Recently, in order to promote consumption, various parts of the country have issued relevant documents. If individual consumers purchase relevant products and meet relevant subsidy requirements, the government will provide certain subsidies. So, are government subsidies for home

2024/07/0109:55:32 hotcomm 1632

Recently, in order to promote consumption, various parts of the country have issued relevant documents. If individual consumers purchase relevant products and meet relevant subsidy requirements, the government will provide certain subsidies. So, is it true that has government subsidies for home appliances? Let’s take a look with the editor.

Recently, in order to promote consumption, various parts of the country have issued relevant documents. If individual consumers purchase relevant products and meet relevant subsidy requirements, the government will provide certain subsidies. So, are government subsidies for home  - DayDayNews

1. Are government subsidies for home appliances real?

is true. It depends on where you are. In some places, the government will provide subsidies or issue consumer coupons for purchasing home appliances. The subsidy ranges from one to two hundred yuan to as much as thousands of yuan.

2. Home appliance subsidy policy in 2022

1. Ningxia home appliance subsidy policy in 2022

According to the "Several Policies and Measures for the Autonomous Region to Support the Expansion of Consumption" issued by the General Office of the People's Government of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in 2022 (Ningxia Government Office Regulations [2022] 〕No. 4), the implementation period is from June 1 to December 31, 2022.

promotes the consumption of green home appliances. Encourage the implementation of green home appliances to benefit the people, coordinate funds to support consumers who purchase green home appliances in the region for a one-time purchase of 5,000 yuan or more, and provide a 500 yuan subsidy to encourage consumers to replace or purchase new green energy-saving home appliances.

2. Jinan City’s Home Appliance Subsidy Policy in 2022

According to the “Several Measures of Jinan City to Promote the Sustained Restoration and Development of Consumption” issued by the Jinan Municipal Development and Reform Commission on May 28, 2022, this policy will be implemented from the date of issuance, and no terms of validity are specified. Valid until December 31, 2022.

accelerate the promotion of home appliance consumption. Support industry associations to join hands with home appliance production and sales companies to carry out benefit-for-profit promotions, and rely on activities such as the "Shandong Home Appliance Service Festival" and green smart home appliances "trade-in", energy-saving subsidies and "home appliances to the countryside" to provide at least 100% discounts to specific green smart models. Subsidy of 200 yuan.

3. Zibo City’s 2022 home appliance subsidy policy

is based on the "Notice on Several Measures to Promote Home Appliance Consumption" issued by the Zibo Municipal Commerce Bureau, Zibo Municipal Finance Bureau, and Zibo Municipal Statistics Bureau on June 3, 2022.

(1) Carry out home appliance activities to benefit the people. When residents of this city purchase four types of commodities: TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners at physical stores in the city and online stores included in the monitoring scope, they will be required to purchase 2,000 yuan based on the sales invoice amount of a single product. For purchases of more than 5,000 yuan (inclusive), 500 yuan consumer coupons will be issued, and for purchases of 8,000 yuan (inclusive) or more, 600 yuan consumer coupons will be issued.

(2) Encourage the trade-in consumption of home appliances. For individual consumers who purchase the above four categories of goods through the "trade-in" method, an additional 100 yuan consumption coupon will be added; the recycling price shall be determined by negotiation between the consumer and the recycler. To promote the consumption of home appliances in rural areas, an additional 100 yuan consumption coupon will be added to individual consumers who purchase the above four categories of commodities in stores in Huantai County, Gaoqing County, Yiyuan County and below.

Recently, in order to promote consumption, various parts of the country have issued relevant documents. If individual consumers purchase relevant products and meet relevant subsidy requirements, the government will provide certain subsidies. So, are government subsidies for home  - DayDayNews

4. Shenzhen Home Appliance Subsidy Policy in 2022

According to the "Several Measures of Shenzhen City on Promoting the Sustained Recovery of Consumption" issued by the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government on May 26, 2022, this policy will be implemented from the date of issuance and will be valid until December 2022. March 31st.

carries out promotion of green energy-saving home appliances. Organize home appliance production and sales companies to launch benefit-for-profit activities. From May to August, consumers who purchase eligible household appliances such as TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, kitchen appliances, small household appliances, etc. will be paid 15% of the sales price. Subsidies are provided, with a cumulative maximum of 2,000 yuan per person.

5. Mianyang City’s 2022 Home Appliance Subsidy Policy

According to the “Several Measures to Promote the Recovery and Development of Consumption in Mianyang City” issued by the Office of the Mianyang Municipal People’s Government on June 2, 2022 (Mianfu Banfa [2022] No. 27), this measure has been implemented since It will be implemented from the date of issuance and will be valid until December 31, 2022.

issued a special subsidy of 20 million yuan for home appliance consumption to support key home appliance manufacturers and sales companies in the city to implement home appliance promotion activities, and provide subsidies for smart energy-saving products such as smart TVs, refrigerators and freezers, washing machines, air conditioners, and mobile phones that consumers newly purchase or trade-in. .For consumers purchasing products with a single value of 1,000 yuan (inclusive) or more, a subsidy of 100-600 yuan will be provided.

6. Lianyungang City’s 2022 home appliance subsidy policy

is based on the "Several Measures to Promote Consumption in Lianyungang City" issued by the Lianyungang Municipal People's Government Office on May 16, 2022 (Lianyungang City's [2022] No. 26).

encourages the consumption of green home appliances. Encourage home appliance dealers to actively carry out discounts and promotions. On this basis, we will arrange fiscal funds of 6 million yuan and bank support of 1.5 million yuan to support individual consumers in urban areas (excluding Ganyu District) to purchase green home appliances with a single product invoice price of more than 2,000 yuan (first-level energy). consumption), a 10% subsidy will be provided until it is used up.

Recently, in order to promote consumption, various parts of the country have issued relevant documents. If individual consumers purchase relevant products and meet relevant subsidy requirements, the government will provide certain subsidies. So, are government subsidies for home  - DayDayNews

The above is the editor’s compilation of the content of “Are government subsidies for purchasing home appliances real?” The government provides subsidies for purchasing home appliances, but it depends on the specific place. Some places may not have subsidies. I hope this article can be useful to everyone.

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