Source: China Military Network WeChat Official Account Author: Lenghotmao The Mid-Autumn Festival has arrived, and the streets and alleys of Chengdu are filled with the sweet smell of mooncakes. Some elders have already hung orange lanterns on the door beams of their homes, prepa

2024/06/2617:07:33 hotcomm 1854

Source: China Military Network WeChat Official Account Author: Lengremao

Source: China Military Network WeChat Official Account Author: Lenghotmao The Mid-Autumn Festival has arrived, and the streets and alleys of Chengdu are filled with the sweet smell of mooncakes. Some elders have already hung orange lanterns on the door beams of their homes, prepa - DayDayNews

The Mid-Autumn Festival has arrived, and the streets and alleys of Chengdu are filled with the sweet smell of moon cakes. Some elderly people have already hung orange lanterns on the door beams of their homes, preparing to celebrate this occasion. Spend the full moon moment. The Mid-Autumn Festival, a festival with rich meaning and a long history, carries different wishes and expectations of different people, and naturally the ways of celebrating it are also different. Every time the moon rises during the Mid-Autumn Festival, people along the coast of Xiapu County, Ningde City, Fujian Province will hold a "stone dragging" activity. This activity, which has a history of more than 400 years, is unique in the country. It records A story about Chinese people fighting bravely against Japanese pirates. In the 41st year of Jiajing's reign, more than 3,000 Japanese pirates invaded Funing Prefecture and used Hengyu as their base camp. They extended outwards and committed crimes including burning, killing, looting, raping and plundering. On the sixth day of August, Qi Jiguang led his troops to Zhangwan and saw Hengyu, an isolated island offshore, which was easy to defend but difficult to attack. He made a prompt decision and commanded his soldiers to fight bravely when the tide went down. He finally achieved the "Great Victory at Hengyu", annihilating more than 2,600 Japanese pirates, capturing more than 90 people, and rescuing more than 3,700 local people. Qi Jiajun After resting and reorganizing in Funing for a few days, the Japanese pirates, unwilling to fail, resorted to a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Qi Jiguang received a report that Japanese pirates had landed in the directions of Ningde and Fu'an, so he sent troops there. Not long after, on the night of August 15th, alert detectives warned that a large group of Japanese pirates had landed in the direction of Songshan. Their intention was obviously to come to Funingzhou City. At this time, it was too late to send troops back for reinforcements, but the city defenders were not enough to resist the Japanese pirates. , Funingzhou City is in danger.

Source: China Military Network WeChat Official Account Author: Lenghotmao The Mid-Autumn Festival has arrived, and the streets and alleys of Chengdu are filled with the sweet smell of mooncakes. Some elders have already hung orange lanterns on the door beams of their homes, prepa - DayDayNews

Qi Jiguang Portrait Data Map At the critical moment, Qi Jiguang was quick to think and came up with a way to defeat all the enemies. According to the "Xiapu County Chronicle", Qi Jiguang summoned young adults in Funing Prefecture City to collect square boulders in the city and tied them with ropes. Each team of young adults had forty or fifty people, dragging the stones with a rope in one hand and holding a torch in the other. Along the stone streets, they marched in neat steps, shouting military training slogans and marching forward majestically. The huge boulders were dragged along the stone road, like the sound of war drums. After the Japanese pirates heard it outside the city, they sent spies to the heights of Longshou Mountain to observe. They saw flames soaring into the sky and the roar of people in the city. The Japanese pirates mistakenly thought that Qi Jiguang had been prepared, so they ordered a retreat, and Funingzhou City escaped disaster. Since then, holding the Mid-Autumn Festival "stone dragging" activity has become an important activity for the coastal people of Xiapu to commemorate Qi Jiguang's anti-Japanese war. Time has a lasting function, but if you are not careful and ignore specific details on the timeline, it will slip away quietly, taking with it the omens, warnings and opportunities. On the joyful and peaceful day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, I originally didn't want to discuss such a heavy topic, but three days after the Mid-Autumn Festival is "September 18th". At this specific point in time, I think I should say something. 369 years after Qi Jiguang fought against the Japanese pirates and won the "Great Victory on Hengyu", the descendants of the Japanese invaders and the Japanese invaders blew up the South Manchuria Railway near Liutiao Lake. In more than 30 cities in Northeast China, Japan's large-scale armed invasion of China began, which shocked China and the world as a result of the "September 18th Incident".

