◆Today’s introduction>The plan for the new area of ​​Shanghai Free Trade Zone has been implemented, and reform and innovation have been further intensified>Express delivery business volume in July is expected to increase by 28.7% year-on-year, and the industry continues to be boo

2024/06/2710:56:33 hotcomm 1652

◆ Today's introduction

The plan for the new area of ​​​​Shanghai Free Trade Zone has been implemented, reform and innovation have been further intensified

7 express delivery business volume is expected to increase by 28.7% year-on-year, the industry's high prosperity continues

Spot resources are in short supply, butadiene market prices are rising at a high level

Optical lenses The leading company Largan has full production capacity, industry demand is growing rapidly against the trend

BRICS countries will strengthen cooperation, there is huge space for infrastructure construction in the information field

Perfect World intends to buy back, Mingyang Smart will increase a large proportion in the first half of the year

◆Today’s introduction>The plan for the new area of ​​Shanghai Free Trade Zone has been implemented, and reform and innovation have been further intensified>Express delivery business volume in July is expected to increase by 28.7% year-on-year, and the industry continues to be boo - DayDayNews

◆ Today's Headlines

〇The plan for the new area of ​​the Shanghai Free Trade Zone has been implemented, and reform and innovation have been further intensified.


According to the Chinese Government website, the State Council recently approved the establishment of China (Shanghai) Free Trade Pilot Zone Lingang New Area, the overall plan for the new area was also publicly released today (August 6). The "Master Plan" clarifies that the new area will be managed with reference to the special economic zone. It is necessary to establish an institutional system with investment and trade liberalization as the core. On the basis of applying various open innovation measures in the free trade pilot zone, support the new area to promote the liberalization and facilitation of investment and trade focusing on investment freedom, trade freedom, capital freedom, transportation freedom, and personnel freedom of employment.

comments: As the "leading goose" in the "flying goose formation" of my country's free trade zones, the Shanghai Free Trade Zone has formed a series of successful experiences in the past six years of construction. The establishment of a new area in the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone this time is of far-reaching significance compared to the expansion from 2014 to 2015. The intensity of reform and opening up has been taken to a higher level. It is to undertake new tasks and build a more influential and competitive area in the international market. The upgrade of special economic function zones. Related companies in the region will also benefit from the dividends released by the new round of reform and opening up, such as Oriental Ventures (600278), Shanghai Lingang (600848), SIPG (600018), Shanghai Yashi (603329), etc.

◆ SSE Selected

〇 According to reports, the Lingang New Area of ​​the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone will explore and implement eight major institutional innovations, including investment freedom, trade freedom, capital freedom, international transportation freedom, etc.

〇 "Statement of the People's Bank of China on the U.S. Department of the Treasury's designation of China as a "currency manipulator"" was released on the 6th.

html Many breeding companies disclosed their monthly operating reports for July. New Hope, Tiankang Biotech , Zhengbang Technology July pig sales revenue increased by 38%, 35%, and 24% respectively from the previous month.

〇 Currently, 30 A-share listed securities firms have released financial data for July, half of which saw net profits decline month-on-month. Analysts believe that it was mainly due to the explosive growth of operating data in June, and part of the revenue was recognized in the middle of the year, with a very high base.

〇Northbound funds continued to show "strong in Shenzhen and weak in Shanghai" on the 6th. The top ten traded stocks in the Shanghai Stock Connect were all net sales. The net purchases through the Shenzhen Stock Connect channel were 266 million yuan. Wuliangye and Yanghe shares ranked first in net purchases. .

◆ Industrial Intelligence

〇July express delivery business volume is expected to increase by 28.7% year-on-year, and the industry's high prosperity continues


According to the latest development of China's express delivery released by State Post Bureau According to the index report, China's express delivery development index in July 2019 was 207.1, a year-on-year increase of 21.8%. The express delivery business volume is expected to complete 5.25 billion pieces, a year-on-year increase of 28.7%. Compared with the data in the first half of the year, the business volume of express delivery service companies nationwide completed 27.76 billion pieces, a year-on-year increase of 25.7%. The growth rate in July has increased.

Southwest Securities Chen Zhaolin believes that non-first-line express delivery companies will definitely withdraw from the competition, and the concentration of the industry will continue to increase. In addition, the competition within the "Access System" has moved from the racing stage of a melee among the heroes to the long-distance running stage with a clear gradient of leaders. Focusing on cost, which is the soul of competition, to reduce costs, look at management strategies in the short term, production capacity investment in the medium term, and scale effects in the long term. The optimal strategy is to embrace industry leaders or share industry growth dividends, such as SF Holding (002352), Yunda Shares ( 002120) etc.

