In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati

2024/07/0110:49:33 hotcomm 1398

Source | CCTV Today's Statement (WeChat ID: cctvjrsf)

" The Internet is not allowed to operate lottery

As long as you are in the lottery sales industry

You appear on the Internet

At least your website must be illegal "

Floating Corpses in the River

2017 In February, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examination, it was found that the man was in his 20s and had been dead for more than a week.

According to the documents on the deceased, the police found out that the man was a local and worked in a company in this city. After the police came to the company to inquire, they learned that an accountant named Xiaowei had not come to work for several days. Accountant Xiaowei’s colleague recalled that before Xiaowei disappeared, the company was conducting a comprehensive inventory of the accounts. He felt that Xiaowei was very abnormal during that time.

In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati - DayDayNews

After hearing what the colleague said, the company leaders immediately asked people to verify all the accounts handled by Xiaowei. Later, everyone was shocked to find that Xiaowei used his accounting status to transfer more than 24.7 million yuan from the company 23 times within a year. Yuan.

After verification, the deceased in the river was the missing accountant Xiaowei of this company. After an autopsy, the forensic doctor found a large number of diatoms in the lungs of the deceased, and concluded that Xiao Wei drowned, ruling out the possibility of homicide. Preliminary analysis by the police showed that in the face of the company's audit, Xiaowei, who felt that he could not cover up, chose to commit suicide...

html Where did the more than 420 million yuan go?

The police immediately checked the account of the deceased Xiaowei and found that the more than 24.7 million yuan had flowed to two people. The personal account of the website owner.

In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati - DayDayNews

After checking Xiaowei's transaction records, the police found that Xiaowei would transfer a large amount of money to this account before each lottery draw. It is almost certain that Xiaowei had purchased lottery tickets with more than 20 million yuan embezzled from the company. The police concluded that and were both illegal websites because there was already a ban on selling lottery tickets through the Internet.

In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati - DayDayNews

In May 2017, the police raided two illegal websites in a high-end office building in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. After in-depth investigation, the police found that the employees of the two websites were actually young people with high education...

In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati - DayDayNews

luxury cars and mansions Boss Ma

The police found out that the illegal profits of the two websites from selling lottery tickets on the Internet reached more than 30%, and The amount involved is very high.

In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati - DayDayNews

After investigation, it was found that the owner of one of the websites was named Ma. He was 29 years old and graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology majoring in computer science. Boss Ma used his expertise to establish a lottery website and achieved so-called financial freedom at a young age. He lives in a 200-square-meter mansion in Hangzhou, bought a Maserati for his wife, and drives a Mercedes-Benz S65 to enjoy wine, yachting, and golf with his girlfriend. In addition, Boss Ma also bought a house in Beijing. After

was captured, Boss Ma said that the website was completely legal when it was founded, but after the ban was promulgated in 2015, he moved the website underground. After going underground, the website actually launched fake lottery tickets with a very low chance of winning, so it made huge profits. In the past, websites had to hand over lottery players' money to the lottery center. After the ban was introduced, the lottery players' money became the private treasury of Boss Ma and others.

In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati - DayDayNews

Lottery website actually advised lottery players to stop

The deceased Xiaowei’s biggest hobby during his lifetime was buying lottery tickets. Perhaps he always thought about winning a big prize one day, so he bought every issue. His salary could not satisfy his desires, so as a company accountant, he took advantage of his position to reach out to public funds...

Because he was holding public funds, Xiaowei was generous and spent large sums of money, and the website quickly noticed him. At first, facing such a big customer, the website felt happy. After the website sent a special person to get in touch with Xiaowei, they learned that Xiaowei's money was stolen, and they were worried that once Xiaowei was exposed, the website would also be implicated.

