:According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network", Zhang Lishan, the head of Yunlin County in Taiwan, recently said that the "Yuanqi" mobile art feast of Taili Music Collection hopes to allow people to watch high-quality albums at home through the online platform, so that people

2024/06/2816:30:32 hotcomm 1097

Huaxia Jingwei Network, June 7th: According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network", Zhang Lishan, the head of Yunlin County in Taiwan, recently stated that Taili Music Collection's "Yuanqi" mobile art banquet hopes to allow people to enjoy it at home through the Internet The platform allows people to view high-quality photo albums at home, allowing the public to browse and understand the county’s outstanding artistic workers, and enjoy art feasts at home. We also look forward to making Yunlin County’s outstanding team and historical buildings visible to more people through online platforms during the epidemic, and making advance arrangements for the revitalization of the tourism industry after the epidemic eases.

:According to Taiwan's

Picture: Provided by the Yunlin County Culture and Tourism Department

Chen Bijun, director of the Yunlin County Culture and Tourism Department, said that the alcohol tank of the Taiwan Sugar Company was the largest alcohol factory in East Asia in 1925. It was severely damaged by key bombings during the Pacific War in 1958. It was renovated in 2016. Because it is the only one in Taiwan and has historical, cultural and artistic value, Yunlin County registered it as a county historic site in 2016. Tairi Music Festival uses environmental theater performances and explanations to let drum music, space Become a journey through time and space. During the epidemic, tourists can enjoy it on the Yunlin County Cultural and Tourism Office Facebook , Slow Travel Yunlin and Youtube platforms, leading everyone to experience the daily artistic journey.

Curator Wang Xinzhi said that Yunlin is the "hometown" where Taiwan's agriculture was cultivated, and it is also the "hometown" where local artistic life creators were cultivated. It may be a "foreign land" for outsiders, but everyone is welcome to stay for a short time. Or the “hometown” where you have lived for a long time. After returning to Yunlin, a strange yet familiar home, I am very honored to be invited by the Yunlin County Cultural Office to conduct a cross-generational dialogue with local artists and life workers who have been involved in the county for a long time in a place rich in stories. and fluid conversations across disciplines.

:According to Taiwan's

Huwei Sugar Factory in Yunlin County has been producing sugar for 111 years. The brick alcohol tank located inside is the only remaining ancient liquor factory facility in Taiwan. Picture: Yunlin County Culture and Tourism Office╱Provided by

This event began as a small experiment between a performance team and the public sector. During the epidemic, it expanded into a cultural and aesthetic experience in the county. Yunlin County’s historic buildings are quite rich. In order to rekindle these past memories, the performance team used the form of performing arts to integrate the historic buildings and prioritized not to intervene in changing the architectural structure, so that the performing arts and the environment can coexist. Then feel the innocence of performing arts and the beauty of historical architecture.

Zhang Chengyuan, president of Tailile Group, said that heritage sites can be said to be one of the forms that present history and local life styles. "Yuanqi" combines local heritage buildings to understand history and trace past life styles, just like a time travel. Through the arrangement of the program, the connection between local historical buildings and life is shown, which can make the audience more emotionally connected with the place.

:According to Taiwan's

Picture: Provided by Yunlin County Culture and Tourism Office

Since most of the life goals of modern people are bound by work, they rarely have the opportunity to think about their relationship with the larger environment. Through the presentation of activities, the audience is guided to think about the environment they belong to, the art they appreciate, and the state they are in, so that the relationship between the three can form a balanced triangle, and learn how to get along harmoniously with the environment.

"Round Up" not only takes the shape of the alcohol tank, but also its origin. Through the connection between people and the connection between people and the environment, the entire performance is completed. From the beginning of the tree of life, water calling, dancing waves, flute singing, zither music, drums, gongs, and flowers, to the end, I witnessed the origin of the alcohol tank. From the beginning, the guide awakened everyone's respect for the earth and announced the official start of the performance. Then before entering the forest, the guide sprayed water to calm everyone's soul. Then the flute, zither, drum, and gong were combined with natural sounds, taking the audience with them. Environmental dialogue, ending up in one tribute to the land and environment.

Most modern people’s impression of the appreciation of performing arts is fixed-point performances. Whether it is a concert, a dance, a musical, etc., they should be treated with a cautious and serious attitude. In order to break this stereotype, through such a novel performance form, the audience is led to accept the change of environment through guidance. In addition to maintaining the original artistry, it can also interact with the audience. (Gao Yang)

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