〇Spot resources are in short supply and the butadiene market is rising at a high level


The domestic butadiene market has been rising at a high level recently.SunSirs monitoring shows that as of August 6, the price of butadiene was 9,645 yuan/ton, an increase of more than 20% from the beginning of May. At present, domestic butadiene prices continue to rise. Sinopec's supply price has reached a high of 10,000 yuan, a small amount of supply in Northeast China has been traded at a wide price increase, and spot resources in East China are in short supply, boosting the market.

comments: Low inventory supports the continuous increase in supplier prices, and high-priced spot transactions in the market boost the market to continue rising. Although the downstream growth rate is limited in the short term, which will have an impact on the mentality of some merchants, there is no pressure on the butadiene supply side for the time being. Industry insiders predict that the domestic butadiene market will continue to be high in the short term.

A-share related concept stocks mainly include Qixiang Tengda (002408), Huajin Shares (000059) , etc.

◆ Investment Focus

〇 Largan, the leader in optical lenses, has full production capacity, and industry demand is growing rapidly against the trend


According to media reports, Largan, the world leader in optical lenses, is Announced July revenue of NT$5.473 billion, with a monthly growth rate of 34%. Looking forward to August, Largan said that production capacity will continue to be fully loaded, and new production capacity will be added one after another, and revenue is expected to be better than in July. Even the entire production capacity in the third quarter has been fully loaded, and some debottlenecking actions will be carried out to expand production.

The industry said that although smartphone sales have declined, as the penetration rate of dual cameras continues to increase, three cameras and even multiple cameras have gradually flourished, making cameras grow against the trend. Institutional data shows that the penetration rate of dual cameras exceeded 40% in 2018, and it is expected that the penetration rate of dual cameras will exceed 60% in 2020. According to Statista’s forecast, the penetration rate of three-shot cameras will reach 24.5% in 2020. The optical lens market still has relatively broad room for growth in the future. Institutions predict that the mobile phone lens market will reach US$4.52 billion by 2020, and related companies are expected to benefit.

Lianchuang Electronics (002036) has successfully developed a three-dimensional face recognition laser collimation lens for the leading domestic H company and applied it to its high-end mobile phones. At present, the company's glass-plastic hybrid (G+P) 48M/64M high-end mobile phone lenses, The 10x periscope telephoto lens has completed small batch trial production and been shipped.

OFILM (002456) optical lens shipments have steadily increased.

Crystal Optoelectronics (002273) is a supplier of mobile phone lens filters.

〇BRICS countries will strengthen cooperation and create huge space for infrastructure construction in the information field.


html On August 6, the founding ceremony of the Chinese branch of the BRICS Future Network Research Institute was held. The Future Network Innovation Forum was successfully held in Shenzhen. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that this is an important measure to implement the consensus reached at the BRICS leaders’ meeting. China hopes to accelerate the construction of a new industrial revolution partnership with other countries, strengthen multi-field and multi-level pragmatic cooperation in 5G, industrial Internet, digital economy, etc., and open up new Collaboration space to explore new cooperation potential.

According to the "Global Connectivity Plan 2020" adopted by the International Telecommunication Union, 55% of households around the world must have access to the Internet in 2020, and broadband services must cover 90% of the world's rural population. Chinese network equipment manufacturers represented by and Huawei are actively implementing internationalization strategies and have strong market competitiveness.

Tongyu Communications (002792) 4G business overseas market revenue increased by 91% year-on-year in 2017 and continued to grow by 50% in 2018. It is currently investing in 5G business research and development;

Feirongda (300602) provides Huawei with 5G base stations Selective plating antenna oscillator;

ArcherMind Technology (300598) provides software development services to Huawei.

◆ Exclusive reference

Baotailong : Graphene application industrial base put into production


html On August 4, Baotailong (601011) Baotailong, a subsidiary of Xi Technology held a ribbon-cutting and unveiling ceremony for the commissioning of the graphene electric heating film production line at its large-scale graphene application industrial base in Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province. The industrial base started construction in 2017. The first phase covers a total area of ​​more than 8,000 square meters and can achieve an annual output of 2 million square meters of high-quality graphene electric heating film and an annual large-scale production of 500 tons of graphene conductive ink. It is expected that It can achieve an annual output value of 320 million yuan.As the leader in Baotailong graphene business, Baoxi Technology is committed to developing a series of products in the fields of graphene electrical and thermal conductivity, functional enhancement, anti-corrosion coatings, energy conservation and environmental protection, and researching the modification of graphene materials on products in related fields. The commissioning of the Baoxi Qitaihe graphene electric heating film production line has filled the gap in the production of graphene downstream application industrial clusters in Qitaihe City, forming a complete graphene product from mineral source to preparation material production to terminal application. Construction of the entire downstream industry chain.

