The playlist of Jay Chou's new album was announced, and it contains a total of twelve songs of different styles. I saw Fang Wenshan in it. This is not surprising at all. How can Jay Chou be away from Fang Wenshan!

2024/07/0101:23:32 hotcomm 1530

The playlist of Jay Chou's new album was announced, and it contains a total of twelve songs of different styles. I saw Fang Wenshan in it. This is not surprising at all. How can Jay Chou be away from Fang Wenshan! - DayDayNews

Jay Chou's new album playlist has been announced. It contains a total of twelve songs of different styles. I can see the figure of Fang Wenshan in it. This is not surprising at all. How can Jay Chou be away from Fang Wenshan! If there is Fang Wenshan, there will definitely be Chinese-style songs, so I saw "Red Beauty as Frost"!

Although I haven't heard this song yet, it is composed by Jay Chou and written by Fang Wenshan. This song will definitely be very nice and it will also be the most beautiful song in the entire album! It's what I've been thinking about! I was originally worried that Jay Chou had changed his style, but now I can feel at ease!

The playlist of Jay Chou's new album was announced, and it contains a total of twelve songs of different styles. I saw Fang Wenshan in it. This is not surprising at all. How can Jay Chou be away from Fang Wenshan! - DayDayNews

Is "Red Beauty Like Frost" comparable to "East Wind Break", " Blue and White Porcelain " and " Hongchen Inn " and become another masterpiece of Zhou's Chinese style music? I'm looking forward to it!

I don’t know which song you will like. You can leave a message and let me know. Let’s support Jay Chou’s new album together!

I heard that this album is full of artistic flavor, and only people with high education can understand it! Only then can you understand the profound meaning contained in the song! There are a lot of celebrity allusions in it, so you might as well pay attention to it when listening to the song!

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