Source: China Military Network WeChat Official Account Author: Lenghotmao The Mid-Autumn Festival has arrived, and the streets and alleys of Chengdu are filled with the sweet smell of mooncakes. Some elders have already hung orange lanterns on the door beams of their homes, prepa - DayDayNews

Data map of the September 18th Incident. On September 21 and 22 of the same year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League issued the "Resolution of the Central Committee on the Incident of the Japanese Imperialist Occupation of Manchuria" and the "Report to the National Youth of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League on the Incident of Manchuria". Call on the people to organize anti-Japanese armed forces and actively fight against Japanese aggression. On September 26, more than a hundred trade unions and people from all walks of life in Shanghai took to the streets to hold an anti-Japanese and national salvation parade and rally, regardless of celebrating family reunions during the Mid-Autumn Festival and facing the national crisis, to awaken the heroes of the Chinese nation to fight against Japan.This year marks the 85th anniversary of the September 18th Incident. Discussions about how to understand the September 18th Incident have continued. Some people think that as a victorious country, why do we always have to mourn and pity ourselves? It is a picture of bitterness and great hatred. Deep down, can’t we put down the burden of history, step out of the shadows, and jointly create a world of great peace? Some even believe that our commemoration of the "September 18th Incident", " July 7th Incident", "Nanjing Massacre" and other days that record the numerous crimes committed by the Japanese invaders are cultivating the distorted psychology of the people and are intended to accumulate resentment and hatred. , in their eyes we have become "fascists". The eyes of the masses are sharp, and people have a strong balance in their hearts. It is clear at a glance who is the "fascist" and who is entrenched in the dark places with twisted psychology. China and Japan are separated by a narrow strip of water. Although Japan once committed heinous crimes against the Chinese people, the Chinese government and people have cared about the friendship between our close neighbors and made many efforts to normalize diplomatic relations between China and Japan. What we have put aside historical disputes in exchange for is Japanese militarism. Pushing the envelope. They repeatedly visit the Yasukuni Shrine, which commemorates war criminals of the Japanese invaders, and constantly challenge the emotional bottom line of the Chinese people; they modify textbooks to deny history and incite domestic anti-Chinese mentality; they keep making small moves on the Diaoyu Islands issue in an attempt to invade our territory; they forcibly modify the "Security Policy" Act, lifting the ban on the right of collective self-defense, and militarism is resurrected; they do whatever they can, spare no effort, and use any means, and even spread rumors to disrupt the South China Sea, intending to consume China and surround China; they exaggerate the "China threat theory" with ulterior motives.

Source: China Military Network WeChat Official Account Author: Lenghotmao The Mid-Autumn Festival has arrived, and the streets and alleys of Chengdu are filled with the sweet smell of mooncakes. Some elders have already hung orange lanterns on the door beams of their homes, prepa - DayDayNews

This was the scene where the Japanese army deliberately created the Wicker Lake incident on September 18, 1931, which was the beginning of the "September 18th" incident. (Source: Xinhuanet) With all these factors in mind, it is difficult for a country that does not face history to show its sincerity in living in harmony with its neighbors. If we do not remember history, forget or betray the past, and become cats sleeping on the merits of our predecessors, the wheel of history will crush us again. Thinking about the "September 18th Incident" again, there are some things that make us sad and ponder. According to media reports, some people know very little about the "September 18th Incident", and some middle school students even believe that the "September 18th Incident" happened during the Qing government. matter. "People's Daily" once published an article saying that if we observe some children around us, they have grown up under the careful care of their parents. They wear famous brands and talk about fashion. They clearly know the characteristics of each generation of Apple mobile phones, but they don’t know the profound meaning of “renew the roots”, “don’t forget September 18th” and “red rice and pumpkin soup”; they always complain that life is too boring and want to have fun and seek happiness. Exciting, but forgetting that today's peace and happiness are hard-won and were obtained by countless revolutionary ancestors with their blood and lives. It’s scary to think about it carefully, so we must pay more attention to historical education and not let history be lost in the dust. Therefore, we must commemorate, especially on this special day, and use the brutal war to tell us and future generations the meaning and value of peace. Mid-Autumn Festival fresh fruits are arranged on the crystal plate, and the round cakes are divided into osmanthus and cold. After eating the mooncakes in your hands, in a few days, you will hear the air-raid sirens ringing over the city to alert future generations. I hope this air-raid sirens can make us and future generations remember: "If you fall behind, you will be beaten." The historical lessons of "If you forget to fight, you will be in danger, and if you are warlike, you will perish", we will live up to the beautiful scenery and prosperous peace in front of us, and move towards a great rejuvenation with historical memories.

Produced by China Military Network WeChat (zgjw_81)

Author: Hot and Cold Cat

Editor: Lu Jinlu

Editor and Reviewer: Chen Li Mao Zhiwen

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