Shuobed : The development of 5G network will bring new opportunities for the company’s development


Shuobed (300322) in the latest According to the institutional survey minutes, the company continues to optimize its main business and further focuses its main business on the antenna radio frequency business with radio frequency technology as the core, providing customers with mobile terminal antennas, system side base station antennas , and vehicle-mounted smart antennas. , wireless charging, fingerprint recognition module and other product development and manufacturing. The company's wireless charging business received an order for the Samsung S10 wireless charging three-in-one module in early 2019, giving the company the manufacturing capabilities of both the transmitter and the receiver. The transmitter's customers are mainly well-known foreign wireless charging manufacturers such as mophie and zens , IHome, etc. On the receiving end, it currently provides three-in-one wireless charging module products for Samsung S10 series mobile phones. In the future, the company will continue to develop business on the transmitting and receiving ends. In the field of vehicle antennas, since 2018, the company has provided all-in-one shark fin antennas for Shanghai General Motors, BYD , Geely and GAC, etc., and has also obtained patents for Tesla , Dongfeng Nissan, Supplier qualifications for Renault and other brands. The expansion of the company's production capacity is guaranteed by land and capital. In the future, the company will increase investment in equipment and integrate supply chain resources to meet various continuously expanding production capacity needs. With the layout of the 5G network, the demand for base station antennas will increase significantly, and mobile phones will also usher in a new wave of replacements. As the company's leading domestic antenna manufacturer, the development of the 5G network will bring new developments to the company's development. opportunity.

◆ Financial Express

Mingyang Intelligent Preliminary Increase of 99% to 140%


Mingyang Intelligent (601615) Net Profit in the First Half of the Year Preliminary Increase 99% to 140%, due to the increase in orders on hand, the company's increase in wind turbine delivery scale, and the investment income generated from the sales of Datang Gongcheng New Energy Co., Ltd. and Dachaidan Mingyang New Energy Co., Ltd. in the first half of the year.

◆ Interpretation of announcement

〇Perfect World and Keshun shares plan to repurchase


Perfect World (002624) plans to repurchase at no more than 36 yuan/share No less than 300 million yuan and no more than 600 million yuan.

Keshun Shares (300737) plans to repurchase not less than 50 million yuan and no more than 100 million yuan at a price of no more than 12 yuan per share.

〇The largest shareholder of VV Group became a state-owned asset


VV Group (600300) controlling shareholder VV Group On August 2, it communicated with Xuzhou City Xinsheng Group, a subsidiary of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, signed a "Share Transfer Agreement" with a transfer price of 3.36 yuan per share. After the transfer was completed, Xinsheng Group directly held 17% of the shares and became the company's largest shareholder. The company changed from having an actual controller to having no actual controller.

Changyuan Group was listed by Gree Financial Investment and others


Changyuan Group (600525) was acquired by Zhuhai Financial Investment and Financial Investment, a subsidiary of Zhuhai Gree Group. Nordson raised its flag, and the two currently hold a combined 5% stake. Gree Financial Investment and its person acting in concert, Jinnuoxin, plan to increase their holdings of listed company shares by 3% to 3% in the next 12 months at a price range of 5 yuan to 7 yuan per share based on the overall conditions of the securities market and their own development needs. 5%.

COSCO Haike took the lead in winning the bid for Ningxia’s cancellation of provincial boundary toll station project


COSCO Shipping Technology (002401) and Ningxia Communications Construction, China Communications Construction, The Beijing Institute of Transportation and Communications formed a consortium and became the first candidate to win the bid for the Ningxia highway provincial boundary toll station cancellation project.The total investment of the project is estimated to be 965 million yuan, and the total project duration is 5 months. The professional projects undertaken by the company account for approximately 76% of the total project volume.

〇Rongfeng Holdings ST Rock's controlling shareholder plans to increase its holdings in


Rongfeng Holdings (000668) 's controlling shareholder Shengshida Investment plans to increase its holdings in the next 6 months Not less than 0.5% of the company's total share capital, and not more than 1%.

ST Rock (600696) ’s controlling shareholder Shanghai Cunshuo Industrial and its persons acting in concert plan to increase their holdings by 16.7235 million shares within 6 months, with a cumulative increase of 5% of the total share capital (including the 108,500 shares increased on the 6th).

◆ Watch the tide of funds

〇On August 6, the main funds rushed to raise 1 share, and the net purchase amount exceeded 70 million yuan


logged in on August 6 Among the stocks on the Dragon and Tiger List of Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, the net purchase amount of one share in the top five seats exceeded 70 million yuan, which was Jinli Permanent Magnet (300748) , with a net purchase amount of 7411.18 yuan.

The largest buying seat of Jinli Permanent Magnet is Soochow Securities Ningbo Jiangnan Road Securities Sales Department, with a buying amount of 29.65 million yuan.

〇Beishang funds had a net outflow of 2.979 billion yuan today. In terms of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, Kweichow Moutai's net sales were 366 million, and Yili's net sales were 319 million. In terms of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, ZTE Corporation sold a net 237 million yuan, and Han’s Laser sold a net 176 million yuan.

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