A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, but he did not expect that Luo Nanxue would become more and more irrational as she grew older. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he turned around and yelled: "Luo Nanxue! Luo Tian's face immediately turned red because of Luo Nanxue's

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A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, but he did not expect that Luo Nanxue would become more and more irrational as she grew older. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he turned around and yelled:

Luo Tian's back was turned to Luo Nanxue for a moment... A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, but he did not expect that Luo Nanxue would become more and more unreasonable as he grew older. A trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he turned around and yelled:

"Luo Nanxue! Where are the etiquette you have learned over the years? No wonder the prince broke off the engagement. You, a vulgar woman, must have no choice but to marry into a merchant family!" "Did you cause your son's injury?"

He looked at Luo Nanxue with a gloomy look, seemingly unaware that the girl standing in front of him was also his daughter. He was extremely angry after hearing the cry of his other precious daughter. He did not expect Luo Nanxue to attack so harshly... and she was still a woman...

Luo Nanxue sneered slightly, which was particularly obvious in the quiet study room. , she glanced sideways at Luo Tian, ​​looked at Luo Tian and smiled deliberately:

"Does Master Luo still want to eat me? After all, I am also your legitimate daughter, but you are the third lady of Luo Mansion. You actually did this to me. Your biological daughter had just been divorced by the prince, and you were so heartbroken that you spoke so harshly to her? How would you think it would be spread to the outside world if you were like this? His eyes were burning and full of questions, as if he was sincerely asking Luo Tian for advice.

Luo Tian's face immediately turned red because of Luo Nanxue's words. He pointed at Luo Nanxue and said loudly:

"I, Luo Tian, ​​don't have a daughter like you! Stop pretending to be confused! If you don't give it to me today, For an explanation, I will face the wall in the ancestral hall for a month!"

As he spoke, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, and his mean look made people completely unable to believe that the person in front of him was really his biological daughter.

Luonan Xue's heart suddenly felt cramped.

She obviously didn't care about Luo Tian's words at all... but the pain in her heart was truly terrifying... Could it be that the original owner was also disappointed with the Luo Tian in front of her...

"You don't have a daughter like me, so naturally I will I don’t have a father like you." Luo Nanxue raised her eyebrows without any fear on her face, "Who is Yu'er? I don't know Yu'er."

Her pair of shining peach blossom eyes were slightly raised with a hint of disdain. A smile flashed across her eyes. The original owner was sad, so she had to make the decision for the original owner. She would really be unhappy if she didn't make this so-called father angry to death.

When Gao Yuan, who was sitting on a tree not far from Luo Tian's study, heard these words, he was so frightened that he almost fell off the tree. He quickly held on to the tree trunk, with a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes. He never knew that this Luo Tian was Nan Xue still has this side...

Luo Tian suddenly slapped the table, pointed at Luo Nanxue with trembling fingers and shouted loudly:

"Luo Nanxue! Do you still have me as a father in your eyes?"

Bitch people! As cheap as her mother! Looking at the face that was very similar to her mother's, the humiliating memories in Luo Tian's heart were brought back again. His eyes were full of anger, and he wanted to deal with Luo Nanxue immediately.

Luo Nanxue's eyes were leisurely, she curled her lips and smiled nonchalantly:

"Didn't you also say that you don't have me as a daughter? Naturally, I don't have you as a father in my eyes."

She bit the word father very hard, She didn't know why Luo Tian always had a hostile feeling towards her. Tiger poison didn't even eat its seeds, not to mention that Luo Tian was still alone. Thinking of this, Luo Nanxue felt even more sad. How sad the original owner must be. He was obviously his biological father, but he treated him like an enemy.

Luo Tian's eyes and nose opened and closed with anger. Just when he was thinking about asking someone to escort Luo Nanxue into the ancestral hall, a hurried report came from outside. It seemed that the situation was urgent. Luo Tian's expression changed, he looked at the door and shouted:

"Come in!"

The door creaked and someone pushed it open, and a servant hurried in, with a frightened look on his face.He actually ignored Luo Tian and walked straight towards Luo Nanxue. He knelt down with an uncharacteristic "plop" and said in a trembling voice: "Third Miss, this... the father-in-law from the palace has come to read out the imperial edict. The whole family is going forward, and I would like to trouble Miss Third to go and receive the order!"

Luo Tian looked at the servant in shock. He immediately took a few steps forward and walked up to the servant, and asked in disbelief:

"You said, The Holy Emperor sent someone to read out the imperial edict?"

There was a hint of surprise in his voice, and a trace of gloom flashed in his eyes.

Luo Nanxue pursed her red lips slightly. She turned to the servant, and after watching the servant frown and finish speaking eagerly, she chuckled softly, with a clear and loud voice:

"Oh? Let's go then. , I would like to see what happens to me who has just been divorced by Dongfang Ziyu."

She smiled slightly, raised her eyes and shrugged helplessly before walking to the door of the study, while the servant was forced to do so. Luo Nanxue could only remain silent due to the inexplicable pressure.

She was shocked. She was asked to accept the order for no reason. Could it be that the prince wanted to marry her again? Forget it, what are you afraid of? The soldiers will come to block the water and the earth will cover her up. She is no longer the Luo Nanxue she used to be.

Seeing that Luo Nanxue had left the study, the servant quickly turned to look at Luo Tian and explained without hesitation:

"Master, it seems that the purpose of the emperor's sending people here is not simple this time... I am afraid that this third lady is..." ...I'm afraid."

Luo Tian snorted coldly from his nose. He flicked his sleeves suddenly, looked at the servant and said in a cold voice:

"I want to see if this girl dares to stir up trouble. No! Go to the hall!"

He finished flicking his sleeves and left the study angrily, while the servant hurriedly followed Luo Tian.

This matter was spread throughout the Luo Mansion, and there was no doubt that Luo Shaoyi also knew about it.

Luo Shaoyi was followed by a graceful woman in luxurious clothes. Her exquisite dress and expensive clothes showed her status in Luo Mansion. The woman said angrily:

"Yi'er, look at this Luo Nanxue She must have been demoted somewhere by the emperor, otherwise why would there be an imperial edict coming? This bitch is just like her mother, she is a troublemaker!"

Her eyes were full of disdain, revealing that she was incompatible with the rich and noble dress. of vitriol.

A trace of pride flashed in Luo Shaoyi's eyes. She smiled slightly, looked at Ms. Li next to her and said softly:

"Mom, don't say this to Third Sister, after all, she doesn't want to do this."

Her eyes were deep. A flash of light flashed here and there. The reason why Luo Nanxue was divorced by Dongfang Ziyu was indispensable because she had turned a blind eye to it. That night, she had people stun Luo Nanxue in Luo Nanxue's courtyard, and then she took Hao Nanxue with her. A large number of servants pretended to go to Luoxueyuan to find Luo Nanxue. From then on, Luo Nanxue's disgraceful reputation became even more embarrassing. No one in Dongling Kingdom would look at Luo Nanxue in the eyes, even though she had a face that made all women jealous...

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