In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati - DayDayNews

The frightened lottery website actually began to persuade Xiaowei to stop. Unexpectedly, Xiaowei, who was addicted to gambling, not only refused to listen to the advice, but even bet more and more, and soon invested more than 10 million yuan.Faced with such a huge amount, the website was even more scared. They found Xiaowei again and signed an agreement with him:

In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati - DayDayNews

At this time, Xiaowei had stolen more than 10 million yuan from the company. Unable to repay, he could only hope Yu won the lottery and closed the loophole of embezzlement of public funds. Xiaowei, who was riding a tiger, did not stop just because of an agreement. He continued to embezzle public funds to buy lottery tickets until he misappropriated more than 24.7 million yuan from the company...

In February 2017, the company launched a verification of the accounts, knowing that the matter would soon be revealed. Xiaowei jumped into the cold river in despair...

Netizen comments:

In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati - DayDayNews

Law popularization time

In February 2017, the weather was cold, and the police in Linhai, Zhejiang Province received a call. The caller said that a man had been floating on the river for a long time. The police immediately rushed to the scene and fished the man out of the river. After forensic examinati - DayDayNews

Q1: The guest invited to our studio today is Professor Wang Xuehong, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences of the Ministry of Finance. Professor Wang welcomes you. In April 2015, eight ministries and commissions jointly issued a ban on the sale of lottery tickets on the Internet. Why can companies like Boss Ma and others still exist?

A1: Mainly because the operation of such illegal websites can make huge profits in a short period of time, so the operators of these illegal websites are still carrying out profit-making business activities as always. In addition, although it has been stopped, in the process, because some of our legal provisions are not so specific and clear, there are indeed problems in the supervision process such as difficulty in enforcing the law and relatively light punishments. Because in our country's "Criminal Law", the sentencing for illegal gambling itself is also very light. The maximum penalty is only 3 years or more, and no penalty exceeds 10 years.

Q2: As an accountant, Xiaowei actually understands the seriousness of the consequences of misappropriating more than 20 million yuan of public funds, but he just can’t seem to stop. Why do you think this is happening?

A2: Lottery is a double-edged sword. The positive side is that it is a public welfare undertaking for the country, but the negative side is that it has a certain degree of addiction. Lottery players like Xiaowei in the case, we call them consumers, have already developed a certain degree of addiction. Because his purchase lasted for a year and he embezzled public funds repeatedly, we Xiaowei called him a pathological lottery player. In addition, lottery players, or gamblers, generally have a mentality of winning a big prize by luck, so they can support their purchases for a year. For him, because he had invested a lot of money in the early stage, he had a strong desire to make money, and he couldn't stop, so he went deeper and deeper, and the amount of misappropriated funds became larger and larger.

Q3: We often see lottery players winning prizes in news reports. Some people win millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, which is very enviable. So some lottery players want to use this method to make a fortune. Do you think ordinary people place their dreams of getting rich on lottery tickets? Is this right?

A3: This is definitely not right. Although we call lottery a sunshine business and a public welfare undertaking, and many Western countries call it smiling tax, in fact it is a kind of consumption. Even if it is entertaining or interesting, there may be a chance to win prizes later, but this is not the mainstream direction of our promotion and guidance. Therefore, if the majority of lottery players and consumers place their wishes or dreams on getting rich on this, it is obviously not feasible, and the probability of it is very low. The domestic lottery with the lowest probability is the Super Lotto of Sports Lottery , with a probability of more than 1 in 21.4 million; the double color ball of Welfare Lottery has a winning probability of 1 in 17 million. With such a small probability of winning, how much money do lottery players have to invest to win a lottery ticket? Therefore, it is unrealistic to place your hope on the lottery to be able to recover the lost money, and how much you invest in the future can get back the money you lost through winning the lottery. I would also like to remind all lottery players and many consumers not to place their hopes on winning big prizes or making a fortune. These are not advisable.

Reading is for thinking and understanding,

rather than for conspiracy and seizing wealth.

case source | " Today's Statement " program "The Hole That Cannot Be Filled"

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