The elderly enjoy a delicious lunch at the Gudong Street Community Elderly Care Center. Reporter Chi Yuan Photographed by Fuzhou Daily reporter Ye Xintong Are the elderly bored at home and inconvenient to go out? The home community elderly care service center is close to home and

2024/06/3008:41:33 hotcomm 1627
The elderly enjoy a delicious lunch at the Gudong Street Community Elderly Care Center. Reporter Chi Yuan Photographed by Fuzhou Daily reporter Ye Xintong Are the elderly bored at home and inconvenient to go out? The home community elderly care service center is close to home and - DayDayNews

The elderly enjoy a delicious lunch in the Gudong Street Community Elderly Care Center. Photo by reporter Chi Yuan

Fuzhou Daily reporter Ye Xintong

Are the elderly bored at home and inconvenient to go out? The home community elderly care service center is close to home and close to the neighborhood, and does not have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation. Is it difficult for the elderly to buy groceries and cook? The hot meals at the "Elderly Canteen" are delicious and not expensive... In Fuzhou, more and more elderly people are enjoying the benefits of the reform and development of the elderly care field, and there are new solutions to many problems that once plagued the elderly group.

As one of the first pilot cities in the country to implement community home-based elderly care services, Fuzhou has made every effort to create a "3443" (i.e., three coordination, four innovations, four systems, and three systems) elderly care service model to effectively enhance the elderly's sense of gain. and happiness. Recently, reporters visited a number of home community elderly care service centers to gain an in-depth understanding of the implementation of the new model and experience the happy life of the elderly.

Full coverage to improve the happiness of the elderly

When I arrived at the community elderly care service and care center in Gudong Street, Gulou District, before I entered the door, the reporter heard bursts of laughter, and several elderly people were sitting around chatting about interesting things recently. "Since the community has a care center, my daily life has become much richer!" 82-year-old Chen Yimu expressed the sentiments of many elderly people.

reporter noticed that the care center covering an area of ​​1,500 square meters adopts elderly-friendly decoration such as soft anti-collision strips, sit-down showers, anti-slip floors, outdoor sports areas, physiotherapy and rehabilitation areas, multi-functional activity rooms, restaurants, health assessment rooms, Family interaction areas, reading areas and other functional places are all available to provide diversified elderly care services for the elderly.

"This place is very considerate, like my second home." Grandma Chen is a "day student" and comes to the care center after breakfast every day. "Before, it was very boring to be at home alone. It was a problem to eat three meals a day. , now in the care center, we have a variety of meat and vegetable dishes every day, and they often organize us to take calligraphy classes and handicraft classes. Every day is very fulfilling!”

There are many elderly people like Grandma Chen in Fuzhou! Choose to spend your later years in a home community senior care service center. According to statistics, the city has built 456 home care service stations and 97 home community care centers, including 37 five-star care centers, accounting for more than half of the province's total, achieving full coverage of care centers in streets and key towns.

Staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau stated that they will conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, continue to do a good job in the layout of senior care facilities, and build or renovate and upgrade 24 urban community embedded homes and 12 rural regional senior care facilities as planned. Service Center.

Excellent Service Introduction of Professional Organization

Then, the reporter came to Taijiang District Xingangyuan Home Care Center for the Elderly. This care center adopts a "public construction and private operation" method, with the government funding the construction of the nursing home. Through competitive negotiations, public bidding and other forms, Fulingjin Sun Health Senior Care Co., Ltd. was selected to undertake the operation and provide services. The

care center integrates four major functions: home care, day care, long-term care, and medical care. It also extends care services to families and surrounding communities, providing housekeeping, meal delivery, purchasing goods, and telemedicine. Serve.

The reporter saw in the care center that the nurse was accompanying Zhao Yibo downstairs for a walk. "The staff treat us like family members. They basically respond to our requests and are always on call." Zhao Yibo said.

"We have always believed that professional people should do professional things. We also strongly support elderly care institutions to undertake the operation and management of home and community elderly care service facilities, and encourage social forces to adopt sole proprietorship, joint-stock, PPP and other models to invest in the construction of elderly care institutions." Civil Affairs Bureau Work Officials said that the city has introduced and cultivated 22 professional elderly care service organizations, providing services to more than 270,000 elderly people.

New Model Promotes Expansion, Improves Quality and Efficiency

The comfortable life of the elderly in their later years is due to Fuzhou’s in-depth exploration of home and community elderly care services. Fuzhou has issued a series of guiding documents to put forward normative requirements in terms of site construction, service content, purchase of services, financial support, and the implementation of professional organizations for home community elderly care services.

Fuzhou has also issued the "Overall Plan for the Pilot Reform of Integrated Home and Community Elderly Care", which will continue to promote reform tasks on the existing basis, further improve the elderly care service network, optimize the spatial layout and service content of elderly care facilities, and create a group of highly competitive, economical The elderly care service organization , which has achieved remarkable results, plans to build a Fuzhou-characteristic "3443" elderly care service model with complete functions, moderate scale, urban and rural coverage, and sustainable development by 2022.

In the next step, Fuzhou will further standardize community elderly care services and improve the level of community elderly care services; accelerate the construction of elderly care information platform and build a unified smart health elderly care service platform in the city to provide precise, personalized and professional services for the elderly; strengthen talents Team building, guide various colleges and universities, especially vocational colleges (including technical schools) to open facility-based elderly care service majors or related courses, guide municipal universities to cooperate with elderly care service institutions, and jointly build a training base for elderly care service practitioners; formulate a comprehensive Entry and on-the-job reward and compensation policies for elderly care positions.

Source: Fuzhou News Network

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