Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do

2024/06/2622:40:34 hotcomm 1331

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

Is there nothing else besides learning


Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month.

All people cooperate, all people are banned.

Finally, the number of confirmed and suspected cases every day has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has doubled, and the last makeshift hospital has been closed.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

A month ago, the number of confirmed cases in the thousands every day was frightening. Perhaps, only in China could such effective control be achieved in such a short period of time.

Seeing that the epidemic in other countries is expanding and turning into a mess, face is secondary at this time. I hope everyone can copy China's homework. After all, our answer sheets are very beautiful.

Many people from the World Health Organization have repeatedly praised China's anti-epidemic measures:

China's successful experience in epidemic prevention is worth learning from the world...

This cannot be praised enough...

It has established a model for the international community to unite and cooperate to respond to global challenges. A model worthy of learning from all countries...

has contributed to all mankind at the expense of normal life...

Chinese people know what to do...

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

Society is slowly restarting, and everything is slowly progressing for the better. Everyone who should return to work has basically returned to work...

Except for the children, school has not started yet!

But looking at it, as long as the international epidemic can be controlled and imported from abroad is prevented, school is not far away.

Although children are jumping up and down at home every day, taking various online classes and checking in at all times, it has driven a number of parents crazy. I believe parents are more eager to start school than their children.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

But to be honest, the probability that you will find a chance to spend such a long time with your children again in the future is almost slim.

So, there is not much time left, cherish it!

In the past, we blindly moved forward with our heads covered, being pushed by the big hand of time. Many things happened unconsciously. It's a good thing to suddenly be able to stop, not have to rush, and finally be able to sort out your life.

Then, you might as well stop and think about your children’s education and how to get along with them. Below are some of my thoughts.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

About learning

#Children, follow your own pace, walk slowly, don’t stop, get there quickly! #

I am thinking about a question: Why are parents so tired of now? Going to school is tiring, vacation is tiring, and taking online classes during vacation is even more tiring...

As everyone said: Don't talk about learning how to be kind to a mother and filial to a son, you will be in a hurry when you do your homework. (Even those who don’t have children around me know that it is too difficult to be a parent now, and there are many people who are afraid of marriage and childbearing.)

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

I feel the same way myself. When I am not doing homework:

Your child wakes up early and considerately lets you sleep more. After a while, I poured myself a glass of milk and ate bread for breakfast...

From time to time, I would bring tea and water and ask after you, which made my heart melt with you...

I rushed to do the housework, saying that I was afraid that you would be tired...

The older one took care of the younger ones, and the younger ones took care of them. Listen...

makes a wish to the super moon: let the virus disappear quickly and no one will be infected again!

Thinking back on those warm scenes, I couldn’t help but turn up the corners of my mouth, what an angel! Thank God for treating me well!

But when I started doing my homework, I suddenly felt that I must have done something wrong in my previous life.

My friends all say that I have a good attitude, I don’t have much contact with teachers, I don’t care about scores, and I don’t do Chinese and math extracurriculars. Some of my classmates’ mothers even dissed me for being too Buddhist... In this way, sometimes I still feel that my children’s learning is not good. Do I have to be so tired?

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

While staying at home, I thought carefully, why do devils and angels keep changing? Later I discovered: children are still good children, but when they are studying, it is us parents who become devils.

investigated the reason behind it: because we are comparing and are afraid of losing face.

They did it, but we haven’t done it yet... (anxious)

They did a good job, but we didn’t do it well enough... (angry)

The teacher praised others but did not praise us... (unconvinced)

And this series of results , we parents will place the blame on ourselves, fearing that we will be embarrassed if we fail to fulfill our responsibilities, and worried that the teacher will mutter in his heart, and then put pressure on our children.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

Especially now in the online class stage, all children’s performance is presented on the platform. Some parents said: may have mid-term exams at the beginning of school. How can this compare to children? The comparison is the ability of parent counseling!

Comparison is the source of pain and all contradictions.

But we forget the speed of our children and discuss "How to make a snail run as fast as a dog?".

Well, if my child is a snail, then I will lead her and walk slowly. I expect her to run like a dog. No matter how hard I hold her, I will only be driven crazy in front of her.

Therefore, sometimes you are tired because you are asking for it.

I believe that if you follow your child's own pace and walk slowly, as long as you don't stop, you will always reach your destination.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

We always use a magnifying glass to see the shortcomings of children, but use a telescope to see the strengths of children. can care about people, do housework, and be a caring child, and it is also a 100% existence! Why is it that judging a child's quality is now limited to learning?

Especially in the face of great disasters, the real test should be the study of survival ability, because learning is never limited to book knowledge.

I remembered what Gao Xiaosong said to his daughter before:

I guess you must have brought a script, so we will not disturb you too much, let you learn this or that, or not let you do this or that, you are free and Just grow up naturally.

Some people will definitely say that Gao Xiaosong can be so willful because he is famous and rich.

Yes, Therefore, instead of asking children to work hard, I think it is better to make myself work harder, so as to provide them with more resources in the future.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that taking online classes at home and having to check in at various times is no longer a worry. You can follow your own pace and make choices. (There are some check-ins in interest classes, there is really no need to be perfect in everything, let the children go, let yourself go)

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

About idols

#Children, it is very important to find the right idol #

I don’t really know what’s going on lately, it’s all over the place I can’t figure out the plot of “Xiao Zhan”, and I don’t want to spend time trying to figure it out. I really hope that when my children grow up, they can spend as little time studying this as possible.

But this is just hope, because we were young once, and life still needs entertainment. There will definitely come a day when the child counts this actor or that singer in detail. I have no objection, I just hope that I have a better discernment and don’t become a crazy fan.

