Welcome to follow me@市man. If you think it is valuable, please like, comment and forward. Thank you for meeting you in this long world! Posting direction: Women's growth and transformation; Inspirational stories of characters: 0 Background How to enter the middle class Bill Gates

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Welcome to follow me Welcome to follow me@市man. If you think it is valuable, please like, comment and forward. Thank you for meeting you in this long world! Posting direction: Women's growth and transformation; Inspirational stories of characters: 0 Background How to enter the middle class Bill Gates - DayDayNews

Let’s review the growth history of Bill Gates and get some useful inspiration from it:

He read thousands of books when he was young, and he has an independent mind

He was born in a Gaozhi family, his father is a well-known local lawyer, and his mother He was a trustee of the University of Washington, and his maternal grandfather had served as president of the National Bank. Bill Gates has pursued individualism since he was a child, and it is extreme individualism. He is a relatively introverted and maverick child who likes to shut himself in his room. He is introverted and not good at expressing and communicating.

However, he has read thousands of books since he was a child, such as the "World Encyclopedia". Because of his high knowledge, his parents highly encourage their children to read and buy any books they want home. Reading habits as a child have a huge impact on your achievements as an adult.

Until Bill Gates founded Microsoft, he read an astonishing amount while on business trips, and he could remember the contents of the books he read. His memory was amazing. He would read more than 5 books on the same topic, and he was very professional. Bill Gates has a particularly good understanding of in-depth books.

Welcome to follow me@市man. If you think it is valuable, please like, comment and forward. Thank you for meeting you in this long world! Posting direction: Women's growth and transformation; Inspirational stories of characters: 0 Background How to enter the middle class Bill Gates - DayDayNews

He is an extremely irritable and self-righteous young man who fights against his authoritarian parents.

During his adolescence after the age of 110, he did not like the authoritarianism of his parents. He often challenged authority and went against his mother, causing many conflicts. He was a rather irritable teenager. Disputes at home got to the point where the whole family went to psychotherapy. Bill Gates frankly admitted to his psychiatrist that he wanted to fight for control with his parents. The psychiatrist established Bill Gates' parents that their son would eventually win, so the best way is to give up the restraint on his son and directly let Bill Gates be independent. After that, Bill Gates can study computers if he wants to, and he can travel and work wherever he wants.

In short, his childhood and youth can be summarized in two idioms: "unconstrained" and "self-righteous"

From the age of 13, Bill Gates discovered his interest in computers and learned to program. He was very interested in mathematics and programming and gradually became a computer fan.

html When he was 117 years old, Bill Gates designed his first work: a small form system, which was sold to the high school where he attended for US$4,200.

He was quite self-righteous at that time. He told his college teachers that he would become a millionaire by the age of 30, but in fact, by the time he was 31, he had already become a billionaire. He himself never expected to be so rich at such a young age.

Welcome to follow me@市man. If you think it is valuable, please like, comment and forward. Thank you for meeting you in this long world! Posting direction: Women's growth and transformation; Inspirational stories of characters: 0 Background How to enter the middle class Bill Gates - DayDayNews

University was designed for him, but he had no choice but to drop out of school due to starting a business

In his junior year, Bill Gates chose to drop out of Harvard, founded Microsoft with Fa Xiao, and devoted himself to managing it. Under the leadership of Bill Gates, Microsoft has strong R&D capabilities and has invented a series of simple, practical and valuable software products that everyone can use.

When Bill Gates recalled his college life, he said that college life was designed for him. He studied countless open courses at MIT and gained a lot. As for his choice to drop out of school at that time, it was purely because the time had come to start Microsoft. Although the school was good, the opportunity was rare, and he needed to devote himself to it and do something big!

When he expressed that the university was designed for him, this sentence surprised me, because when I went to university, I followed the steps completely. I expected that the university was designed for me, but it would be better to say that I lived according to the university, without self-judgment. Throughout my college life, if I met a good teacher, I would learn well, but if I met a teacher who gave boring lectures, I would learn nothing. Therefore, for me, I may not learn much in college. Bill Gates' college life is guided by his own goals and pursuits. He decides what and how much he needs to learn.

