Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" (hereinafter referred to as "Happiness"), Ms. Wang Guizhi. There was a message backstage saying that this drama is worth talking about. So today, let’s just talk about someone else. Who are

2024/06/2620:50:34 hotcomm 1445

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

previously wrote the role of mother-in-law in " Happiness Comes to Thousands of Homes " (hereinafter referred to as "Happiness") , Ms. Wang Guizhi. There was a message in the background of

that this drama is worth talking about.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

So today, let’s just talk about someone else.

Who is someone else?

“Others” can be seen everywhere in this drama.

is different from the heroine He Xingfu's fighting spirit and her husband Wang Qinglai (played by Tang Zeng) who gets up as soon as he enters the city.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

From the time he was stingy to the present, he favors boys over girls and is a treacherous father-in-law, Wang Youde (played by Zhang Xiqian).

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

From the marriage troubles to the village tyrant Wan Chuanjia (played by Cao Zheng) who comes to the door to clamor and do whatever he wants.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Then the secretary Lao Wan (played by Liu Wei) is cheated by his son every day. He has his own limitations but is not a bad person.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

and the villagers who participated or watched in a series of events ranging from marriage troubles, land requisition, lawsuits, happy dystocia and massive hemorrhage, the secretary being investigated...


Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

has not only consolidated the impression of Wanjiazhuang as an "infuriating and blessed place".

is also full of contradictions.

To be honest, rural-themed dramas in the past had quite a lot of annoying plots and characters, which were somewhat discredited.

However, no matter how annoying this drama is, Piao does not feel that it is offensive to the countryside.

Why? Have a chat.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

No wonder netizens are angry.

When we watch the drama with the legal thinking of a bystander, many scenes in the drama can be said to be full of magic.

is about the marriage drama at the beginning.

A strong man pinned a girl down, and people around him took the opportunity to stretch out their hands.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

The screen is annoying enough, right?

The attitude of the villagers is so abnormal that it makes people speechless.

Let’s put it this way, in their opinion, a girl was gathered together and forced to molest, but no gangster was beaten seriously.

The girl's cry for help could clearly be heard outside the house, but except for the Qinglai brothers, the other guests were completely indifferent.

But as soon as he heard that Secretary Wan’s son was injured, the guests dispersed in an instant, and even the wedding banquet could not be held.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Because according to the experience and saying of the villagers over the years, marriage is inherently "more troublesome, more joyful".

Wan Chuanjia came over to support the show and "make fun", what's wrong with that?

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

It is a pity that this kind of sexual harassment, which is taken for granted by the villagers and uses marriage as a fig leaf, is only seen through by the audience in front of the screen. The villagers' numbness towards traditional bad habits makes people angry.

What is even more uncomfortable and suffocating is the feudal smell that has been passed down from generation to generation in the village.

First of all, it is the official power represented by Secretary Wan.

This can be seen just from the villagers' fawning attitude towards him.

would rather not have contact with Lao Wang’s family than “betray” Secretary Wan.

So when the villagers see the happy couple confessing their mistakes to Secretary Wan to no avail, they will stuff the wedding candies back to you.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Although Secretary Wan does not have the official authority, he has been praised for a long time and high, and it is inevitable that he will easily confuse official matters with private matters.

The Wang family’s land was expropriated, and the happy husband Wang Qing came to Secretary Wan for additional compensation.

As a result, he kicked the person into the hospital with one kick and showed no regrets afterwards.

was approached by Xingfu to reason with him, but he said "a filial son emerges from under a stick".

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Obviously, this kind of tyranny has gone beyond the scope of official power, but is a kind of paternal style without blood relationship.

But in Wang Youde, this daddy feeling is even more obvious.

Wang Youde is a typical bastard, and all his temper comes out on his wife and children.

is submissive outside. At best, he is honest, at worst, he is a coward.

Happiness hit Wan Chuanjia’s head, so the couple decided to come to Secretary Wan to apologize. A second ago, they were still cowering and did not dare to speak.

The next second he caught a glimpse of his wife, he suddenly became emboldened and ordered her to apologize.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

When I got home, I completely tore off my "honesty" mask and let out all the anger I didn't dare to spread outside.

His daughter Xiuyu was reading a book at home, and he became violent when he saw it. He grabbed the book and threw it.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

is accustomed to compromise outside the home. Only with his wife and children can he verify his status as the head of the family.

In Wanjiazhuang, this phenomenon of male chauvinism is still very common.

Compared with Wang Youde's nest, Wan Chuan's family is even worse.

His wife was angry with Xiuyu, who worked at Wanjia Group, because he was beaten, and dismissed her from her job.

But when he learned about it, he slapped his wife in the face with his backhand.

However, this is naturally not to defend Xiuyu.

But because of his wife's intervention, his control as a man was easily shaken.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

It is not unusual for a village bully to be so arrogant, but even an honest man like Wang Qinglai gradually reveals his deep-rooted sense of husband power after marriage.

accompanied Xingfu back to her parents' home, but as soon as she arrived, learned that her sister had been fired.

But Xingfu, who had no idea, only wanted to take care of his violated sister and did not want to go back with him.

