Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of "Lady's Dignity", which has been long-awaited by netizens, has started airing.

2024/07/0113:00:33 hotcomm 1625

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

And Stella , played by Chen Shu, is unanimously considered by the company's employees to be the most capable successor.

Zhang Kaili plays the former president's wife (Jiang Dalin's mother) and is also one of the directors. In order for her daughter to take over, she has done enough work in private.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

The most exciting part of the first two episodes is the voting section at the board of directors.

has no extra lines. In order to choose the president, they do not give in to each other in terms of momentum, and they all rely on their eyes to make the show. The

venue is filled with a strong murderous aura. It can be called a fight between gods. Interested friends can go and watch.

Under the control of her mother, Jiang Dalin was forced to take office. After

took office, Jiang Dalin faced many obstacles in her work. As a novice in the workplace, she was faced with various tests in a new industry.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

At Stella’s signal, the teleprompter was removed from the press conference.

Jiang Dalin was repeatedly questioned by reporters and refused to help. She has no office and has no understanding of the company's business.

Although she is the president, Jiang Dalin has been ignored by Stella and has become a mere commander, feeling ignored like air.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

It seems that the silly and sweet heroine has to go through a bumpy growth path before she can counterattack. In the latest plot of

, Jiang Dalin has found a helper for her to counterattack, Wei Zhe, the best in the crisis public relations world.

Although the plot has been criticized by peers, it does not reflect the industry level at all.

Huang Xuan's acting skills have been criticized, but you should still follow the drama. In special times, happiness is very important.

Putting aside the plot, the most attractive thing in the play is not the heroine, but a group of powerful female supporting characters, the most dazzling of which is Stella.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

The strong woman appears very domineering. The moment she comes out of the elevator, she reminds you of Kim Nam Joo - confident and contemptuous of everything.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

As the female supporting character, her suit style is sassy and smart, stealing the limelight of the heroine.

, just like Li Na, has become another existence that is more eye-catching than the heroine.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

No wonder the audience complained that she looked more like a female CEO than the heroine.

not only manages her career, she is also a self-reliant heroine in the face of her husband's cheating. When

was giving unused nutrition to the nanny, she found that her bag and a few things were missing, but she accidentally discovered that her husband was cheating on her.

She went to the hospital for a physical check-up a few days before she was injured, hoping to have a baby with her husband as soon as possible.

When most people find out that their husbands are cheating on them, they can’t help but ask for a confrontation.

But she went to her husband's work quietly, picked up the fire extinguisher in the parking lot and smashed the car window to look for evidence.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

exported the data from the driving recorder, locked the mistress’s address, secretly tracked her and took photos. On the surface, she and her husband acted as if nothing had happened, but in fact everything was under control.

Facing the betrayal of marriage, weigh the pros and cons and make all preparations. The plot of

is to let the husband clean up and leave the house, or there will be more unexpected results, wait and see.

Stella’s aura and temperament make countless women envious.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

Chen Shu, who plays Stella, is 43 years old this year. He is the beautiful and aloof Bai Liusu from "Love in a Fallen City".

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

From the mysterious and capable underground party in "Peace Hotel" to the female CEO who controls everything, her strength steals the spotlight.

In life, Chen Shu and her husband, pianist Zhao Yinyin, are also a couple of gods.

Friends who have watched "Tucao Conference" should know that Zhao Yinyin is funny and humorous. He is the pianist's joker and even won the current TALK KING.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

Chen Shu, who lives a happy life and has superb acting skills, is very self-disciplined in life and loves yoga.

has been practicing yoga for 20 years.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

She said:

I will practice for about 30 minutes every day.

Some people say that this is Chen Shu’s self-discipline, but I want to say that this is my lifestyle.

If you scroll through Weibo, you can see her practice photos.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

has a graceful figure and outstanding temperament. Director Gao Xixi called her: the most beautiful Chinese actress in cheongsam.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

Living at home for a long time this year has caused my weight to increase uncontrollably. Seeing the beautiful spring, it is difficult to cover up the shortcomings of my body with clothes.

It's time to exercise and give your body and life a new rhythm.

