as the mistress continues to ask for things that are beyond the tolerance of the cheating man. In the end, the cheating man will feel that the mistress is only interested in money and he cannot afford it, so he takes the initiative Cut off the relationship with the mistress.

As long as a cheating man wants to abandon his mistress, he will be able to end the extramarital affair completely.

Then what Ms. Gao has to do is to stimulate the mistress and the cheating man to ask for money, so that the cheating man cannot afford it.

Today I posted a brand-name bag on WeChat and said it was bought by a cheating man. I received countless likes and comments praising the cheating man as a good man.

In this case, the cheating man will not object to the original allotment, because this is something that is also good for him.

But if the mistress sees it, the mistress will be unwilling. The mistress will not tell the cheating man directly, I want to compare with yuan and .

If you buy it for the original wife, I will ask you to buy me a more expensive one. She will look for it. Excuses and cheating men want.

Ms. Gao posted in the circle of friends that the things are getting more and more expensive, and the mistress wants more and more.

The cheating man couldn't accept it anymore, so he asked the mistress not to ask for it anymore. The mistress was not happy anymore.

She said that the cheating man bought it for her first wife, why not buy it for her? The cheating man said that the first wife bought it for herself.

How could the mistress believe it? Instead, she would feel that the cheating man was lying to her, and she would have a very bad attitude towards the cheating man.

A cheating man will feel that the mistress is greedy, cannot see his identity clearly, and wants everything.

If two people hold this view of each other, this extramarital affair will not be far from ending.

Among all extramarital affairs, the one the first wife encounters most often is the money-seeking mistress. They tell lies like

Sometimes, there are many mistresses in extramarital affairs, especially mistresses who are looking for money.

They are all very greedy. In the beginning, cheating men often indulge the mistress's greed in order to maintain the extramarital affair.

But if there is no limit to what the mistress wants, she becomes more and more greedy, even beyond what the cheating man can afford.

This extramarital affair is basically not about to end, because in the final analysis, the cheating man loves himself more.

is willing to buy things for mistresses within the limits of his ability, making mistress happy, and he can also enjoy the benefits brought by mistress.

But if it exceeds what he can bear, he will feel that the mistress has harmed his interests, and he will start to break off the relationship with the mistress impatiently.

’s sure-fire strategy for dealing with a mistress who wants money is to make the cheating man and his mistress fall out over money.

Finally, if you encounter cheating and don’t know what to do, you can follow Jiaxin and chat about your situation via private message.

I am Jiaxin, a marriage advocate who focuses on third-party separation.

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