Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, answered questions from reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily after today's Tianjin epidemic prevention and control press c

2024/07/0112:53:32 hotcomm 1167

"It still depends on the status of screening. I am optimistic that it will calm down before the Spring Festival." Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering , Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Honorary President Zhang Boli answered after today's Tianjin epidemic prevention and control press conference Questions from reporters of China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily.

The Spring Festival is the peak period for gatherings. Zhang Boli hopes that the public will take care of the overall situation, "protect yourself, your family, and Tianjin, and try to have as few gatherings, dinners, and gatherings as possible, and spend this Spring Festival safely."

On January 11, 2022, at the 165th press conference on the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic in Tianjin, Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced the current epidemic situation in Tianjin one by one. The children in

treatment are very well behaved, we are confident! At the

press conference, Academician Zhang Boli introduced that this time there are more mutations in and , with 32 mutation points, and some escape mutation points have also appeared. Therefore, the protective effect of this vaccine on it is falling. However, the overall condition this time was relatively mild and there were few severe cases, which is also a reflection of the protective effect of the vaccine. "Therefore, I still remind everyone to get vaccinated as much as possible."

Zhang Boli said that mild symptoms should not be taken lightly. The sequelae of new coronary pneumonia are still a research topic. According to foreign reports, 30%-50% of patients have various sequelae. , higher than reported in China, where organic disease is not that severe and recovery is better.

"We attach great importance to the treatment of pediatrics. Even if there are no symptoms now, we still need to administer drugs to move the barrier forward and block the progression of the disease. In this treatment, the children are very cooperative and behave well when taking Chinese medicine. We are confident that we will treat them as soon as possible Cure them."

Zhang Boli said, "We do not advocate that all children with no problems should gather together less, wear masks, ventilate frequently, and wash hands frequently. These measures are absolutely effective and must be adhered to especially for children. For children, special attention should be paid to their digestive tract. Many children eat too much. If their palms are hot and their tongue coating is thick, it is because they are hot from food. It is very easy for young children to catch a cold when they catch a cold. Children should pay attention to the accumulation of cold, do not cover it, and take good care of it. Prevention. If you have some symptoms of discomfort, you can use targeted drugs to treat them. For example, it is good for children to go to Baoding. "

Zhang Boli, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and honorary president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, answered questions from reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily after today's Tianjin epidemic prevention and control press c - DayDayNews

30% of patients in this round of epidemic in Tianjin are asymptomatic.

Academician Zhang Boli said at the press conference, "We are the first. This is the first time I have personally experienced the novel coronavirus pneumonia infected by Omicron virus. From the current point of view, it is more secretive and more transmissible. Once it was discovered in Tianjin, it was at least the third generation."

Zhang Boli said that the reason for this is that it is more secretive and more transmissible. Strong means that the patient's symptoms are relatively mild, and some people have no symptoms. So we only discover it during physical examination or close screening. It is said to be more transmissible because one person has already infected more than a dozen people, and the infection spreads quickly.

Academician Zhang Boli said that the symptoms of this round of epidemic are relatively mild, 30% are asymptomatic, half of the patients are mild, and some are common, with few severe cases. Whether in children or adults, this is basically the rule. Some people are asymptomatic at first, but gradually develop upper respiratory tract symptoms after two or three days, mostly cough, sore throat, and fever. Even the fever is moderate, ranging from 38°C to 38.5°C, with shortness of breath. It is relatively mild, and the symptoms are mainly concentrated in the upper respiratory tract and large trachea, with relatively few gastrointestinal symptoms. This is different from the previous symptoms of COVID-19.

Academician Zhang Boli said, "This time, the symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine have also changed. Before, there were many dampness and poisons, but this time it was exogenous wind-heat, with nasal congestion, sore throat, cough and other cold symptoms. After a few days, it manifested as lung heat cough . Here we go. In the later stage, some patients felt weak, tired, and fatigued. The overall condition was similar to that of previous cases, with more contagious symptoms and milder symptoms. Academician Zhang Boli specifically mentioned that based on the experience of early treatment, traditional Chinese medicine Treatment will play a greater role in this round of treatment. So far, relatively good results have been achieved. The time for patients to turn negative is relatively fast, the recovery rate is reduced, and the conversion rate is relatively low. The effect shown in traditional Chinese medicine is even greater this time. protrude.

