I may not buy it, but I know I like it. Can you imagine if you just bought a favorite lace pajamas, how would you show up to be even happier?

2024/06/2914:34:33 hotcomm 1452

As a woman, when visiting home clothing stores, you will always be attracted by all kinds of beautiful home underwear.

Even though I am a tomboy, I can’t resist lace, florals and warm pink.

I may not buy it, but I know I like it.

Can you imagine, if you just bought a favorite lace pajamas, how would you show up to be happier?

Look in the mirror and admire yourself, or wear it for your lover to see.

There was a woman whose beautiful lace pajamas were thrown into the trash can as soon as she came home.

Just because her husband said it didn't look good.


She liked the mint-colored lace pajamas, bought them, washed them and dried them.

You can imagine how happy she is.

But as soon as he put it on, he was laughed at.

Her husband laughed at her and didn't even let her put it on and look in the mirror.

She asked herself if she is 1.6 meters tall and weighs 120 pounds, is she fat? Ugly? Is it so funny to wear it?

Are lace pajamas ugly?

Obviously not. The woman said that lace is very good, but her hands are a bit rough from being washed all year round, and her hands will hook when she touches the lace. How sad is


If your fingers are not wet with spring water, the lace should be soft and smooth;

How angry is it?

If her husband hadn’t laughed like a pig, this beautiful pajamas would have allowed her to get his approval instead of lying in the trash can and becoming a waste.

Feeling sad, angry and unspeakably angry made her ask herself over and over again what she had done wrong?

is everything.

There is nothing but lost love and a life that is not respected.

I am not writing a novel. I am telling a topic that was hotly discussed on Weibo not long ago.

html has more than 14 million views and more than 200,000 likes, which tells us how painful this incident is.

I may not buy it, but I know I like it. Can you imagine if you just bought a favorite lace pajamas, how would you show up to be even happier? - DayDayNews

A woman on Weibo commented, "It's a pity that this dress is no longer warm and I am still stupid."

To love others, love yourself first and then love others.

When you no longer care about other people's eyes, that is the moment when you are truly powerful.


In fact, in many family relationships, there is a situation where one party is strong and the other is weak.

Unfortunately, women are much more disadvantaged.

This has a lot to do with the traditions of Chinese society and the psychological and physiological characteristics of women.

Many women with strong careers will show their little girl side when facing their lovers.

longs to be cherished, cared for, praised and cared for.

Unfortunately, many chauvinist husbands not only fail to praise their wives, but express their opinions by suppressing and ridiculing them.

is like the husband at this time. If he hadn't laughed sarcastically, his wife would not be so sad.

A wife who lives in such a depressing atmosphere will either fall into deep doubts or be suppressed by her husband and give up on herself. What to do with


If you can't change your husband, then you have to adjust yourself.

I firmly believe that my hobbies are what I expect.

I firmly believe that I am the best when I am myself.

You don’t think it looks good, that’s okay, I just like it.

Don’t care about other people’s judgments. Only by insisting on being yourself can you have a future.


In the TV series "The First Half of My Life", Tang Jing was parachuted into Ling Ling's company and became her boss.

The first thing Tang Jing did was to fire Ling Ling.

Ling Ling asked angrily, why? No one has ever treated or said this to her like this.

Tang Jing said, only when you sit in my seat can you be qualified to comment on my conduct.

Is it domineering or beautiful?

I may not buy it, but I know I like it. Can you imagine if you just bought a favorite lace pajamas, how would you show up to be even happier? - DayDayNews

Tang Jing needs to be unmarried and have no children until she is 30 years old to gain a firm foothold in the circle of men.

The effort behind this can be imagined.

Not every woman can be like Tang Jing.

But every woman can love herself first before loving others.

This is not hypocritical at all.

The more humble you are to please, the harder it is to gain the respect of the other person.

You don’t need to please anyone, and you don’t need to please anyone. You are valuable and meaningful in yourself.

When you completely put aside worldly prejudices and entanglements of non-comparison, you will find that life is much freer and more comfortable.

This is how I look, you will know it when I get married;

This is how I dress, and you will know it all these years.

So please don't mock me, I'm fine.

I understand what kind of person I am and what I want, so that’s it.

Although it is a bit difficult to do at the beginning, after getting out of the vicious cycle, it will be a different and vast world.

I may not buy it, but I know I like it. Can you imagine if you just bought a favorite lace pajamas, how would you show up to be even happier? - DayDayNews


women are perfect only when they are strong.

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