He was kind enough to leave without saying hello and even hung up the phone angrily.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

This childish behavior is not unreasonable, but a protest that his dignity as a husband is threatened.

grew up in an environment like Wanjiazhuang. Maybe even he himself didn't notice anything wrong.

Because in Wanjiazhuang, there is nothing wrong with this.

is like a marriage dispute. When more people blindly agree with , it becomes the collective default "correct".

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in


This group of villagers who aroused public outrage on the Internet frontline are also people who have been left behind by reality.

Whether it is the numbness to the marriage troubles or the acquiescence to the daddy style, there is a bit of ancient "earth flavor".

As director Zheng Xiaolong said, the "soil" of Wanjiazhuang is not in terms of living environment, but in the long-term backwardness in knowledge and concepts.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Source | "Entertainment Management"

Therefore, these trends not only make people angry, but also make people feel sad.

Piao had a question when watching the first two episodes: Why does everyone in the village like to fawn over Secretary Wan?

In the words of the villagers, he is the head of the family in Wanjiazhuang, and he is also the leader in making Wanjiazhuang villagers rich.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

To put it bluntly, Secretary Wan is a symbol of local power and money.

The reason why the villagers like to curry favor with Secretary Wan is not only related to his integrity, but also because of his backward concept of human relations.

In the small society of Wanjiazhuang, the unspoken rule of communication among the villagers has always been to replace logic with human feelings.

As long as you make good friends with Secretary Wan, things will be much easier.

talked about the issue of compensation for the expropriation of the Wang family’s land. The Happy couple took a 70,000 yuan bill and went to Wan Chuanjia for reimbursement to no avail. It would be better for Wang Youde to go to Secretary Wan privately to play the emotional card.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

If we say it, Secretary Wan is a walking "favor card".

On the other hand, it also exposes the lack of legal knowledge among Wanjiazhuang villagers.

The villagers hardly understand the law.

They are annoying, mostly because of this.

For example, Guan Cai, a villager who loves to eat and is lazy.

His family’s land was also expropriated, but he refused to sign the agreement twice, shamelessly just to get the same amount of compensation as Qinglai’s family.

also tried to use his uncle-nephew relationship with Secretary Wan to ask for whatever price he wanted in compensation.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

But according to the policy, the compensation is linked to the quality of the land and the extent of the villagers' losses.

His refusal to admit his debt may seem like a greedy rogue, but in essence it reveals his backwardness in legal concepts.

But in fact, even Secretary Wan doesn’t understand the law.

Maybe he is used to "one word". When Lawyer Guan Tao, played by Luo Jin, approached Wanjia Group's legal affairs department, Secretary Wan actually waved his hand and said bluntly that he had the final say when it came to legal matters.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

himself did not understand the law and unknowingly allowed his son to break the law again and again.

Wanheiren took the lead in forcibly molesting women at weddings. How did he react?

was only angry that her son was beaten, but she did not feel unjust or timid about her son's crime.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

only blamed his son on a moral level afterwards, but on a legal level, if the victim had not reported the crime, he would not have realized the seriousness of his son's crime at all.

’s lack of understanding of the law is due to lack of legal knowledge and backward education.

The most direct consequence is that the perpetrators do not realize that they have made mistakes.

Just like Secretary Wan who kicked Qing Lai, he thought it was just an elder teaching a junior, but he never expected that this kick could also kick him into detention center .

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

As for the victim, it means being paralyzed in chaos for a long time and not knowing how to resist.

In Wanjiazhuang, where human relations are more important than legal principles, this suppression of personal will is the biggest dilemma.

Because he doesn’t know how to say “no”, he doesn’t dare to say “no”.

When the ban on marriage was announced, there was a scene that impressed Piao deeply.

Some people thought it was boring to cancel the wedding, but they were refuted by many other villagers who were watching.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

In fact, the oppressed party has been suffering for a long time, but no one has started this.

Don’t they want to cancel the wedding?

Of course I do, but I’ve been numb for a long time and don’t know that I can still say “no”.

"One thing more is worse than one thing less" has been the tacit philosophy of life of Wanjiazhuang villagers for many years.

Therefore, the Wang family, whose surname is Xiaomen, has long been accustomed to subconsciously giving in to protect themselves after something happens. It has always been the custom of having a marriage, and even if something goes wrong, no one will take the initiative to protest.

This philosophy of life undoubtedly contributes to their "uselessness".

But rather than saying that their ignorance makes people anxious , it is better to say that they themselves represent a common status quo of rural groups:

The relative occlusion of knowledge dissemination and the relative backwardness of ideological level.

their existence is not to set off the sober tool people of the heroine, they are the problem itself.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

When it comes to rural themes, the public often has one of the most basic requirements:


But after "Happiness" started airing, there were some "untrue" voices mixed in.

"Untrue" is that the villagers are not as bad as rural people.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

The implication: If you are so bad, you are smearing and vilifying rural people.

However, if we are talking about photographing rural areas, it is enough to just show them realistically.

So what is true?

In fact, all kinds of situations in the world can be rationalized as reality.

What kind of rural areas did we see most often in the past?