Let’s do some yoga together to shape your body from the outside and nourish your heart from the inside.

develop a gentle, elegant and self-disciplined temperament, and let life go to the side you most want.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

Today I will share with you a set of exercises to improve your temperament and get rid of fat.

helps you fade away the traces of time and let your life enter a new cycle.

Action 1: Eliminate the trapezius muscles and shape beautiful shoulders .

The thick trapezius muscles look bulky, especially affecting the shape of the shoulders. If we want beautiful shoulders with smooth lines, we need scientific exercises.

Many people may go for shoulder slimming injections in pursuit of quick results.

Absolutely not, because the trapezius muscle is divided into: upper trapezius muscle, middle trapezius muscle and lower trapezius muscle .

If you go for shoulder slimming injection and eliminate the upper trapezius muscle, the middle and lower trapezius muscles will be affected:

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

1, eventually leading to abnormal back shape.

2. The spine cannot receive normal support.

3. There is limitation in raising the arm.

If you want to improve, keep practicing like this.


Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

1. Bend your elbows and hold your elbows on both sides of your body.

2. Keep your chin parallel to the floor, and as you exhale, move your left ear toward your left shoulder and tilt your head to the left.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

3. Straighten your right arm downwards and imagine that your right fingertips are touching the floor.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

4. Turn your head to the left or right, stay at the mild synaesthesia point for 5 breaths, and practice on the other side.

Action 2: Get rid of and say goodbye to meat , open your shoulders and thin your arms.

If you sit for a long time and operate a computer for a long time, the blemishes on your arms will be particularly obvious.

There are also postpartum mothers whose arms appear thicker from the accumulation of fat during pregnancy to doing housework and raising children after unloading.

Thick arms will make the upper body look bloated and strong, making you look fat and older. To get rid of the body fat, prepare a rope or towel to practice like this.


Stretch preparation:

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

1. Standing, externally rotate and abduct the upper arm until the arm is parallel to the floor.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

2. Bend the elbow and continue to rotate the forearm backward.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

3. As you exhale, straighten your forearms upward.

Formal stretching:

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

1. Hold the rope or towel with both hands at twice the width of your shoulders. Inhale and straighten your arms upward.

2. When exhaling, pull the rope to the side and back around the head with your left hand, and maintain it for 5 even breaths.


1. Instead of fighting each other with both hands, the right hand is led by the left hand to passively extend the arm.

2. Lower your shoulders and complete within your own control.

3. Once burning or tearing sensation occurs, stop practicing immediately.

When you stay at home, the fat on your belly is almost overflowing. Yesterday I saw a post from a friend: Put on a skirt and draw a circle of fat around your waist. Check to see if you have any.

If you want to get rid of your swimming ring and big fat butt, hurry up and follow the exercises below.

Action 3: Slim down your waist and get rid of your fat buttocks.


Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

1. Sit and stand on the mat, externally rotate the upper arms, and adduct the shoulder blades close to the midline of the body.

2. Tighten the abdomen in advance and activate the abdominal muscles.

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

3. Tighten your buttocks and slightly adduct your thighs to lift your buttocks off the floor.

4. Keep breathing evenly for 5 times, tighten your abdomen, and imagine that there are a pair of big hands on both sides of your waist helping you tighten your waist and lower abdomen.

This exercise shrinks the waist and slims the abdomen, and makes the back beautiful and the buttocks lifted.

Many friends have officially returned to work this week. They must take precautions and not be careless.

Many cities have also lifted the ban, but everyone seems to have misunderstandings about the epidemic, thinking that the virus seems to have disappeared. People who party, go shopping, climb mountains...

Looking at the lineup, Kaili, Chen Shu, Gao Lu, Tong Liya, Che Xiao, actors with good looks and high acting skills are starring. I thought that the Chinese version of

Such wrong behavior may lead to another outbreak of the virus.

Let’s all be patient, stay home, stay at home, take precautions when returning to work, and make the final effort to fight against the virus.

Don’t let those front-line medical staff who protect us with their lives pay more effort and cost.

Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, hold on to that restless heart, you have survived a month, don’t miss these few days, don’t let all your efforts go to waste.

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