I only know that now, during an epidemic, the children’s current idols are them.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

For example, at the age of 84, he is still on the front line commanding the battle against the epidemic - Grandpa Zhong Nanshan.

While he warned everyone to "try not to go to Wuhan," he boarded the high-speed train to Wuhan alone and went deep into the heart of the epidemic. He has not rested for more than 50 days.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

Don’t run around, move only when Grandpa Zhong Nanshan says to move!

Also, 73-year-old Grandma Li Lanjuan, like Grandpa Zhong, stepped forward at an age when they should have enjoyed their old age, and at the critical moment when the nation was in danger, regardless of personal safety, and went against the wind.

This photo is so famous, the indentation on the face is very moving.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

In spite of her busy schedule, Grandma Li wrote a letter to her children (dictated by her and written by her husband) to encourage them to take online classes and study hard.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

Thanks to these two old people, they have become idols in the children's minds with their dedicated attitude and affable image.

There are also many touching incidents of doctors and nurses fighting on the front line, and the support team was saluted and applauded by the escorting traffic police and passers-by... Let the children deeply understand what kind of people can be so respected.

I believe that after this time, many children’s ideals will change to: I want to be a doctor when I grow up. Oh, and there are diplomats.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs team has repeatedly targeted foreign countries’ remarks that cross the line, and made upright speeches again and again. It’s so irritating!

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

traffic stars can entertain and enrich life.

But the real choice of idol should be someone who you truly admire from the bottom of your heart and who can guide your life.

An epidemic has allowed children to see real heroes and idols through daily news in this war without gunpowder. It’s great!

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

About awe

#Children, you are not afraid of anything. Only with awe can you have a bottom line. #

I believe that children must have a homework this time - to design the "epidemic" tabloid .

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

I think it’s good to let children understand the epidemic in their own way.

One day, I saw this page in another picture album of my children. The picture and text made me cry:

Human beings need nature, but nature does not necessarily need humans.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

I don’t know where the child came from, but this sentence is absolutely enlightening!

Whether it is this virus, the fires in Australia in the past six months, the locust plague in East Africa, the rising temperature of the earth and the melting of glaciers... they are all warning mankind that you are just one of thousands of species. , not the master.

If you do not follow the rules of nature, you will inevitably suffer the revenge of nature.

No, a bat affected the entire world and took away the lives of thousands of people.

This time, I finally let my children understand that protecting the earth is not just about sorting garbage, it is not just about planting a few trees... it is also about not infringing on the lives of other species.

Regarding environmental protection, we have not done enough.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

About Gratitude

#Children, as human beings, must first be kind and know how to be grateful#

When we see the suffering of others, we must have empathy to feel the same. Be grateful when you receive help from others.

When the epidemic only broke out in China in January and February, many foreigners watched the epidemic from afar, criticizing and discriminating against it. makes fun of tragedy and reflects a person's true character.

Moreover, viruses are never a local thing, they are the common enemy of mankind.

But as long as you don't pay too much attention to what's going on outside and just focus on yourself, everything will be fine.

No, aren’t the lights on China’s epidemic map going out one by one? But at the same time, the lights on the world epidemic map are being lit one by one. We still need to have empathy for this.

Each of us has an ego, but it would be bad to be too attached to this ego and cause trouble to others. This is also a sign of lack of quality.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

This virus is terrible, but so many people are still going against the trend. We must know how to be grateful, because the peace that we can stay at home safely is what many people have bought with their lives.

Many doctors and nurses who are also parents gave up their time with their children in exchange for it.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

Perhaps we cannot thank the medical staff in person on the front line, but we can say thank you to the people around us.

For example, when we enter and leave a place, it is also good to say thank you to the inspector who takes the temperature and checks the health code. I must also be grateful to the teacher for working so hard in online classes and marking homework online...

Gratitude has the greatest power. Recognition of what others have given is also recognition of what one has received.

Be more grateful and complain less, my child, your life will definitely be good in the future!

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

About boredom

#Children, people with interesting souls are always fun wherever they are #

Because I have been staying at home for too long, many people shout: I’m going to grow hair! Fortunately, neither my child nor I felt that the hair was about to grow.

When we didn’t have online classes and stayed at home, we cleaned the house inside and out, including rearranging every drawer and filling several recycling bags. (After cleaning up, I feel really comfortable physically and mentally)

Even the children couldn’t help but sigh: Why are there so many pens and erasers.

is very good. On the road to separation, I have one more person to accompany me.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

In the past, I was also a person who loved to run out, but later I discovered that the environment at home is like the state of mind. If the home is arranged in the most comfortable state, people will not always want to run out and can live peacefully.

Therefore, it is estimated that for those who cannot stay at home, their home is not the most comfortable one for them. In a good environment, whatever you do is interesting, no matter how big or small your home is.

Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

Boredom is your own feeling. People who are bored will feel bored even if they go out to play. Don't always think that the excitement is outside, in fact, the real excitement is inside.

Children are so full of vitality. If your child complains of boredom, you really need to reflect on yourself and your home, and take advantage of the little time your child has left during the epidemic to tidy up things quickly.

hopes that every child can bloom, even if he is locked up at home. A flower will not stop blooming just because it is indoors.

Pessimists see problems, optimists change the world. hopes that everyone can reflect on their own lifestyle and the way they get along with their children from this smoke-free war.

We have gained some positive information from the catastrophe, so this battle is not in vain!

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Is there nothing else besides studying? Because of an epidemic, China was shut down for more than a month. All people cooperate, all people are banned. Finally, the daily number of confirmed and suspected cases has dropped to double digits, while the number of cured people has do - DayDayNews

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