Take "Wang Gui and Anna" as an example. Once, Wang Gui took his wife Anna back to his hometown in the countryside.

Wang Guima used blackened chopsticks to pick up the dishes for her, and her sister washed the dishes and wiped them with a dirty cloth.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

However, Anna's unaccustomed attitude made her look like a city dweller in the eyes of Wang Guima.

She was so proud.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Poor, dirty, and morally kidnapped once became the most common rural appearance.

This was not untrue in rural areas in the past.

In addition to the messy living environment, many rural people in Chinese dramas often appear with stereotypes.

is either stupid, simple, tough and tolerant.

or it is the other extreme, calculating because of poverty.

For example, the nanny Aying from the countryside in "Qiao's Children" appears with premeditation. After

met Qiao Zuwang, he deliberately discussed his status with him and provoked a relationship between him and his children. In fact, he was just trying to gain his family property.

later dragged his family into Qiao's house in an attempt to occupy the magpie's nest.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Even before Qiao Zuwang died, he did not let his wife inform the Qiao family for fear of ruining his plan.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

It is true that you are poor, but because you are poor, you have a 800-year-old mind and play other people's calculations, and you become a "bad" person who benefits yourself at the expense of others.

Of course, it cannot be said that it is untrue.

But this kind of reality is more like the weakness of human nature than it is "rural flavor".

Any kind of truth, as long as it is "bad", will be classified as a smear campaign.

But this kind of rural appearance is actually "bad" that does not belong only to rural areas. This is called vilification and smearing.

As a rural-themed TV series, "Happiness" also does not shy away from filming the "bad" aspects of rural people.

But it is responsible in showing that rural people are "bad".

Because it not only reveals the appearance, but also goes from the outside to the inside to further explain the reasons behind the phenomenon.

My father-in-law is a friendly and virtuous man. He is ignorant and loves money, and he still lives in his own family. This is quite irritating.

But he is not only the heroine’s father-in-law, he is also an illiterate farmer.

Money and land are the biggest demands of farmers.

Therefore, he feels that keeping money in his pocket is the only way to feel at ease, and he also feels sorry for the land that has been with him for many years. After

learned that his land had been expropriated, he ran to the vegetable field alone and looked at the greenhouse with a sad face.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Seeing his vegetables being shoveled to pieces, he was so angry that he vomited blood.

Although this land is his biggest and only bragging rights.

But as a farmer, this land is also his livelihood.

His cowardice is annoying, but his situation is also embarrassing.

He loves money, but he is not greedy for other people's money, because he knows that making money is not easy.

He has a lot of trouble, that's because he grew up in a patriarchal environment.

When the happy couple were ganged up by villagers to throw rotten vegetable leaves because they sued Secretary Wan, he was also a protective parent who only wanted his children to be safe.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Individuals are like this, and there are reasons why groups are "bad".

Those villagers who throw vegetable leaves outside the door, why?

because of ignorance.

Although Xingfu has explained that Secretary Wan was detained, it was not directly related to her report.

But the villagers only have pure, simple and direct logic of love and hate.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

You had a difficult delivery, Lao Wan saved your life, but he kidnapped your child during the Hundred Days Banquet.

Repaying kindness with hatred is not okay!

At the same time, it was this kind of simple and direct logic that made the villagers who were stumbling in their daily routines queue up to test blood type when Happiness was hemorrhaging. She was saved.

Human lives matter, other things are minor.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Not found.

Rural-themed dramas are not afraid of showing "badness", but are afraid of being "bad" for no reason.

It’s not that all “bad” things are untrue, they are all smearing.

When it is clearly explained why it is "bad", it can also be "bad" and very cute.

In "山海情", Li Dayou, played by You Yong, is the comedy actor in the drama and can also be said to be the biggest "villain". Although

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

has done many hateful things, it is hard to hate.

He encouraged other villagers to return to the village from Minning Town. When he was growing mushrooms, he took the lead in questioning them, and occasionally did some petty theft.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

is uncooperative and stubborn, making them the most troublesome for managers.

Although Uncle Dayou always gave the audience and Defu a headache, watching where he burned down the mushroom shed and squatted at the base of the wall, rubbing his sleeves aggrievedly, was instantly heartbreaking.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Because of his "bad" appearance, the underlying color revealed is bitter.

He doesn’t want to grow mushrooms because it is risky and requires money.

He didn’t have much money, so he didn’t dare to take risks.

took the lead in making a fuss about the hydropower station because the crops he planted were seriously short of water and were about to lose their harvest.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

In the final analysis, it is important to reflect the truth.

But more importantly, it can also guide the audience to reflect on the reality of rural areas.

In this way, the public’s understanding of rural areas will not only stay at the most superficial appearance of rural areas, but will ignore the causes behind this appearance.

The truth that makes rural people not feel offended is not to rely solely on the truth, goodness and beauty, but to not deliberately avoid it even if it is "bad".

rather than simply and crudely denying its existence with just "smear".

I would rather "bad" serve as a signal.

brings out more dilemmas obscured by prejudice, as well as more unnoticed cuteness.

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

Previously, I wrote the role of the mother-in-law in

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