Zhang Boli said that the proportion of fever patients in this round of epidemic is not high, and the temperature is not high, so traditional Chinese medicine is very effective. We also adjusted the medicine according to the new situation, starting with relieving the lungs, relieving the surface, and clearing away heat. In the second stage, it was sweet and cold, clearing away heat, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, and the last stage was to replenish qi and nourish yin. "In terms of prevention, we have issued a new prescription for close contacts to take. The general population can just take Qinggandongyin. More than 1 million boxes of this medicine were used last year. It has a preventive effect on new coronary pneumonia, and the public reports that the effect is very good. Good. At present, this medicine has been included in the medical insurance and can be purchased easily by the public. This epidemic mainly involves exogenous wind-heat, and a small number of people have exogenous wind-cold, so Lianhua Qingwen is more symptomatic for exogenous wind-heat. The effect of is also very good.”

Academician Zhang Boli also mentioned that the number of patients in this round of COVID-19 epidemic was mostly children at first, but now there are many adults. Therefore, children are not susceptible to this disease, just because the initial outbreak occurred in day care classes, and later the disease became more common among adults and the elderly.

Academician Zhang Boli said: "We are paying special attention to this group of infected children. We have sent three doctors to the ward and have checked all the patients. At present, the overall condition of the children is relatively good. Several children have fever symptoms but their body temperatures are not The symptoms are very high, and the others are mainly due to cough and sore throat, and half of the children are asymptomatic. At present, the children are in good condition, and we will do our best to cure them as soon as possible, so that parents and society can rest assured. "

This epidemic in Tianjin has given the whole country peace of mind. What experience does it bring? At the

press conference, a reporter asked: What experience has Tianjin’s epidemic prevention and control brought to the country?

Academician Zhang Boli replied: The whole country is a whole. The people of Wuhan made great sacrifices back then, but they provided good experience to the whole country. That’s why we say that the people of Wuhan are heroes. When Tianjin faced the new coronavirus epidemic caused by Omicron this time, Tianjin was the first to bear the brunt and encountered the first wave of resistance. The people of the country support Tianjin. When I came today, several companies contacted me and wanted to donate medicine to Tianjin.

Tianjin has the responsibility to sum up our experience and make contributions to the whole country. Judging from foreign experience, Omicron is indeed very contagious. However, we hope that Tianjin can reduce the spread of the virus to other countries as much as possible, but we must prepare for the worst.

From the current point of view, in just a few days, Tianjin has been "early" in prevention and control work. It was discovered on the 8th and the city-wide screening started on the 9th, and the response was very fast. An old lady in her 80s told me that the screening was completed in 20 minutes. It is very important to regulate and , because it is highly contagious. One generation will occur in 3 or 5 days. If it is not done quickly, another generation or two may have passed when we find out again.

The second is "strictness", which means staying at home without leaving home, and it is a trinity that must be implemented in place.

The third is "accuracy". Every step of the entire intervention and treatment is accurate and precise. It will not have much impact on the city as a whole, and prevention and control can be carried out accurately in different areas.

In addition, we not only considered prevention and control, large-scale screening and patient treatment, but also took into account the impact on people's lives. We have thought of all the issues of medical treatment in advance. We have done a very good job and the people give full recognition. The municipal party committee and government sent letters to the people of the city. Everyone felt very friendly when reading them, as if their own family members were speaking there. Everyone could understand and be considerate.

Before I came, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine was convening an on-site meeting to formulate a traditional Chinese medicine response plan for Omicron infection.

We have participated in the treatment of many patients, so we have basic information. We hope to summarize it and how to use medicine from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. After these experiences come out, one will help Tianjin cure patients as soon as possible, and the other will also be a contribution to the whole country.

China Youth Daily client (reporter Hu Chunyan), Jinyun News reporters Zhao Yingyan, Liu Chang, Ma Yangyang

Source: China Youth Daily

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