There is a saying that says, "If you hold the steering wheel of life, you will not get lost." There is another saying that "I decide life, not life decides me."How can an independent person be so sober!

Welcome to follow me@市man. If you think it is valuable, please like, comment and forward. Thank you for meeting you in this long world! Posting direction: Women's growth and transformation; Inspirational stories of characters: 0 Background How to enter the middle class Bill Gates - DayDayNews

Full support from parents in the early stages of entrepreneurship

Bill Gates’ parents were from Kochi. They originally wanted their son to follow what they thought was right, but they never thought that their son would be rebellious and have his own ideas since he was a child. He did not finish college. The old couple I was shocked at first, but then I thought better of it and decided that when my son was in his twenties and in the early stages of starting his own business, his parents came forward and gave him full support for his business venture.

Mother is concerned about Bill Gates’ life. When he was a boy, Bill Gates had bad habits of not paying attention to hygiene and not liking to take baths. In order to let his son focus on his career and ensure that he is well-dressed when attending business meetings, his mother helped him very carefully. Bill Gates manages his life.

's father also mobilized his social connections to promote Microsoft products for his son and fully supported his son in his career. He even persuaded the children of his college classmates to drop out of school and start a business with Bill Gates. In his later years, his father also helped his son manage charitable foundations.

Welcome to follow me@市man. If you think it is valuable, please like, comment and forward. Thank you for meeting you in this long world! Posting direction: Women's growth and transformation; Inspirational stories of characters: 0 Background How to enter the middle class Bill Gates - DayDayNews

The relationship with charity activities

After Microsoft later successfully went public, Bill Gates became a billionaire. He had reached the peak of wealth. His parents began to persuade Bill Gates to start philanthropy. Bill Gates refused at first. Accepting it, it felt like a distraction, but in the end his parents won, and Gates finally accepted the idea of ​​doing good and stuck with it, becoming an important part of his life.

Bill Gates originally wanted to devote himself to charity after retiring at the age of 60, but after his mother, with whom he had quarreled all his life, died of breast cancer, perhaps as an inheritance of his mother's career, Bill Gates put charity before In a more important position, he often participates in charitable donation activities.

After Bill Gates got married, he simply established a foundation with his wife and invested both his own money and his own money into it. When Bill Gates retired in 2008, he put a huge personal fortune of 58 billion into the foundation, which is dedicated to researching major human diseases, environmental problems, poverty and other issues, benefiting mankind, and giving back to society.

Bill Gates’ wife Melinda is also a very talented person. She received a double degree in computer science and an MBA at the age of 22. She showed her talent for mathematics and programming very early on. When I met Bill Gates, he was a product manager at Microsoft. Before getting married, I was already a small supervisor, managing more than 100 employees. She is not good-looking, but she definitely has the same language and hobbies as Bill Gates.


Looking at the growth process of Bill Gates, the world's richest man, what can we learn?

1. The amount of reading and knowledge are very important. This is the basis for a person's independent thinking. A very important prerequisite for Bill Gates to be a myth is the breadth and depth of his knowledge.

2. Parents should educate their children, give them full freedom and support, and provide guidance and help at the right time.

3. When you are in college, you should cherish the opportunity and acquire new knowledge according to your own interests and needs. This is a great way to increase your knowledge. When the time comes, you must have the mentality to study independently.

4. Successful businessmen have a sense of social responsibility and should pay attention to social issues, take from society and use it for society, and devote their money to the research of the ultimate problems of mankind. These problems are: global environmental health problems, and diseases that humans have not yet overcome. and infectious diseases, poor developing countries and vulnerable populations.

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Posting direction: Women’s growth and transformation; Inspirational stories of characters: How to advance to the middle class with 0 background

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